HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-10CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes August 19, 2010 The August 19, 2010 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Davis in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Chair Davis Vice Chair Lillehei Secretary Adler Commissioner Drotning Commissioner Glad Commissioner Grenz Commissioner Maguire Ex- officio Bussler Absent: None Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Allyn Kuennen, Associate Planner; Zach Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. Chair Davis welcomed Leader John Bermel and Boy Scout Troop #269 who were in attendance at tonight's meeting. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The July 22, 2010 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey stated the following items were distributed at tonight's meeting: 1. The July 22nd Planning Commission meeting minutes and the one page memos for the New Business Agenda items that were inadvertently left out of the Planning Commission packet. 2. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting motion regarding the Quail Ridge Third Addition preliminary and final plat. Mr. Morey indicated that due to there being no agenda items scheduled for the September 2, 2010 Planning Commission meeting, that meeting will be cancelled. Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 2 He also stated that at the end of tonight's meeting, he would like to have a short discussion to consider moving the September 16th Planning Commission meeting to September 23rd. ITEM 5. CONSENT AGENDA 10.35 Motion was made and seconded to approve the August 19, 2010 consent agenda as follows: A. Approve the request of Performance Office Papers for an extension of their building setback variance. Ayes: Glad, Maguire, Lillehei, Davis, Adler, Grenz, Drotning. Nays: 0 ITEM 6. QUAIL RIDGE THIRD ADDITION Chair Davis opened the public hearing to consider the request of D. R. Horton for a preliminary and final plat of 34 single - family residential lots to be known as Quail Ridge Third Addition, located west of Ipava Avenue, south of 183rd Street and north of 185th Street (CSAH 60). The Recording Secretary attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code. Mike Suel from D. R. Horton presented an overview of their request. Mr. Suel indicated that Quail Ridge Third Addition will be developed in two phases. D. R. Horton is requesting preliminary plat approval of 34 single family lots and final plat approval of 20 single family lots for the first phase. The second phase of 14 single family lots will be final platted at a future date. Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen presented the planning report. Mr. Kuennen stated that staff, the police department and the fire department all support making the Quail Ridge neighborhood street connection to Italy Avenue with this phase of the development. The street connection will provide a second access point for Italy Avenue residents, which is important for public safety reasons. He stated that the developer hosted a neighborhood meeting on July 29, 2010. Mr. Kuennen stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the August 13, 2010 planning report. Chair Davis opened the hearing to the public for comment. Patricia Millard, 18329 Italy Avenue ➢ Headlights from cars turning left onto Italy Avenue from the street connection will shine into her house. ➢ Very much against extending Ironstone Way to Italy Avenue. Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 3 ➢ Will create more dust from gravel road. ➢ Feels safe knowing the cars passing her house are her neighbors. ➢ Afraid the wildlife will disappear due to the increased traffic. Brian Trcka, 18290 Italy Avenue ➢ When is the 185f Street expansion due to be completed? ➢ Why can't the connection to Italy Avenue wait until the 185th Street improvements are completed? ➢ Where is the money coming from for the Italy Avenue/ Ironstone Way connection? Bob Utz, 18237Italy Avenue ➢ Does not feel this connection to Italy Avenue will be of benefit to the neighborhood right now. ➢ Questioned the proposed construction of a 24 foot street connection rather than the typical 32 foot street. ➢ Concerned about how much additional traffic will use Italy Avenue. ➢ Would like to see a "Dead End" sign placed on Italy Avenue north of the Ironstone Way connection. John Meyer, 18155 Italy Avenue ➢ Concerned about the additional traffic on Italy Avenue and all the dust that the neighbors currently endure and will have to endure in the future. He believes it's a safety hazard with all the loose gravel at the intersection of 185t" Street and Italy Avenue. Joyce Spear, 18132 Italy Avenue ➢ Confirmed that the first phase of 20 single family home lots is in the southeast corner of Quail Ridge Third Addition. ➢ When will the possible future road be constructed to 185th Street on the property east of Italy Avenue? ➢ Will there be a stop sign at the new intersection of Italy Avenue and Ironstone Way? ➢ Believes it is very difficult to cross Ipava Avenue from the Quail Ridge development. 10.36 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. Ayes: Maguire, Lillehei, Davis, Adler, Grenz, Drotning, Glad. Nays: 0 Chair Davis asked City staff to address the questions that the residents have asked at tonight's meeting. Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 4 Assistant City Engineer Zach Johnson responded to the questions pertaining to streets. • 185t Street is a County road and Dakota County will determine a timeline for when it gets updated. 185th Street was previously planned to be upgraded but the County did not receive federal funding so it was removed from their Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. • The extension of public sanitary sewer and watermain is included in the Quail Ridge Second Addition development. There is no water service to Italy Avenue right now. The City will pay 100% of the costs for the portion of the watermain located outside of the Quail Ridge Third Addition plat. This will allow Italy Avenue residents to pursue connecting to the watermain in the future when Italy Avenue is upgraded. • The City is making the recommendation to make the connection to Italy Avenue now to provide a high level of connectivity, as identified in the Comprehensive Plan, to the Italy Avenue neighborhood for general neighborhood traffic circulation as well as for improved police and fire response. This connection has been identified since 2004 when the Quail Ridge development came forward. • The City is recommending the 24 foot wide street to minimize the disturbance to the adjacent property owners and to reduce the overall impervious surface area to limit the amount of stormwater treatment required. • There have been no additional traffic studies done for the Italy Avenue connection. City staff does not anticipate a significant increase in traffic. The Quail Ridge and Italy Avenue residents will mainly be using the street connection. Other studies have shown that speeds are actually decreased when more street connections are provided. • Location of the "Dead End" sign will be reviewed by staff. The current sign could stay and perhaps an additional sign could be installed just north of the Italy Avenue/ Ironstone Path intersection. • A stop sign at the Italy Avenue/ Ironstone Path intersection would be standard and would be completed with the construction of the street connection. • The future street connection from Quail Ridge to 185th Street east of Italy Avenue will occur when that adjacent property develops. Chair Davis asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points were: Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 5 • Additional dust was discussed. Mr. Johnson stated that the Public Works Department maintains the City's aggregate roads. Staff will refer the matter to the Public Works Department to address this issue. • Regarding the question of "why provide the connection to Italy Avenue now," Mr. Kuennen clarified that the developer will pay 100% of the cost for the portion of Ironstone Way within the Quail Ridge plat and the City will pay 100% of the cost for the portion outside the Quail Ridge plat boundaries. If the connection is deferred to a future date, the City (taxpayers) will have to pay 100% of the cost of the entire connection. • Since Italy Avenue is aggregate, why not construct Ironstone Way as aggregate also and not pave it. Mr. Johnson indicated that paving the road is the City's current standard. Mr. Morey stated that you're going to have to have a transition from aggregate to pavement and the intersection of the two streets is a good location. In addition, paving the entire extension of Ironstone Way to Italy Avenue will help with dust control. When residents request City sanitary sewer and watermain services, Italy Avenue will be paved and upgraded at that time. • Clarified that the sidewalk on Ironstone Way will not extend outside the Quail Ridge plat boundaries. Mr. Johnson replied that the sidewalk could be terminated at the Ironstone Way/ Irvine Lane intersection. • Commissioner Drotning pointed out the value of the paved street connection being at no cost to the residents if it is constructed now plus it controls dust. • Commissioner Drotning noted that the typical single family home makes 10 vehicle trips a day. He indicated that the neighborhood traffic pattern will change but it will be minor. The City consistently looks to improve neighborhood street connections. • Commissioner Grenz felt that the 24 foot street section should be posted no parking at least on one side of the road so that emergency vehicles can get through. • Commissioner Glad noted the letters from the police and fire departments commenting strongly for the second access to the Italy Avenue neighborhood. Confirmed that these letters were of public record. • Commissioner Drotning asked if the size of the sewer and water line extensions are adequate to serve the Italy Avenue neighborhoods and is the street connection between Italy Avenue and Ixonia Avenue feasible. Mr. Johnson stated that there is existing right -of -way for the connection of Italy Avenue and Ixonia Avenue. He indicated that there are environmental constraints, such as elevations and possible wetlands that could feasibly prevent this connection. Regarding the sanitary sewer and water extension, City staff has a taken a preliminary look at that and Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 6 believes it could serve both neighborhoods, but the Ixonia Avenue neighborhood could also be served by a sanitary sewer line that is currently located south of 185th Street. • Mr. Morey reiterated the connection point at Italy Avenue. The City's requirements regarding the length of cul -de -sac streets have changed since Italy Avenue was constructed. The Ironstone Way connection will reduce the length of the long Italy Avenue cul -de -sac. Also keep in mind that the 185th Street improvements, the Italy Avenue improvements, and the connection to Italy Avenue are not tied together. Staff does not want 185f Street upgraded with median restricting turning movements for Italy Avenue without a second access for the neighborhood. • There was a discussion regarding the difference between an urban street section and a rural street section. An urban section has concrete curb and gutter. A rural section consists of pavement that slopes down through a swale. Mr. Johnson stated that existing conditions affects which type of street section is constructed. The Quail Ridge development has an urban street section which will transition into a rural section within the existing Suburban Acres right -of -way. In the future, if the rural street section is upgraded to an urban street section, the current street will remain and the street will be widened. This will lessen the disruption to the neighborhood if this upgrade is made in the future. The Planning Commission concurred with staffs recommendation of a 24 foot rural street section for the portion of the Ironstone Way connection located outside the Quail Ridge plat. • The "Dead End" road sign that is currently on Italy Avenue was discussed further. Mr. Morey stated that the original sign will stay at it's present location. Staff will discuss the installation of an additional sign on Italy Avenue north of the intersection of Ironstone Way and Italy Avenue with the Public Works Department. • 10.37 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the Quail Ridge Third Addition preliminary plat of 34 single family lots and final plat of 20 single family residential lots, located west of Ipava Avenue, south of 183rd Street and north of 185f Street (CSAH 60), subject to the following stipulations: 1. The recommendations outlined in the August 13, 2010 Engineering report. 2. The recommendations of the Parks Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. 3. Five -foot sidewalks must be constructed at the developer's expense on the north side of Ironstone Way and on the east side of Irvine Lane. 4. A 12 -foot tall buffer yard screen, including a six-foot berm, must be maintained along Ipava Avenue. Planning Commission Meeting August 19, 2010 Page 7 5. The buffer yard berm on Lot 1, Block 1 must be sodded to the edge of the trail along Ipava Avenue. A $1,000 cash escrow must be submitted with the building permit application for Lot 1, Block 1 to guarantee the installation of the sodding. This escrow will be in addition to the landscape /sod escrow required for this lot at the time of building permit. 6. A barricade must be installed by the developer at the south end of Irvine Street until the street is extended in the future. 7. All single- family homes must comply with the following RS -2, Single Family District setbacks: Front Yard: 30 feet. Rear Yard: 30 feet. Rear Yard (abutting Ipava Avenue): 50 feet Side Yard (interior): 15 feet. Side Yard (corner): 30 feet. Ayes: Lillehei, Davis, Adler, Grenz, Drotning, Glad, Maguire. Nays: 0 ITEM 8. STAFF NOTICES The Planning Commissioners indicated that September 23rd will work for the next meeting date. The Planning Commission Secretary will send out an e-mail message as a reminder of the September Planning Commission meeting date, cancellations and changes. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. The Planning Commission went immediately into a work session. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording 0 Dated 9h3ho vis, Chair Dated '3 4 - s i o