HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.fSeptember 10, 2010 Item No. SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM APPROVE COST -SHARE APPLICATION, CONTRACT, AND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN WITH DAKOTA COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT FOR INSTALLATION OF A STORMWATER BMP/B10-RETENTION BASIN King Park Miracle Field City Improvement Project 10 -08 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Cost -Share Application, Contract, and Operations and Maintenance Plan with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) for the installation a stormwater BMP /bio- retention basin at King Park for the new Miracle Field construction, City Improvement Project 10 -08. Overview Through the DCSWCD cost -share program, City staff has been working with Miracle Field representatives and DCSWCD staff to design and install a stormwater BMP (bio- retention basin) that will treat the new impervious surface area created by the Miracle Field. Currently, this site directly discharges to Middle Creek, a tributary to the Vermillion River. The bio- retention will be designed to capture stormwater from the new Miracle Field and slowly filter it through the system to promote cleaner water to the Vermillion River. Primary outcomes are to decrease the amount of stormwater runoff from the site. The Miracle Field is paved surface with a rubberized coating for wheelchair accessibility. The Miracle Field is being created so that youth with disabilities are able to play baseball. The grant from the DCSWCD will provide the funding to construct the bio - retention basin. The total estimated cost of the project is $24,619.81. The grant is a 35/65 percent cost share grant Where the City's contribution will consist of in -kind services for design assistance and construction administration. The land value is also included as part of the city's match. The land will remain under the ownership of the City. The remaining cost of the project ($16,025) will be provided by the DCSWCD. There will be no cash contribution required by the city for the construction of the basin. Primary Issues to Consider • The agreement requires the City to maintain the basin for a minimum of ten years. The maintenance cost is very nominal. The plantings within the basin are designed to be very low maintenance. Supporting Information • Community Conservation Cost -Share Program Application Form • Urban Cost -Share Program. Contract • Operation and ! a • enance Plan McKenzie L. Environmental Resources Manager Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: YIN: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Source: Cost -Share Items or Activities Estimated Material Cost Estimated Labor Cost Estimated Estimated Equipment , Design Cost 'I Cost See Attached Cost Estimate Administrator (651) 480 -7781 L Subtotals: 1 - ....,.,. » «... «■•... L+viA f..Li,. A 4A JV.if = ANUIC rnone /rax DCSWCD ! Mike 1sensee Administrator (651) 480 -7781 Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation. District COMMUNITY CONSERVATION COST - SHARE PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM 1. LEAD APPLICANT /CONTACT Name /Title: Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Organization: City of Lakeville Address: 20195 Holyoke Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone /Fax: 952 -985 4520 2. PROJECT LOCATION (Attach Drawing, Hudson Map, etc., to accurately locate site) Address /City /Township: 18350 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, MN 55044 1/4 Section Section Township Range 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION, PLAN SKETCHES AND PHOTOS The City of Lakeville is requesting Conservation Initiative Funding for the installation of a stormwater BMP (bio- retention basin) located in King Park, just west of baseball field #7 and north of field #3. Currently. this site directly discharges to Middle Creek, a tributary to the Vermillion River. The bio- retention will be designed to capture stormwater from the new Miracle Field and slowly infiltrate it through the system to reduce runoff and promote cleaner water to the Vermillion River. The basin is designed to treat the runoff from the Miracle Field. The Miracle Field will provide youth with disabilities a place to play baseball (see attached info). 4. LIST THE MAIN OUTCOME OR BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT Primary outcome of the project is to decrease the amount of stormwater runoff from the site. The Miracle Field is a paved rubberized impervious surface to allow for wheelchair accessibility. The basin will treat stormwater runoff from — 20,100 square feet of the impervious field area and surrounding green space. 5. BUDGET SUMMARY AND REQUESTED GRANT AMOUNT (Attach supporting Cost Estimates. Note: Contractor I Total Estimated Project Cost is: 524,619.81 Cost Share Amount Requested is: 516,025.00 6. COLLABORATORS — PRINCIPAL CONTACT NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS 7. Public Outreach: Are you willing to allow a small sign to be placed near the project and site visits? X Yes No 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information contained in this application is true, complete and accurate Signature of Applicant /Contact Date Signature of Property Owner(s) Date Project Cost Estimate item Unit Quant. Unit Price Amount Grading (and compost mixing) C.Y, 1,000 $3.50 $3,500.00 Compost L.S. 1 $600.00 $600.00 Overflow Structure L.S. 1 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 Silt Fence L.F. 300 $1.50 $450.00 Rip -Rap C.Y. 15 $60.00 $900.00 Erosion Mat S.Y. 600 $1.75 $1,050.00 Plug Plants L.S. 480 $2.50 $1,200.00 Nurse Crop Seeding L.S. 1 $250.00 $250.00 Seed Mix L.S. 1 $300,00 $300.00 Inlet Protection L.S. 1. $275.00 $275.00 Sub -Total $16,025.00 Value of Match Provided by Partner Item Unit Quant. Unit Price Amount Value of Land Used For Project .3 ac $23,249.36 $6.974.81 Construction Administration/Inspection 60 hrs $15.00 $900.00 Partner provided design /engineering 40 hrs $15.00 $600.00 Site preparation (clearing and grubbing) 8 hrs $15.00 $120.00 Upkeep and. Maintenance yrs Unknown Sub -Total $8,594.81 Materials. Labor & $16,025.00 65% Equipment Subtotal = Value of Partner Match $8,594.81 35% Subtota] = Total Estimated Project $24,619.81 Cost = DCSWCD Community Conservation Cost - Share Application Form 2 3 ,71 › F :11 : E z z m 01, 1%11 3 . 0 ; 4 = : 4 Urban Cost Share Project OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Project / Landowner: Miracle Field Bioretention Cell Date: 9 -1O -2010 Address: 18350 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, MN 55044 OVERVIEW This Project was designed to provide many long -term benefits for natural resources and wildlife habitat. The expected minimum performance life of conservation practices are at least ten (10) years. Providing good•stewardship and carrying out an operation and maintenance program including periodic inspections can increase it's life span many times over. The following general recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance for a variety of conservation practices. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ® The Cost -Share Contract prohibits the removal and/or modification of the practice for ten (10) years from the date of completion without prior written approval by the Dakota SWCD. • Report any observed active erosion, land disturbances or other unusual conditions that may affect the intended performance of the practice to the Dakota County SWCD right away. Call (651) 480 -7777 ® For bioretention areas, periodic removal of sediment and debris is necessary to maintain the effectiveness. The cleanout intervals may vary depending upon the volume of sediment that has accumulated, Avoid compaction of the underlying soil. m Maintain vigorous growth of desirable vegetative coverings. This may include reseeding, fertilization, weeding and/or controlled application of herbicides when necessary. Periodic mowing may also be needed, • Repair areas of active erosion or channel or slope failure immediately. Additional measures to prevent reoccurrence may be necessary. Contact the Dakota County SWCD for technical assistance. • Prevent unauthorized foot traffic, motorized vehicles or livestock entry. • Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular, or livestock damages. • Make sure all structure drains are functional and soil is not being transported through the drainage system. The screens and/or rodent guards shall also be kept in place. • Eradicate or otherwise remove all rodents or burrowing animals and repair any damage caused by their activity. SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR PROJECT Applicant Signature: Date: File No: 10- CIF -04 Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Urban Cost Share Program Contract Project Name: Miracle Field Bioretention Facility Date' 8 -10 -2010 Address / City: 18350 Dodd Blvd., Lakeville, MN 55044 Township: Range: Section: V. Section: Applicant / Contact: Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Coordinator Address: _20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone No: (952) 985 -4520 Fax: I (we), the undersigned Applicant, do hereby request cost -share assistance to help defray the cost of installing the Project as listed below subject to the following terms and conditions. It is agreed that: 1. The Applicant is solely responsible to obtain all permits and perform the work in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. 2. The Project must be completed in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and the District's technical standards. Any requests to change the approved plans, specifications or costs estimates must be submitted in writing to the District for review and approval. 3. The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine Project compliance to its technical standards and may withhold or deny payment for Projects that are non - compliant, improperly installed andlor improperly maintained or payment requests for expenses the District determines to be non - essential to the Project. The Applicant is responsible to confirm project compliance with the District for critical project components, including but not limited to, final design, layout staking, sub -grade excavations, soil preparation, piping and appurtenance installations, site grading, planting and final site stabilization. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Applicant is responsible to correct all non - compliance issues to the satisfaction of the District at its sole expense. At its option, the District may determine the non - compliance of a single project component to be non - compliance for the project as a whole. 4. The Applicant is solely responsible for the cost of constructing the Project per the approved plans and specifications. Upon Project completion and acceptance by the District Board of Supervisors, the reimbursement payment to the Applicant is limited to a maximum of sixty -five (65) percent of the actual project expenses, riot to exceed the maximum cost share amount. All requests for cost share payment must be supported by itemized project receipts and invoices determined by the District to be practical and reasonable for the completion of the Project. Partial payments prior to Project completion shall not be made unless otherwise agreed in writing. 5. The Applicant is responsible to comply with the Project Operation & Maintenance Plan and shall provide at his sole expense, all labor and materials to properly maintain the Project during its minimum effective life (10 Years). If the Project is removed or modified without consent of the Distinct, the Applicant shall be liable for monetary damages, not to exceed the amount of cost share received from the District for that Project. If and ownership is transferred to another party, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner /applicant who signed this contract to advise the new landowner that this contract shall remain in force. 6. This contract, when approved by the District Board of Supervisors, will remain in effect unless canceled by mutual agreement, except when installation of the Project covered by this contract has not been started by November 1St, 2010, in which case this contract will automatically terminate on that date. 7. The Project will be installed by November 1 2011, unless this contract is amended by mutual consent to reschedule the work and funding. 8. The Applicant is solely liable for his /her own acts and agrees to hold harmless and defend the District against claims, actions, demands or damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 9. The Applicant authorizes the Dakota County SWCD to take and disclose photographs of the conservation practice for use in publications or promotional materials or on their website for the purpose of highlighting the Dakota County SWCD's programs. I also authorize the Dakota County SWCD to disclose my name and applicable conservation practice information with any conservation practice photograph. Project Name : Miracle Field Bioretention Facility Project Cost: $ 24,619.81 Requested Cost Share Amount $ 16,025.00 Applicant Signature * : Property Owner Signature * Address: Date: (if different from property owner) * If this is a group contract, this must be filed and signed by the group spokesperson as designated in the group agreement. ******** w*wM*, Fli*************************w************************************** w*** ww** **** * ** * * *** ** * * * * ** * * * * * WW This section to be completed by the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District I have viewed the site where the above listed Project is to be installed and find that the estimated quantities and costs are practical and reasonable. Cost Estimate: $ 16,025.00 (other comments may be included an attached sheets) Certifier's Signature: Certifier's Title: Date: Cost share is approved at 65 percent ( %) of the total estimated project cost. The final cost share reimbursement amount shall be determined by applying the approved percentage to the total actual project costs as reviewed and approved and is limited to not exceed $ 16.025.00 Project Approved By: Date: Cost Share Limits Project Approval (Chair, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors) Payment Approval Payment Approved By: (Chair, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors) Date: Revised 2/04/10 DROP GFF / () PE ' SEAT. KING PARK -MI = ,.CLE FIELD CITY OF LAKEVRLLE, AVtINNESOTA ■CCiE531 VV, \ 11 MIRACLE FOELD - _„ 1 • 154 60QT 104),L FENE \` l PA' f R% 1394CE1 AREAS - 10)S40 40iSq OT RASE PATH pifll` #401 UNE AND OUTFIELD FENCIN OU EIS4IN PLACE RU!BVS- S@FEF- SVR ACU4G \ \ \ I 10 40 DCSWCD Community Conservation Cost -Share Application Form 5 T it .t `tot. MIRI Lakeville. Miracle Field phase I kindraising goal is $400,13130 needI your help, to hit a homentin Contact: !Info & MaiHng Address LA K I ".v11.1..E Cash and in-kind ciornmitment to date Lakevte Basel Association P.O. Box 517 Lakevale, MN 56044 Contact: Bean Roseen Phone:1512-3874431 mad: akevelemiitacieleagueilkaitoo.oceri Web Site: wevirmiraclefeaguenincom wwailakeuillehaselban.org akeville Miracle Field Project The Lake Miracle Field wM be a barriec free handicapped and wheekhair accessble ba.sebaltesoftbail heid with a cushioned.. rubberized playing surface. The L.akeville Miracle Feld will enable children with special needs the portunny to safely play baseball. The ultimate goal is to build the L.akeville tirade League- Field and establish a south metro Miracle- League for ehidrert • participate in. The. Lakeville Miracle Field project is being spearheaded by Lakekiille Baseball Association with support from the City of Lakeville. ive the ezift 0 a Miracle r 1 LW Yes! I want.* help Wild the. Lakeville Miracle Feld: Your deflation is needed to make the field a reality. Our goal is to efeak groixild vin the field in 200g. Please consider donating to make• a hitracle come Inlet Please complete the donation 'km and trait it.. along with rots dwelt payable lathe Lakevilie Basebalf Associationtd, Lakevile•Baseball Assoc,. P.� Bak M7, Lakeville NM 55044 Ilterahl auessev. irdtkisir nto thwatsmit: COrlaffitnu DCSWCD Community Conservation Cost-Share Application Form The Lakeville Miracle Field will be located at King Park. Exp: alto 6 .• •:. • .: • . - - • -fr • • 4.11111101 rq 4 r, •-• , / 8 57R S • DCSWCD Community Conservation Cost-Share Application Form King Park 18350 Dodd Blvd. , r - .1 ,..,--;:-,' , - ;. ,2:1, 1: : ' ,, - ; ,_;', '"-',,•''' , - , -I - j' ' ' , - .. , ,. k.fi, WO •'-' ,., ' , rt40/,' 'h.:A ' ' ' ' ' ■ ' '. .■ : : 1 .. - ,,,t : ' }' ' ',.:::' - rr *C.' '-'1' -- ':" IN :,, . :_■-', 1 Basebalt4 , - . . - ; k,* . :!• Legend Park Facilities Building Parking Portable Restroom Restroom 7