HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Meeting Minutes for June 2, 2010
ITEM 1 Call to order
Meeting was called to order in City Hall Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call of members
Present: Bob Boerschel, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace,
Pat Messinger, Jeanne Peterson, Jerry Zell
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager
Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy
Steve McComas from Blue Water Science
ITEM 3 Approval of the March 17, 2010 meeting minutes
The March 17, 2010 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were
approved as presented.
ITEM 4 Citizen comments
There were no citizens present.
ITEM 5 Staff report
Staff referred to the report in the committee packet. Jerry Zell commented on the installation of a
fence at Foxborough baseball fields and how it will improve safety. Peterson commented that her kids
are playing at Casperson and McGuire fields this year and what great shape they are in.
ITEM 6 SWPPP and Wellhead Public Hearing/Meeting
Vice Chair Hayes opened the public hearing at 6:12 p.m. Mac Cafferty explained the purpose of the
public hearing is a requirement for the MPCA's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and
the Minnesota Department of Health Wellhead Protection Program. He gave a PowerPoint
presentation and explained the purpose of the Wellhead Protection Program; to identify Drinking
Water Supply Management Areas (DWSMAs) and potential contaminant sources. The plan also
indicates how to eliminate, minimize or manage threats to the quality of the City's ground water
supply. He then presented the SWPPP information. Permit will be expiring in July, 2011 so staff will be
updating. Goodwin inquired who is responsible for the removal of silt fences after construction.
Cafferty replied that it is usually the developer or builder who is responsible, depending on the
location. The City has recently had STS crews remove silt fences. If committee members are aware of
fences that may need to be removed, please contact Cafferty.
Cafferty reported on what the department has been involved with the past year: Public information in
Messages, Blue Thumb Workshop, Roadside Cleanup Day, Nature Camps and Adopt -A -Pond. A
Christmas tree light recycling program was started in 2009 and grant funds were received for
purchasing recycling containers for the parks. Cafferty then introduced Steve McComas from Blue
Water Science to discuss the lake projects.
Steve McComas reported about each of the lakes. Early warm weather has forced them to change
management strategies for the lakes this year. Curlyleaf, Eurasian milfoil and algae are being treated
in area lakes. Barley straw is being used in Valley Lake to improve water quality and aluminum sulfate
is being used in Lee Lake to tie up the phosphorous. Spot treatments of herbicide, aerating the
wetland, as well as iron treatments are being used to improve water quality on Orchard Lake. East
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, June 2, 2010 Page 2
Lake has poor water quality and City staff has been working with the Vermillion River Watershed on a
solution and has been awarded a grant from the watershed to assess the waterbody in 2010.
There were no public comments.
(10.05) Motion made by Kelly, seconded by Messinger to close the public hearing at 6:48 p.m.
Ayes -8 Nays -0
Motion passed.
ITEM 7 Dog Ordinance Update
Staff updated committee members on the status of the dog ordinance public information campaign
and showed the 30 -second video currently airing on Channel 16 and other cable stations. Staff will
continue their efforts and re-evaluate the effort this fall. Hayes gave an update on a visit to Ritter
Farm Park to inform dog owners about the ordinances. Goodwin inquired about next steps for a
possible dog park at Ritter Farm Park. Staff replied there is no funding available and many issues
would need to be considered including parking, shade and access to water. Peterson commented on
the increased visibility of park rangers and animal control officer at Valley Lake.
ITEM 8 Wayfinding Signage/Park & Trail Map
Staff reported Ipava wayfinding signage is currently in production. Michaud suggested perhaps
conducting a grand opening/ribbon cutting for the Ipava trail loops when they are complete. Staff is
also working on trail loop signage for East Community and Valley Lake parks. All of them have been
funded through a grant from Dakota County Public Health.
ITEM 9 Dodd Trail Update
Staff reported the status of new segment of Dodd Trail. Work continues on obtaining trail easements.
Once all easements are signed, a package will be assembled and sent out to bid.
ITEM 10 Unfinished business
ITEM 11 New business
Staff updated committee members on an issue with the Lakeville Baseball Association.
ITEM 12 Announcements
The next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting is the Annual Park Tour:
June 16 at 5 p.m. (Ritter Farm Park, Ed Mako Environmental Learning Center)
ITEM 13 Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Respectful y, submi d,
Patty Ruedy, Rec•r.ing Secretary
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Scott Kell , Chair