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March 5, 1987
Dianne MacGibbon, Vice Chairperson called the meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Klamm, MacGibbon,
Walters, Whittingham. Absent: Langhorst, Sizer, Miller.
Also present was Alan Brixius, City Planner; Roger Knutson, City
Attorney; Betty Sindt, City Councilperson; James Robinette,
Community Development Director; Mira Holliday, Recording
Councilperson, Betty Sindt addressed the commission concerning
informational material for new committee members. She asked for
any suggestions that might be helpf ul to a newly appointed
committee or commission member. Several suggestions were made,
such as a-tour of Lakeville and an introduction of department
heads at City Hall.
87.37 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham to approve
the minutes of the February 19, 1987 Planning Commission
MacGibbon asked that the time she left the meeting (9:20) be
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: MacGibbon,
Whittingham, Walters. Abstain: Klamm.
The consideration of the final plat of Crystal Ridge Estates,
formerly known as Jewel Acres was discussed. Jim Robinette
stated that preliminary plat had been approved in October, 1986
and that the Natural Resources Committee recommended approval of
the final plat. He also stated that a problem had developed
concerning an extra 15 feet of right of way required by the
County that would possibly be used for multi-purpose trails.
Jeff Roos, the developer, suggested that a 15 foot easement be
given on all the lots that are along County Road 46 to resolve
this problem.
Both Alan Brixius and Roger Knutson agreed this would be an
acceptable alternative.
Alan Brixius gave a review of the plan and recommended approval
.subject to the Planner's report of 3/3/87.
87.38 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by MacGibbon to
recommend approval of the final plat of Crystal Ridge Estates
subject to the Planner's report of 3/3/87, staff recommendations
and a 15 foot easement adjacent to County Road 46.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 5, 1987
Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes.: MacGibbon,
`Whittingham,.Walters. Nays: Klamm
The reason for the nay was that Mr. Klamm did not agree with the
15 foot easements slang County Road. 46.
Further discussion was held by Jim Robinette,.Alan Brixius and
Roger Knutson. concerning the easements and why it was'
'appropriate `for bicycle trail use.
87.39 Motion was .made by Klamm, seconded by MacGibbon to reconsider
the previous motion.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous..
87.40 Motion was made by Whittngham, seconded by MacGibbon to-
recommend approval of `the final plat of Crystal Ridge Estates
subject to the Planner's reporx of 3/3./87, ,staff recommendations
and a 15 foateasement adjacent to County Road 46.
Roll 'call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public` hearing fore. the preliminary plat of Lynwood North and
South was continued from the 1/8/87`Planning Commission meeting.
This hearing had been continued pending an E.A.W.
Jim Robinette stated that the E.A.W. had`~been,completed and had
• been reviewed and approved by the Natural Resources ,Committee.
Alan Brixius gave a review of the plat and stated .that the Park
and Recreation committee found it to'be adequate. He recommended
approval subject to the planner.'s report of 12/15/86 and .asked
that recommendation X63 be disregarded.
Ralph Wagner of Probe.. Engineering discussed the pondng area. and
runoff. He stated that he had discussedthis wth'.the Department
of Natural Resources and that more soil testing is to take
87.41 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by MacGibbon, to
recommend approval. of the Lynwood North preliminary plat
subject to the E.A.W., recommendations of the-Natural Resources
Committee, the Park. and Recreation Committee, City staff and the
-Planner's report of .12/15/86 excluding recommendation ~~3.;
Roll call_was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.42 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by MacGibbon, o
recommend approval of the Lynwood South"preliminary. plat subject
to the E.A.W., recommendations of :the Natural Resources
Committee,, the Park and Recreation Committee, City staff and the
Planner's report of 12/15/86 excluding recommendation #3.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 5, 1987
Cherrywood Heights Third Addition was discussed by Alan Brixius.
• The preliminary plat was approved in the spring 1985. He
discussed specif is recommendations concerning the width of
certain lots and the realignment of 174th Street W. with 174th
Court W. He recommended approval subject to the Planner's
report of 3/3/87 and recommendations of City staff.
Jim Robinette suggested tabling the recommendation to give the
developer time to make the corrections.
87.43 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham, to table
action on Cherrywood Heights Third addition pending
recommendations made by the City Planner.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.44 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham, to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Respectfully submitted:
• James A. Robinette, Community Development Director
ianne MacGibbon, ice Chairperson