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Lakeville, Minnesota
August 6, 1987
The meeting was called to ,order by Diane MacGibbon,
Co-chairperson at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake City Council
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse,
MacGibbon, Sizer, Whittingham, Walters. Absent:. Miller,
87.148 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by MacGibbon to approve
the minutes of the July 16, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whitehouse,
MacGibbon, Walters. Abstain: Sizer, Whittingham.
The public hearing for. a conditional use. permit for Dennis
Needham was opened. The City Attorney .attested that all legal
notices had been duly published and mailed. Alan Brixius gave
a review of the Planner's report of July 30, 1987. He
recommended approval subject the recommendations in the report.
Mr. Needham was present and stated that the area .mentioned in
the report and shown on the site plan where woodchips are
stored is not his property. He also stated that he actually
has less retail space than what the report indicated. He stated
that he only has one rental truck which will be parked on his
property except for the rare occasion of an addition one or two
trucks which he would only park for overnight.
Shirley Sorenson who manages a business across the street was ,
present and stated that she has no problem with the parking of
the trucks or the business.
MacGibbon suggested that the hearing be tabled pending further
discussion between the applicant and City staff.
87.49 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whttingham to continue
the .public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The final plat of Timber Ridge (Rolling Oaks, 0utlot N) was
discussed by .Alan Brixius. He recommended approval. subject to
the Planner's report of July 30, 1987.
Tim Erkkila and Jerry Lagro were present representing the
developer. ..Sizer questioned. the size of Block 4, Lot 15. Mr.
Erkkila explained the reason for this size lot was due to
the easements. He stated that it may be necessary for them to
AUGUST 6, 1987
request a variance. Alan Brixius explained options for this
lot including its elimination or possibly a special
architectural design for the home to be built on the lot.
87.50 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whittingham to recommend
approval of the final plat of Timber Ridge subject to the
recommendations in the Planner's. report. of July 30, 1987 and
also subject to the eliminations of Lot 15, Block 4 due to it
being an unworkable iot which would not allow for construction
consistent with construction on other lots.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: MacGibbon, Sizer,.
Walters, Whittingham. Nays: Whitehouse
The reason for Whitehouse's nay being his concern over who.
would take responsibility for the. lot.
Alan Brixius reviewed a proposed sign ordinance amendment to
ordinance. 254 amending Section. 7.75 of the Interstate Corridor
District.. Commission members were in agreement with. the
There were six members of the North Creek community present to
voice their concerns over the damage to their community and
homes during the recent. storms. .They were: Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Peterson. of 7693 165th Street, Lori Jacobson of 7670 165th St.,
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Mellinder of 7679 165th Street and John
Waters of 7656 165th Street. Extensive. damage was done to the
Peterson home and he questions whether his home (a walk out)
was built in the proper location far..that style of home..
Everyone was concerned over the possibility that the Chapel
Hill development near them does not have proper erosion control
and .that this could be the cause of their .problems. -They .were
also concerned over several ponds of water that has become
stagnant.. They stated that the water was deep enough for a
child to drown in.
MacGibbon .explained that all developments. must conform to
.erosion control measures and that City staff would be directed
to investigate their concerns. It was also suggested that they.
attend the" next City Council meeting to voice the same
Under other business,-Alan Brixius explained a proposed zoning
ordinance.amendment .revision .concerning :model homes.
87.51. Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Walters to calla public
.hearing for a zoning ordinance revision concerning model
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous.
AUGUST. 6, 19$7
87.52 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by MacGibbon to adjourn the
Respectfully submitted:
r_ ~ ~
Mira Holliday, ecording S "retary
Diane MacGi bon, Co-chairperson