Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Mark Bellows
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kevin Miller
Also Present: Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney
Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
David Olson, C.E.D. Director
Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director
Chris Petree, Operations & Maintenance Director
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mayor Dahl called for a moment of silence in honor of Sergeant Brigham
Strole, who passed away tragically last week in a motorcycle accident.
Chief Vonhof paid tribute to Sergeant Strole, recognizing his contributions
to the community and Police Department.
Additional Agenda Information —Mr. Mielke provided a signed Stipulation
of Facts and Civil Sanction for consent agenda Item 6i.
Presentations /Introductions:
Council Member Rieb read the Proclamation for Constitution Week.
Ted Billy and Doreen Machin, representing the Lakeville Senior Citizens
Organization, asked the City Council to proclaim September as Senior
Center Month. Council Member Miller read the proclamation.
Chief Vonhof introduced retired Police Officer Jimmy Jensen, the oldest
living retired Lakeville police officer. Chief Vonhof asked the City Council
to adopt a proclamation naming Jimmy Jensen Honorary Police Officer
for a Day. Allowing Jimmy Jensen the opportunity to be honorary police
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officer will bestow on him a unique career distinction to have worked in all
five police stations in Lakeville. Council Member Bellows read the
Arts Center Coordinator Tom Barnard presented the 2010-2011 Lakeville
Area Arts Center Playbill.
Chief Mike Meyer presented the Fire Departmentlst and 2nd quarter report
for 2010.
Chris Petree presented the August monthly report of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Citizens' Comments Colleen Ratzlaff LaBeau, 8356 -190th Street, addressed
the City Council, on behalf of the business community, regarding the 2011
budget and tax levy. She asked the City Council to consider tabling
action on Item 9 and taking more time to review the budget document
before adopting the 2011 preliminary tax levy.
Consent Agenda
Council Member Swecker abstained from voting on Items 6e and 6g.
10.50 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Rieb to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the August 16, 2010 City Council meeting and the August
23, 2010 Council work session.
c. Agreement with Quality Flow Systems, Inc. for Lift Station 4
d. Resolution No. 10 -58 calling public hearing on the certification of
delinquent utility accounts.
e. Receive application of Apple Minnesota LLC for an on -sale and
Sunday liquor license at Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar,
18404 Kenrick Avenue, and call a public hearing to be held on
October 4, 2010.
f. Cost -Share Application, Contract and Operations and
Maintenance Plan with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservaton
District to install rock crib stormwater retrofit.
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Resolution No. 10 -59 accepting donations for Night to Unite and
Safety Camp.
h. One -year extension of a building setback variance for Performance
Office Papers.
i. Stipulation of Facts and Civil Sanction with Holiday Stationstore
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 - Quail Ridge Third Addition
10.51 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Miller to table consideration
of the preliminary and final plat of Quail Ridge Third Addition until the
September 20, 2010 City Council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 8 - Capital Improvement Plan 2011 - 2015
Finance Director Dennis Feller provided an overview of the 2011 -2015
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). (The City of Lakeville Capital
Improvement Plan dated September 2010 is on file in the City Clerk's
office.) He explained that the CIP is a flexible, five -year plan that
identifies the City's infrastructure, development objectives and allocation
of financial resources. It provides policy makers and the community with
a strategic, documented approach to implementation and
administration of improvement projects.
Mr. Feller stated the City of Lakeville Capital Improvement Plan maximizes
the use of non -tax revenues to finance improvements. Municipal State
Aid Street Funds, connection charges, special assessments and other
revenue sources are vital elements to financing city improvements. The
use of these revenue sources reduces the reliance on property taxes.
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Council Member Bellows questioned the viability of purchasing land at
County Road 70 and 1-35 for the future construction of a liquor store.
Mr. Mielke explained that the staff has proposed a long term business
plan, which suggests that as the City grows, and assuming it remains in the
municipal liquor business, additional retail outlets will need to be explored.
However, the timing and funding source has not been determined. A
market analysis has been conducted, and staff will report back to the
Council after it has reviewed the results.
Council Member Bellows asked if there has been any interest expressed
by developers or potential retailers for the Kenrick Avenue extension and
expressed concern for adding commercial properties at this time.
Mr. Mielke explained that the Kenrick Avenue extension will promote
economic development and provide a critical transportation link
between the SouthFork and Timbercrest commercial districts. The land
owner has expressed interest and believes there will be a market for
commercial development in this area by 2012 or 2013. Additionally,
surrounding property owners have expressed support as the roadway
would increase traffic in the area.
Mr. Feller explained that the CIP serves as a guide; and the City Council is
not committed financially to any project identified in the CIP until that
project is approved.
10.52 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Miller to approve Resolution
No. 10 -60 adopting the Capital Improvement Plan 2011 - 2015.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 9 - City of Lakeville 2011 Budget
Mr. Feller presented the proposed 2011-2012 Budget and Tax Levy. (The
2011 Proposed Budget and 2012 Estimated Budget document is on file in
the City Clerk's office.)
Mr. Feller explained that the information gathered in the residential and
business surveys conducted by Decision Resources has been used to
develop the proposed budget and tax levy. The surveys found high levels
of satisfaction with the quality of the services provided by the City. The
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survey found that the majority of residents oppose service cuts, even if it
would reduce their current City property taxes. A plurality of businesses
supported a reduction in taxes even if there was a reduction in services.
Both the residential and business surveys reveal an opposition to an
increase in the property tax.
Services were prioritized by survey respondents. The services which ranked
highest were police and fire services. Those services ranked the lowest in
priority were outdoor ice rinks, park ranger and forestry programs. In 2010,
the number of park rangers was reduced by 25 %, and the number of
outdoor ice rinks was reduced by 45 %. Reductions are proposed for 2011
in the forestry program by eliminating the Oak Wilt grant program and
private property services. The 2011 budget proposes the elimination of the
park ranger program.
There are no new personnel positions proposed for 2011. However, the
Fire Department will recruit 15 volunteer firefighters to replace those who
have left the department due to retirements or resignations. Due to
community growth, a police patrol position and records technician is
proposed to be added in 2012. A street maintenance position is
proposed to be added in the fall of 2012.
The proposed budget includes a recommendation to utilize $2.8 million of
the General Fund fund balance to finance major maintenance projects
and reduce debt and assist the 2011 operating budget, thus minimizing
the need to levy taxes for the next several years. Mr. Feller explained that
the proposed budget is premised on the appropriation of the General
Fund balance in 2011 to minimize tax impacts. The General Fund balance
is proposed to be reduced to 40.1% which is within the fund balance
guidelines established by the City Council.
The proposed budget includes a tax levy with no increase for 2011. The
estimated City taxes on an average residential property in Lakeville will
decrease by approximately $32 for the coming year. The City portion of
property taxes on most commercial and industrial properties will also
decrease for the coming year. Overall 97% of all Lakeville property
owners will see a decrease in City taxes for 2011.
Looking forward to 2012, Mr. Feller indicated that the estimated tax levy is
$24.7 million, which is a $659,000 or 2.7% increase. The increase is primarily
due to the street reconstruction program and the Kenrick Avenue
Page 6
raodway project. The levy for operations is proposed to increase by 8/10
of 1 %, which is solely attributable to the addition of a police officer,
records technician and street maintenance positions. The only proposed
changes to fees are those related to utilities as a result of cost increases
for Metropolitan Council charges, street lighting electricity, environmental
resources operations and water treatment facility debt service
requirements. A residential customer with 20,000 gallons of usage during
the winter quarter will see a $4.93 increase in their quarterly utility bill,
assuming no change in consumption. A commercial account that uses
100,000 gallons will see a $20.16 increase in their quarterly bill, assuming no
change in consumption. Overall, Lakeville's water and sanitary sewer
fees are less than those charged by other Minnesota metro area
Mr. Feller explained that Lakeville has the third lowest taxes of any city in
Dakota County. Lakeville's per capita spending is the lowest of the 20
largest metro area cities; and Lakeville has the lowest number of
employees per capita, second lowest in the number of police officers per
capita, in the metro area. Credit rating agencies consider Lakeville to be
of high quality with a very favorable AA1 rating. Mr. Feller encouraged
residents and business owners to review the budget documents, along
with links to relevant information sources, on the City's website.
Council Member Bellows stated that he disagreed with several premises of
the budget, that he interprets the findings of the surveys differently,
disagrees with the proposed issuance of certificates of indebtedness for
capital items and has a variety of questions about specific line items in the
proposed budget. He also questioned the willingness of staff to decrease
the fund balance of the General Fund for 2011, while there was a
reluctance to decrease the General Fund balance last year.
Council Member Swecker stated she feels it is important that the Council
takes the community survey into consideration, in addition to comparing
where Lakeville ranks with other cities. She commended Mr. Feller and the
budget process and stated she looks forward to additional feedback prior
to the December 6th truth in taxation public hearing and consideration of
a final levy.
Council Member Miller expressed the importance of a balance between
taxes and services. He reiterated that while the community survey
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showed that residents are not in favor of a property tax increase, they do
like the services the City provides.
Council Member Rieb commended the work of City staff in proposing a
budget for 2011 with a zero tax levy increase. She stated she appreciates
the City's long range planning and keeping the City's financial future
Mr. Mielke commended department directors for meeting the challenge
of maintaining services without adding employees or increasing costs that
would result in a tax levy increase. The new positions proposed for 2012
have been justified by the department directors, and he and Mr. Feller are
ready to justify those positions. He explained that the budget is the City
Council's policy document relative to services and taxes. City staff will be
looking to the Council for feedback and direction.
10.53 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Swecker to approve Resolution
No. 10 -61 adopting the 2011 preliminary tax levy.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Miller, Dahl, Swecker. Nay,
10.54 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve Resolution
No. 10 -62 setting the 2010 Truth in Taxation public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
10.55 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Rieb to approve Resolution No.
10 -63 approving the proposed 2011 budget and estimated 2012 budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Dahl, Swecker, Rieb, Miller. Nay,
10.56 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve Resolution
No. 10 -64 amending the 2010 budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 10 - Local Housing Incentives Account Program
Mr. Olson presented a resolution electing to continue participating in the
Local Housing Incentives Account Program under the Metropolitan
Livable Communities Act. He explained that the Metropolitan Council
has established new goal ranges for both affordable and life cycle
housing units for Lakeville for the period of 2011 through 2020. While it is
unlikely that the City will be able to meet either the affordable or life cycle
housing goals, there are no penalties or consequences for not meeting
those goals. Participation in the program provides an opportunity for the
City to compete for grants and loans to support activities that help the
City meet its affordable and life cycle housing goals, clean up polluted
sites and support demonstration projects linking jobs, housing and transit.
The City has been a voluntary participant in the Metropolitan Livable
Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Account since the program
began in 1996 and has benefited by more than $700,000 in grant funds.
Mr. Mielke pointed out that City staff is supporting continued participation
in this program because it is not mandatory, and the City is not forced to
obtain these goals. In partnership with the Dakota County Community
Development Agency, Lakeville already has one of the largest infusions of
public housing in Dakota County.
10.57 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Rieb to approve Resolution No.
10 -65 electing to continue participating in the Local Housing Incentives
Account Program under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New Business
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10.58 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve Resolution
No. 10 -66 authorizing temporary closing of 165th Street from Ipava Avenue
to Jackdaw Path for the funeral of Police Sergeant Brigham Strole.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
➢ L.B.A. Groundbreaking at Miracle Field - September 12
➢ Lakeville Arts Festival - September 18 -19
➢ Next regular City Council meeting, September 20, 2010
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Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Holly Dahl, Mayor