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Lakeville, Minnesota
February 5, 1987
Dennis Miller, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present Klamm, Miller, Walters
and Whittingham. Absent: Langhorst, MacGibbon, Sizer.
Also present was Alan Brixius, City Planner; Jim Robinette,
Community Development Director; Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney
and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. Pat McGarvey, City
Administrator arrived at 9:00 p.m.
87.12 Motion was. made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters to approve
the minutes of the January 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.13 Motion was made by Klamm, seconded by Walters to approve the
minutes of the January 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing for the consideration of the application of
Claudia and Leland Riste for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a
house to be located 15 feet rather than 30 feet from the rear
lot line on 175th Street, south of Orchard Lake.
The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were
made and that it is a legal hearing.
Alan Brixius gave a detailed review of the proposed C.U.P. and
recommended approval as a result of the uniqueness of the lot
and an established precedent. This recommendation was subject
to the conditions outlined in the planner's report of January 2,
Questions from the public were answered by Jim Robinette
and Alan Brixius.
Jim Robinette stated that the Natural Resources Committee
reviewed this application and had no difficulty in it's
87.14 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
, ~ Planning Commission Meeting
February 5, 1987
87.15 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Miller to recommend
approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Leland and Claudia Riste
. to allow a house to be located 15 feet from' the rear lot line on
175th Street, south of Orchard Lake subject the the
recommendations of the City Planner.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Public hearing was opened for the. consideration of the
application of Mills Fleet Farm for preliminary and final plat of
five commercial lots.
The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were
made and that it is a legal hearing.
Alan Brixius gave a detailed review of the preliminary and final
plat. Jim Robinette gave a brief explanation of the background.
Recommendation for approval was made subject to the following
1. That a cash contribution as specified in the PUD agreement be
contributed to the City's Park and Recreation Fund.
87.16 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham, to recommend
approval of the preliminary and final plat of Mills Fleet Farm
subject to the recommendation of the City staff and planner.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing was opened for the consideration of the
application of P.D.Q. Food Stores for the final plat of Outlot B,
Dodd Point First Addition, for rezoning from B-3, auto oriented
to B-4, general and a Conditional Use Permit for a gas station
and minor comprehensive plan change to bring it into the 1990
Urban Service. Area.
The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were
made and that it is a legal hearing.
Alan Brixius gave a review of the case background and discussed
the current plans. Approval of the subdivision, Comprehensive
Plan amendment, rezoning to B-4 and Conditional Use Permit for
motor fuel service, was recommended subject to the stipulations
outlined in the planner's report of January 29, 1987.
Jim Robinette recommended tabling the matter until further review
of the County Highway Department concerning Dodd and 160th which
might interf er with the development driveways.
Jim Hill, representing the applicant gave a review of the plans
and explained the current plans for driveways.
Further discussion on the matter of the County Highway Department
was held.
Planning Commission Meeting
February 5, 1987
87.17 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters, to continue
• the public hearing until the developer has a chance to meet with
the Highway Department.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The public hearing was opened for the consideration of the
application of Meritor Development Corporation for a preliminary
plat of 150 single family lots to be known as Chapel Hill.
Rezoning of some of the property from R-2, single family to R-3,
high density, single family and a minor comprehensive plan change
to bring the property into the 1990 Urban Service Area.
The City Attorney attested that legal published notices were made
and that it is a legal hearing.
Alan Brixius gave a detailed review of rezoning plans, lots,
streets, grading and erosion control. Due to the severe slopes
located in portions of Blocks 7 and 8, an erosion control plan
must be submitted to be reviewed by the County Soil conservation
Department. An E.A.W. will be required due to the proposed plat
exceeding 100 lots.
Mr. Brixius stated that the rezoning of the southern portion of
the site is viewed as a policy determination responsibility of
the Planning Commission and City Council. He offered no formal
recommendation on that matter.
• He recommended approval of the proposed preliminary plat, if
zoning be approved, subject to the recommendations in the
planner's report of February 2, 1987.
The Comprehensive Plan was recommended for amendment to
include the Chapel Hill development in the 1990 urban service
area, subject to the approval of a preliminary plat and process-
ing of a f final plat .
Larry Frank, the developer gave a review of plans and explained
that Faith Lutheran Church plans to relocate and possibly
purchase a lot. Several members of the public expressed concerns
over grading and drainage. Several had current problems with
water runoff on their property and were concerned what the
development of the neighboring property would do. Mr. Frank
assured them he would work with ali the residents in the area
concerning this matter. Jim Robinette stated he would have the
City Engineer evaluate the water problem in this area.
Dennis Miller questioned the possibility of the proposed cul-
de-sac on 160th being too long. The Planner stated he would check
on this bef ore the next meeting.
87.18 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham, to continue
the public hearing pending the completion of the E.A.W.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
~ Planning Commission Meeting
February 5, 1987
. The public hearing for the consideration of the application of
Ground Development Corporation for a preliminary plat for a
single family, residential development of 155 lots called Cedar
Glen. Rezoning from R-2, single family to R-3 high density,
single family and a minor comprehensive plan change to bring the
property into the 1990 Urban Service Area.
The City Attorney attested that the legal published notices were
made and that it is a legal hearing.
Alan Brixius gave a review of the various issues of the plan. He
offered no recommendation regarding the rezoning issue. In regard
to the proposed preliminary plat he recommended general approval
subject to the ref inement of certain concerns outlined in the
planners report of February 2, 1987.
Wayne Tower, the engineer for the project gave a general review
of the project.
87.19 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Klamm, to continue the
public hearing pending the completion of an E.A.W.
Pat McGarvey, City Administrator gave a review of a resolution
indicating the Power Center Economic Development Plan is
consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Lakeville.
Discussion was held as to the future use of the area.
i 87.20 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters, to adopt the
resolution indicating the Power Center Economic Development Plan
is consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City of Lake-
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Adoption of a resolution indicating that the downtown
redevelopment plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan of
the City of Lakeville was tabled pending further inf ormation.
87.21 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Klamm, to adjourn the
meeting. The time was 10:_30 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
Respectf ully submitted:
James A. Robinette, Community Development Director
c ~
Dennis filler, Chairman
Date February 5, 1987 Resolution No. 87-01
Motion by Whittingham Seconded by Walters
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Lakeville proposes the establishment of an Economic Development
District and a Tax Increment Financing Plan within the City of Lake-
ville, Minnesota, more fully described in document entitled the Power
Center District, which contains a tax increment financing plan.
WHEREAS, the Lakeville Planning Commission has reviewed and
discussed the proposed Redevelopment Plan and proposed Tax Increment
Financing Plan at its February 5, 1987, meeting.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of
Lakeville, Minnesota, makes the following findings:
1. That the property is predominantly zoned "B-4" General
Business District under the Lakeville Zoning Ordinance. The "ICD"
Interstate Corridor District is an overlay district that covers a large
portion of the project area.
2. That the proposed development of the district is compat-
ible with the land use goals identif ied in the Lakeville Comprehensive
3. That more specifically, the proposed development meets the
M applicable land use goals of providing safe, convenient, attractive, and
accessible commercial development within Lakeville, promoting and
maintaining balanced commercial activity that is viable and responsible
to the needs of the community and surrounding market area; and maintain-
ing and improving the industrial focal point of the community.
ADOPTED by the Planning Commission this 5th day of February,
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