HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-08-87 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1987 The meeting was called to ozder by Dennis Miller, Chairman at 6:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Mac- Gibbon, Miller, Sizer, Whittingham. Absent: Langhorst, Walters. The final plat of Bracketts Townhomes 2nd Addition was addressed by John Ruggierri representing Bracketts Development Co. Mr. .Whitehouse questioned the soil erosion and storm drainage flow directly to Orchard .Lake and suggested that the City staff and contractor work on an erosion control program. He felt over all the project has. it's merits. 87.61 Motion was made Sizer, seconded by MacGibbon to recommend approval of the final plat of Bracketts-Townhomes 2nd Addition subject to the Planner's .report of August 24, 1987 and any other City staff recommendations. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Respectfully submitted:.. Baldev S. Josan, Assistant Community Director ATTEST: yy~ Dennis Miller, Chairman