HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-87 n CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Dennis Miller, Chairman at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Langhorst, Miller, Whittingham, MacGibbon. Absent: Sizer, Walters. Also in attendance was Roger Knutson, City Attorney, David Licht, City Planner, Pat McGarvey, City Administrator, Jim Robinette, Community Development Director and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. The public hearing to consider the application of Marquette Bank for a planned unit development conditional use permit for a temporary facility to operate a bank until a permanent facility is constructed was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. David Licht gave a review of the application and Gregg Matsen of Shea Architects, representing Marquette Bank presented drawings of the temporary facility and further explained the plans. Commis- sion members questioned why Marquette does not proceed with .the permanent building. Bill Liing of Marquette Bank stated that they were anxious to get a head start, acquire customers and • serve the community. Several Commission members stated their. concern over setting a precedent. Steve Grohoski of Consumer's Realty stated his concern over several items: 1. Favoritism over applicant getting special Planning Commission meeting. 2. Temporary facility setting precedent. 3. Access to property. 4. Unsuitable soils and no excavation planned before temporary structure is installed. 5. A single family residence on the property that will be occupied until April of 1988. Discussion was held between Commission members and Mr. Laing. Roger Knutson suggested that the public hearing be continued and a recommendation regarding the opinion of the Commission on temporary structures be made to the City Council. 87.92 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Langhorst to continue the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ~4 . Planning Commission Meeting Minutes November I2, 1987 • 87.92 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Langhorst, to recom- mend to the City Council that temporary facilities not be approved, as they are undesirable, and should only be used in a disaster situation or a business expansion situation for continuation of business. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing for the application of Super America for a conditional use permit for a fuel station and video annex was continued. David Licht gave a follow up from the last meeting and recommended approval subject to the Planner's report of 11/4/87 and 11/9/87. He stated there were still questions concerning the curb cut but were awaiting a design with actual radius to be provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Bill Ferris and Bud Kaupp of Super America were present and answered questions by the Commission. 87.93 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by MacGibbon, to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.94 Motion was made by MacGibbon, seconded by Whittingham, to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for Super America for a fuel station and video annex subject to the Planner's reports of 11/4/87 and 11/9/87 and any other recommendations by staff. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.95 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whitehouse to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Time: 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Mira Holliday, Re ording Sec tary ATTEST: ~ ~ 2