HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-30-87 ` y Lakeville, Minnesota PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 30, 1987 Dennis. Miller,.. Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:OO p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers. Roll call of members was [aken. .Present: Klamm, Langhorst, MacGibbon, Miller, Whittingham, Walters. Absent: Sizer. Also in attendance was Alan Brixius, City Planner; Elliott Knetsch, Gity Attorney; Jim Robinette, Community Development Director, Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. 87.75 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters to approve the minutes of the April 16, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes.:. Unanimous. The public hearing 'for consideration of a conditional use permit for MGB Enterprises and a variance to allow a curb cut on the property line was opened. The Attorney attested that all legal.. notices had been duly published and mailed. Alan Brixius gave a review of the the plans .and. recommended approval. of the variance. He recommended approval of the conditional use permit subject to recommendations in the Planner's report of 4/20/87. Dick Jensen, of MGB Enterprises made comments concerning the parking recommendations, landscaping .and other issues. Leo Gray, also of MGB, discussed the access to Highway 50. He requested the Commission consider a temporaryentranceto Highway S0 until a time of possible .problems. He also addressed he recommendation of an escrow account for sidewalks. He asked that this be reconsidered. Several citizens were present and voiced their opinions on the issue of the intersection of Dodd. Blvd. and Highway S0. Bruce Hermanson expressed his concern over the potential hazard the exit on to the. highway could cause from the existing driveway. A detailed discussion was held. Jim. Robinette stated this area was not. a high accident intersection according to the Lakeville Police and the State Highway Department. Alan Brixius suggested the City maintain-the option to have a changemade if traffic increased and caused problems. The issue of parking 'stalls was discussed and commission members felt that angleparking. would be safer than straight parking due to the closeness of the gas pumps, 87.76 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Langhorst, to close the public hearing. Roll .call ..was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous... ' ~ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ' April 30, 1987 87.77 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Klamm, to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for MGB Enterprises and a • variance to allow a curb cut on the. property line subject to the Planner's report of April 20, 1987 with the exception of recommendation number land number 6 and subject to-any other staff recommendations. Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous. MacGibbon stated she wished to clarify that in number 2 of the Planner's report of April 20, 1987 her intent in the motion was for the westerly drive access along Highway 50 be limited to a right turn entrance only into the site. There was confusion as to this previous motion, therefore a reconsideration was called. 87.78 Motion was .made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham to reconsider the :preceding motion. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Langhorst, MacGibbon, Miller, Whittingham, Walters. Nays: Klamm The reason for Mr. Klamm'snay was he felt the previous motion should stand. .87.79 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham, to .recommend. approval of a conditional use permit for MGB Enter- prises and a variance to allow a curb cut on the property. line • subject to the Planner's report of April 20, 1987 with the exception of recommendation number 1 and number 6. Number two should read that the westerly. drive access along Highway 50 be limited to a right turn entrance into the site from Highway 50 only.. The City may require the elimination of the access if it finds in the future that a public safety hazard :exists. Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: MacGibbon, Miller, Whittingham, Walters. Nays: Klamm, Langhorst. The .reason for Mr. Klamm's nay was he felt the westerly drive access .along Highway 50 should be left as and entrance and an exit. The. reason .for Mr. Langhorst's nay was he felt the westerly drive should be left as it was originally designed. Pat McGarvey was present to discuss-the tax increment. plan for an office building at 208th Street and Holyoke. and the proposed senior housing project, Cottages of Lakeville to be located along Holyoke, north of 202nd Street. He explained the reason for. the tax. increment for the.Gottages of Lakeville would be to help in keeping lower rent for the residents which would be age 55 and over. He further explained that the parcel for the. medical building and daycare. center at 208th Street .and Holyoke is currently owned by Despatch Industries and would be pur- chased by the City and then sold to DKM Partnership. He ex- plained that part of the tax increment would go to help pay for- 2 ` ~ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 30, 1987.. sidewalks, curb and gutter upgrading between Upper 206th St. and • 202nd Street. A lengthy discussion was held: by concerned citizens and Mr. McGarvey. It was also explained that the Arkell project may not proceed due to the developer not being satisfied with the higher property tax due om the b4 unit complex and a $312,000 net investment from the proceeds of the tax-increment bonds. McGarvey explained. that if the Arkell project does not materialize, the public improvements proposed north of ..,Upper 206th St. would not be made at this time. The downtown part of the project could still go ahead as it involves parcels A, Band C, the construction of a sidewalks..on the south side of parcel A .and the plaza at the intersection of 208th St. and. Holyoke Avenue. 87.80 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Waiters, to adopt. a resolution finding the proposal for establishment of tax increment-financing District No. 3 located within redevelopment project No. i and proposal for approval and:-adoption of the tax increment financing plan. relating thereto to be consistent with the comprehensive plan of the City. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Langhorst, MacGbbon, Miller, Whittngham, Walters.. Nay: Klamm. The reason .for Mr. Klamm's nay being he felt the discussion was not adequate. The public hearing for consideration of a conditional use permit for DKM Partnership was opened.. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Alan Brixius-gave a review of`the plans and stated the reason force zoningamendment. He recommended approval subject to -the..; recommendations in the Planner's report of April-23, 1987. Ken Catton, of DKM Partnership discussed the plans and answered questions by the Commission. There .was no public .comment. 87.81 Motion. was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Klamm, to close .the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:, Unanimous. 87.82 Motion was made by MacGbbon, seconded by Langhorst, to recommend approval to a zoning revision for minimum lot aize for daycare centers as determined by specific zoning districts and any conditions of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Rolf call taas_taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous. 87.83 Motion. was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham, to recommend approval for the conditional use permit for:DKM . Partnership £or daycare subject to the Planner's report of April. 23, 1987 and any other .staff recommendations. 3 ' ~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April. 30, 1987 Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. • :The public hearing for. consideration of the preliminary plat of Trotters. Ridge. was continued. This hearing was continued from the April 16 meeting pending further review of the street width issue. Alan Brixus stated that the City Engineer had conducted a study concerning street and right of way. widths. He stated that a workable solution had been. achieved for both the City and the applicant. This is all summarized in the Engineer's report of -April 28, .1987: 87.84 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by MacGibbon, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.85 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Langhorst, to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of Trotters. Ridge. subject -to the Planner's report of April 13 with the exception to item number 1, the Planner's report of April. 2$, 1987 and the Engineer's report of 4/2$./87. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Langhorst, MacGibbon,' Miller, Whttingham, Walters. Nays: Klamm. • The reason for Mr. Klamm's nay was. he felt that in long term. planning, the City would regret compromising their minor collector standards. The public hearing. for the Cottages of Lakeville was continued from the April 16 meeting. This hearing had been continued pending further documentation from the developer. Alan Brixius gave a review and description of the concept and stated it was .consistent with the comprehensive plan of the. City. He discussed recommendations made in the Planner's report of April 27, 1987. The developer. was not present. The Commission and citizens present discussed various issues.. such. as parking, storage, garages, handicapped units., access for emergency vehicles and lack of recreational areas. 87..86 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whittingham to continue the. public hearing pending attendance' and further information of the developer. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Klamm, Langhorst, MacGibbon,_Whittngham, Walters. Nays: Miller.. The reasonfor Mr. Miller's nay was he felt enough. information • had been. presented.. 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ' ~ ~ April 30, 1987 The consideration o£ the final .plat of Lynwood South was -discussed. Alan Brixius gave a review of the final plat and stated it was consistent with the preliminary plat and met thee. standards of the'R-2 district. He recommended approval subject to the Planner"s report of April. 27, 1987 deleting recommendation number 2. Scott Johnson, developer, gave a brief review and answered various questions by the Commission. 87..87 Motion was made by Klamm, seconded by Langhorst, to recommend approval- of the final plat of Lynwood. South subject to the Planner"s report of- April 27, 1987 with the exception of recommendationnumber 2. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.88 Motion was made by Langhorst,. seconded by MacGbbon to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on .the motion. Time of ad3ournment: 10:30 p.m. Respectfullysubmtted: mes A. obinette, Community Development Director e t ATTES ~i Dennis Miller, Chairman 5 - 87-02 RESOLUTION OF THE LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING THE. .PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF .TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 3 LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND PROPOSAL FOR APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING THERETO TO BE .CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Lakeville (the "Authority") has (a) proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 3 located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, all located within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Lakeville (the "City") and (b) proposed the creation of the Tax Increment Finacning Plan (the "Plan") .relating thereto, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.71-78; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been submitted to the Lakeville Planning Commission pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462 and Section 273.74, Subd. 3(e); and WHEREAS,. the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Plan to determine the consistency of the Plan to the Comprehensive Plan of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville Planning Commission that the Plan is consistent with the Lakeville .Comprehensive Plan and the Commission recommends approval of the Plan to the Lakeville City Council. Adopted , 1987. :!6 Chairman ATTEST: