HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-17-87 a„ CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1987 The meeting was .called to order by Dennis Miller, Chairman at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council .Chambers. Roll call of members was, taken., .Present: Whitehouse,. Langhorst, Miller. Whittingham and. Walters.. Absent: Sizer, MacGibbon, Also in attendance was Alan $rxius, City Planner and Jim Robinette, Community Development Director. 87.110 Motion was made by Walters. seconded by Whittingham, to approve the minutes of the December 3, 1487 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse. Miller, Whittingham, Walters. Abstain: Langhorst. .Steve Sizer arrived at 7:30 p.m. There was a review of the resolution approving the Southfork Village tax increment financing plan with Mr. Robinette and Mr. Healey, .the developer. Mr. Healey explained the project in detail and the use of the tax increment. He reviewed the site planning of the project and some changes he had planned for the building and parking spaces. He .discussed construction timing in that the entire project was scheduled to be done at one time. He answered' numerous questions €rom the Commission concerning occupancy rates, number of 'people .that would be in the project and the number of children that are anticipated. The staff reviewed with the Commission the previous approvals given to this project. It was pointed out by members of the Commission. the City Staff and the developer that businesses in the area are-in need of customers and this project would help to provide this: Mr. Whitehouse asked quesr.ions concerning traffic and how it was to be handled considering the Highway 50 .situation.. Mr. Robinette explained the timing for the proposed installation of traffic signals by the Minnesota Department of Highways. The detailed review of the project took approximately one hour. 87.L1I .Motion was made by Walters. seconded by Langhorst to adopt a resolution approving Southfork Village Apartment tax increment financing plan. Roll ca1T was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. A copy of the resolution is attached. i Planning Commission Minutes December 17, 1987 • The public hearing to consider the application of the City of Lakeville fora comprehensive plan amendment to update -the 19$1 Lakeville Comprehensive Plan through the year 2000 was opened. Alan Brixius gage an overview of draft comprehensive plan update. A discussion was held on the following items: Natural Environment. Transportation planning, including street loca ions Airlake Airport expansion Trail and pedestrian needs Railroad right of way uses Public facilities and services Schools Land bank expansions. Sewer and water lines Land uses, including residential growth, commercial. areas, Industrial areas and economic development. The Planning Commission recommended that the Planner look into the following five items and have answers by the next meeting. The public hearing is to be continued for further review at the next meeting in January. 1. Mass transit support. The question of whether Dakota County is setting up a transit support system is to be in- vestigated. 2. Potential railroad right of way abandonment. The potential for an antique railroad option with the Minnesota Transpor- Cation Museum is to be investigated. 3. Contact is to be made with the local school district to discuss future facility planning. 4. Contact is to be made with the F.H.A. regarding neighbor- hood commercial centers. 5. Potential MAC or FAA funds for potential land use develop- merit adjacent to airports is to be investigated. A,suggestion was made that a map of suggested flight patterns to and from the airport be obtained. 87-112 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Whitehouse, to continue the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 87.113 Motfon was made by: Walters, seconded by Whttingham. to adjourn the meeting. Z' Planning Commission Minutes .December 17, 1987 . Voice vote was taken om the motion. Time: 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: _ ._G~ a es A. obinette, ammun ty eve oilmen irec or ATTEST:: t , Dennis Miller, C airman • i 3 i LAKEVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 87-04 RESOLUTION OF THE LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING THE PROPOSAL FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTEREST RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING .DISTRICT NO. 8 AND PROPOSAL FOR APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING THERETO TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF LAREVILLE (THE "AUTHORITY") HAS. (A) PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTEREST RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM,(B), A HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN,(C) AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 8 LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALL LOCATED WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE (THE "CITY") AND (D) PROPOSED • THE CREATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN (THE "PLAN") RELATING THERETO, PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 469 ET SEQ; AND WHEREAS, THE PLAN HA5 BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 469, ET SEQ; AND WHEREAS, THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS REVIEWED THE PROPOSED PLAN TO DETERMINE THE CONSISTENCY OF .THE PLAN TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LAREVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION THAT THE PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE LAKEVILLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE.COMMISSION RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE PLAN TO THE LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL. ADOPTED December 17 ,19$7 CHAIRMAN ATTEST: i~ Q-y~ •