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Lakeville, Minnesota
June 4, 1987
Dennis Miller, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Rohl call of members was taken. Present: Walters, Sizer,
Miller, MacGibbon, Langhorst, Whitehouse. Absent:. Whittingham.
Also in attendance were Alan Brixius, City Planner, Roger
Knutson, City Attorney.
87.111 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Walters, to approve
the minutes of the May 21, 1987 Planning Commission Meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
Consideration of the final plats of Rolling Oaks 7th and
8th Additions. Alan Brixius indicated that action on these
final plats was not taken at the last Planning Commission
meeting due to concern with regard to a telephone easement
passing through-Lots 5 and 16 of Block 1 and Lot 2 of
Block 5. Contact was made with the developer and the de-
veloper provided a grading plan showing housing pad loca-
tions for these lots. .Review of the newly submitted plan
still presented some development concern over Lot 16 of
Block 1.
Mr. Mark Parroanto of Delta Development Corporation indi-
Gated that the housing unit in Rolling Oaks 7 & 8 Addition
would be similar to those in Rolling Oaks 2nd Addition.
These housing units can be located on the Lots in question
without encroaching into the utility easement.
Mr. Sizer noted that the building official site review would
insure that the utility easement would not be encroached upon.
Alan Brixius indicated that Planner's report is sent to the
Building Official to highlight these lots.
Mr. Miller questioned the area of the smaller lots to
accommodate accessory out buildings. Mr. Parroanto indi-
cated that the lot had sufficient area to accommodate acces-
sory buildings.
Mr. Whitehouse suggested that the development contract identify
the lots containing the easement to ensure no development en-
croaches onto the utility easement.
87.112 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded. by Langhorst, to re-
commend approval of the final plats of Rolling Oaks 7th and 8th
Additions. Subject to the recommendation of the Planner's report
dated :May 18, 1987 and subject to the developer's agreemen t
containing a provision that prohibits any development from en-
crouching into. the utility-easements on `Lots 4, 5, 15, and. 16
of Block 1, and Lots 1, and 2 of Block 5.
Roll ca71 was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
Public hearing for an ordinance amending Ordinance No. l67
and the City Code concerning dog kennels. The City Attorney
attested that aii legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Mr. Knutson indicated that the current ordinance addresses
commercial kennel facilities, however, private dog ownership
of four or more dogs is unregulated. The Police Chief drafted
the: proposed ordinance to address the private dog .ownership.
Mr. Whitehouse noted that the proposed ordinance addressed four
or more dogs..- This was inconsistent with the zoning ordinance
that defined dog kennels as three or more dogs.
Mr. Whitehouse suggested that the zoning ordinance and City
Code be made consistent, and that the standard be three or
more dogs.
87.113 Motion was made by Sizer seconded by MacGibbon to close the
public hearing.
Roll call .was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
87.114 Motion was made by MacGibbon seconded by Sizer, to recommend.
approval of the proposed ordinance amending ordinance 167 and
the City Code regarding dog kennels with .the ordinance defining
dog kennels as three or more dogs. ,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
Public hearing for the vacation of Ionia Avenue, Illinois Ave.
and 162nd St. from 165th St. to 160th St. by the City of
Lakeville.. The City Attorney attested that a71 legal notices
had been published and mailed.
Mr. Brixius staffed that there had been a mix up at the staff.
level and no staff report had been prepared. He recommended.
that the hearing be continued to allow the staff to prepare in-
formation for the Planning Commission's review.
Motion by Sizer, seconded by Langhorst to continue the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
Public hearing for Consumer's Realty vacating easements for Lot
1, Block l and Outlot B for Woodridge Estates Third Addition.
City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been published
and mailed.
Roger Knutson informed the Planning Commission that the ap-
p7icant had consolidated a lot and outlot administratively
.and now was requesting that .the utility and drainage easement
required along the shared lot line between the lot and outlot
be vacated as the lot line has been eliminated with lot
Mr. Whitehouse referenced the May 5th. minutes of the Natural
Resources Committee that recommended-.that .no further approvals
occur in the Woodridge plats until all other plats be brought
up to environmental standards.
Ms. MacGibbon stated that Natural .Resource recommendation was
not applicable to the easement vacation.
Mr. Dale Lappi the property woner, also .questioned the appli-
cation of the Natural Resources Committee recommendation,
indicating that without the vacation of .the easement his
construction would be delayed.
87.115 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Sizer, to close the
public. hearing.
87.116 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Walters to recommend
• approval of the application for vacating easements for Lot 1,
Block l and outlot B for Woodridge Estates Third Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
Public hearing fora variance for Robert Ruh for a garage and
laundry room. The City Attorney attested that all legal
notices had been published and. mailed.
Mr. Brixius reviewed the Planner's report of May 29, 1987,
indicating that the proposed variance request was consistent
with other front yards in his area of the City.
. Mr. Miller asked if the proposed setback from the existing
Hollins Avenue. would be 48 feet. Mr. Ruh indicated that the
48 foot setback from the unimproved Hollins Avenue is correct.
Mr. Walters asked if there was more room on the other side of
the house that could accommodate the addition. Mr. Ruh res-
ponded yes, but the house floor plan does not allow for a
functional arrangement.
87.117 Motion was made by Langhorst> seconded by Sizer, to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
• 87.118 Motion was made by Langhorst seconded by Sizer, to recommend
approval of front and side yard variances for Robert Ruh for
a garage and laundry room, subject to the May 29, 1987 Planner's
report and .other staff comments.
Ro11 call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Public hearing for a conditional use permit for Dakota Electric
f~'r a substation. The City Attorney attested that all public
notices were published and mailed.
Mr. Brixius reviewed the Planner's report of May 28, 1987 and.
indicated. that the substation was a needed facility to serve.
Lakeville residential growth areas. .The site location was '
favorable from the standpoint of transmission line accessibility
and compatibility with the surrounding development area due
to the degree of isolation the site afforded the facility.
Mr. Brixius indicated that the 28 foot rear yard should be
expanded to 30 feet to comply with zoning standards.
Mr. Randy Poulson indicated that meeting the setback requirement
was no problem.
Mr. Whitehouse suggested that lower shrubs be used near the
entrance drive to allow visual policing of the area to
• discourage trespassing.
Mr. Miller asked about site lighting and signage. Mr. Eldon
Johnson indicated that the site would comply with City Stan-
Mr. Whitehouse asked if any outdoor storage would take place
at this site. Mr. Johnson indicated that no storage would
occur on the site.
87.119 Motion was made by MacGibbon and seconded by Walters to close
the public hearing.
Ro71 call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.120 Motion was made by Sizer and seconded by Langhorst to recommend
approval of a conditional use permit for Dakota Electric for
a substation subject to the Planner's report of May 28, 1987;
other comments of Staff and that lower shrubs be used along
the driveway entrances to discourage trespassing.
Vote was taken .on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Public hearing for a conditional use permit for Joseph Duffy
for an accessory building..,` The City Attorney attested that
all legal notices were published and mailed.
_ .
• Mr. Brixius reviewed the Planner's report of June 1, 1987
outlining-that the proposed building would be setbacked more
than 100 feet from the nearest residence and the architecture.
appears would be .compatible with the house on the site.
Mr. Miller asked for comments from the public. Mr. Duffy was
not in attendance.
Mr. Jim Johnson, a neighbor of Mr. Duffy's, complained that
Mr. Duffy had no plan for removal of manure on site. The
manure stands in piles on site: These manure piles present
a nuisance with regard to odor. Mr. Johnson also noted that
Mr. Duffy does not maintain his fence and~.as ~a result, horse s
and riders from the Duffy site trespass onto the Johnson's
Mr. Brixius recommended that in light of these complaints on
the Duffy operation, that the Planning Commission continue
the public hearing and direct staff to investigate these
comph.aints further and request Mr. Duffy explain the operation
87.121 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Langhorst, to con-
tinue the public hearing and direct City staff to investigate
the Duffy stable opera ion.
Vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous..
Public. hearing for the vacations of side yard utility and
drainage easements by Robert Clapp. The City Attorney
attested that all public notices were published and mailed.
Mr. Brixius reviewed the Planner's report of June 1, 1987
indicating the easement vacation was intended to clear the
title to allow resale. That the utility encroachments were
.actions of the previous owner's. Both the Planner and the
City Engineer found no need for the easement and recommended
the easement be vacated.
Mr. Miller asked Ms. Clapp about the topography of the lan d
surrounding the tennis court. Ms. Clapp indicated that the
land drops off from the tennis court into a pond on the YMCA
Ms. Clapp indicated that.. they purchased the land on a contract
for deed, no survey was prepared. The previous owner misre-
presented the lot. lines to them indicating that all buildings
and the tennis court were within the lot lines. They ,did
not find the correct lot lines until after the purchase. The
Clapps secured a easement from the YMCA for the tennis court
and are now requesting that the utility easement be vacated
to clear the title.
87.122 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Walters to close
the public hearing.
Vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87..123 Motion way made by MacGibbon seconded by Sizer, to recommend
approval of the vacations of side .yard utility and drainage
easements for Robert Clapp subject to the staff comment.
Consideration of an amendment to the Lakeville sign ordinance:
Mr. Brixius explained that with the elimination of the ICD
zoning district the sign ordinance was-also being revised
to eliminate the reference to the ICD district. The amendment
replaces the ICD reference with a new district entitled the
Freeway Corridor district. While the district title has been
.changed, the performance standard remained the same.
87.124 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Walters, to
recommend approval of the sign ordinance amendment as per the
May 19, 1987 Planner's report.
Vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous..
Other Business
Mr. Whitehouse requested staff to investigate. the use of travel
trailers as residences in the Queen .Anne P1obile Home Park. Mr.
Knutson indicated that he did not think they were permitted
and he would ask David Krings to investigate.
Mr. Miller also requested that staff investigate the crane
at the corner of 185th Street and Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Miller
also wanted the building material being stored at 160th Street
and Evergreen to be looked at.
87.125 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whitehouse to adjourn.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: unanimous.
Time. 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
ames A. Robinette, Community Development Director
- - ~
~A-..---- ` ~
Dennis Miller, Chairman