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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-87
- Lakeville, Aiinnesota
July 2, 1987
Dennis. Miller, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the Lakeville City Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse,
Langhorst, Miller, Whittingham, Walters. Absent:. Sizer,
87.131 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters, to
approved the minutes of the June 18, 1987 Planning Commissian
Koll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse, Miller,
Whittingham, Walters. Abstain: Langhorst,
A memo was read by Mr. Miller to the Commission from James
xobinette, stating that Mr. Joseph Duffy withdrew his applica-
tion for a conditional use permit.
87.132 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded. by Walters to close the
public hearing for a conditional use permit for Joseph Duffy.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.133_ Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Langhorst, to
accept the letter of withdrawal for a conditional use permit by
Mr. Duffy.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous.
The public hearing was continued from the meeting of June 18,
1987 for a conditional use permit for John Andrusko to move a
The hearing had been continued due. to a question as to the
legality of the lot on which the house was to be moved. It was
stated by David Licht that this problem had been resolved.
Mr. Licht gave a brief .review and provided photos of the house
to be moved and suggested. that anew roof stipulation be made a
part of the conditional use permit. He recommended approval.
Mr. Kuzak, owner of the adjoining parcel was present and
:expressed his concern over the walkout and also the runoff on
to his property. Mr. Licht stated that it complied with the
City building code and that the drainage plan had been reviewed
by the City Engineer and was in compliance.
Mr. Whitehouse stated that he .felt this was a problem lot. and
was better suited for a new house that was designed for the
' f ~ M ~
July 2, 1987
87.134 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Walters, to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous..
87.135 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whittingham, to
recommend approval of a conditional use permit for John
Andursko to move a house onto parcel A of Woodbury Addition
subject to the Planner's report of 6/22/87 and other staf f
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayest Langhorst, Miller,
Whittingham, Walters. Nays: Whitehouse.
The reason for Whitehouse's nay was that he felt the Iot was
better suited for a new house.
The public hearing was opened for a planned unit
development-conditional use permit for Terra Products.
The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been .duly
published and mailed. David Licht gave a review of the request
and plans. I3e recommended concept plan approval, at this time,
subject to the Planner's report of 6/23/87.
Tim Pelzer and Dan Silver of Terra Products were present and
discussed in detail their wholesale and possible future retail
Several issues, including signage, screening of storage
materials., landscaping, parking and improvements of the
existing building were discussed by Mr. Licht, Commission
members, Mr. Pelzer and Mr. Silver. These issues are covered in
the Planner's report.. of 6/23/87.
87.136 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters, to close
the public hearing.
Roll call wastakenon the emotion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.137 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whitehouse, to
recommend concept plan approval of a planned unit
development-conditional use permit for Terra Produets subject
to the Planner's report of 6/23/87 and other staff
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
July 1987:
The public hearing for a planned unit development-conditional
use permit for Schmitty and Sons was opened. The City .Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
llavid'Licht gave a review of the concept plan which will occur
in three phases. Bruce Smith, Architect and John Schweich,
owner were present to answer any questions by the commission or
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Radford, owners of the adjoining property..
were present and expressed concern over the devaluation. of
their home once the project was completed.. David .Licht
explained that their property would be screened. Mr. Schweich:.
.stated that he was willing to work with the Radfords concerning
this matter..
87.138 Motion was made by t~Talters, seconded by Langhorst to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.139 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Langhorst to
• recommend concept approval of aplanned unit.
development-conditional use permit for Schmitty and-Sons.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
Langhorst, Whittingham, Walters. Nays: Miller
The reason for Miller's nay was that he felt this plan was over
development of the site.
The public hearing was opened for a variance for Dave and Kathy
The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly
published..and mailed.
David Licht gave a review of the request and stated that
rebuilding on the existing foundation would not be in
conformance with the present zoning standards however the
majority of .units in .the Orchard Lake area .are not in
conformance. He made no recommendation as this issue is a
policy: decision to be made by the Commission and Council.
Mr. Licht did not recommend approval of the additional
incroachment into the setback as requested by the Smith's, as
they did not have sufficient justification.
July 2, 1987
Mr. Smith stated he had discussed the matter with his neighbor
who had no objection to the additional encroachment. Mr. Licht
explained that if this were to be approved, 'it could. set a
precedent for the .entire City. Commission members were in
agreement with Mr. Licht.
:87.140.- Motion was. made by Langhorst, seconded by Walters, to close the
public hearing..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87.141 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to recommend
approval of a variance for Dave and Cathy Smith on side lot
fines setback not. be less than 10 feet which is consistent with
the Orchard Zake neighborhood.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
David Licht gave a review of the Lynwood North'f,inal plat. He
recommended approval subject to the Planner's report of July 2,
1987. Scott Johnson, developer was present .and agreed to
comply with all recommendations.
87..142 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whittingham, to
recommend approval of the final plat of Lynwood North subject
tothe Planner's report of July 2,, 1987 and other staff
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
87..143 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whittingham to
adjourn the meeting.
Voice vote. was taken on the motion.
Respectfully submitted:
i ~ `
Mira Holliday, Recording cretary
Dennis Miller, Chair an