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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
AucusT 21, 2008
'The August 21, 2008 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Drotning in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and -roll call of members:
Present: Chair Drotning
Vice Chair Davis
Secretary Pattee
Commissioner Grenz
Commissioner Lillehei
Commissioner Glad
Absent: Ex-officio Bussler
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Zach Johnson,. Development/ Design Engineer
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
The August 7, 2008 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
Mr. Morey indicated that the following item was distributed to the Planning
Commission at tonight's meeting:
A. The August 20, 2008 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
meeting motion regarding the Fieldstone Creek 5~ Addition final plat.
Mr. Morey stated that there is a work session immediately following tonight's
Planning Commission meeting.
08.77 Motion was made and .seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
August 21, 2008 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approve the request of Cynthia Konich for athree-year extension of a
special home occupation permit to allow a massage therapy use in her
single family home, located at 17217 Idlewood Way.
Ayes: Glad, Lillehei, Drotning, Pattee, Grenz, Davis.
Nays: 0
Planning Coxrunission Meeting
August 21, 2008
Page 2
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing to consider the application of D. R.
Horton, Inc. for the vacation of public drainage and utility easements, located west
of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) and south of 165 Street, and B. Consider the final
plat of 33 single family lots and one outlot to be known as Fieldstone Creek 5~
Addition. The Recording Secretary attested that the legal notice had been duly
published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Ron Mullenbach from D. R. Horton, Inc. presented an overview of their request.
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the August 21, 2008 planning report. Mr.
Morey stated that .staff recommends approval of the easement vacation and
Fieldstone Creek 5th Addition final plat, subject to the 6 stipulations listed in the
August 15, 2008 planning report.
Chair Drotning opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from. the audience.
08.78 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 6:06 p.m.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Chair Drotning asked for comments from the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Lillehei stated that he was glad to see that the developer will be
required to install a barricade with a future street connection sign at the east
terminus of Falkirk Trail, which will be extended with the sixth and final phase of
the Fieldstone Creek development.
08.79 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
Fieldstone Creek 5~ Addition final plat of 33 single family lots and one outlot, and
easement vacation, subject to the following stipulations:
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed. in the August 15, 2008
engineering report.
2. The recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
3. All structures shall meet the minimum setback requirements for single
family lots in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District as follows:
Front: 30 feet Rear: 30 feet
Corner side: 20 feet Interior side: l0 feet
Planning Commission Meeting
August 21, 2008
Page 3
4. A five foot wide concrete sidewalk must be constructed by the developer
along the east side of Dodd Lane and north and east side of Falkirk Trail.
5. D. R. Horton .must construct an 8-foot wide bituminous trail north of and
adjacent to Lot 1, Block 1, Fieldstone Creek 5~ Addition.
6. D. R. Horton must install a barricade. with a future. street connection sign at
the east terminus of Falkirk Trail
Ayes: Lillehei, Drotning, Pattee, Grenz, Davis, Glad.
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:.09 p.m.
The Planning Commission proceeded directly into a work session.
Respectfully submitted,
~t r
Penny Br ig, Recording ecretary 09/04/08
Karl Drotning, Chair 09/ 04 08