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JANUARY 19, 1989
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Langhorst at 7:00
p.m. in .the Airlake Council. Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken.. Present: Whitehouse, Miller,
Whittingham, Langhorst, Szer, Walters.
Also present was Alan Brxius, Consulting City Planner, Elliott
Knesch, City Attorney,. Daryl Morey,.Assistant Community
Development Director, Dave Krings, Building Official and Mira
Holliday, Recording Secretary.
A letter was-presented to the Commission announcing the
appointment of anew member, Christine Steigerwalt.
$9.15 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters to approve the
minutes of the January 5, 1989 Planning. Commission meeting..
Rolla call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Wagner Homes,.
Inc. for a variance to allow a front yard building setback of
24.4..feet and a side yard building setback of 7.3 feet was
gpened. The City.. Attorney attested that all legal notices had
been duly .published and mailed.
Daryl-Morey gave a review of the .application. and stated that a
survey error had caused placement of .the footings to be in the
wrong 'place. Dave Krings, Building Official was present. and
stated that he felt the setback mistakes were accidental and that
the reduced.'setback does not cause a negativevisualimpact for
the adjoining properties and neighbor. He recommended that Mr.,
Wagner try to purchase_ land from the adjoining lot owner and
consoidate'it with his property to eliminate the need :for a, side
yard variance. Mr. Bud Wagner was present and presented .a letter
from Arcon;Construction,. owner and developer of Lynwood North
.stating they have no objection to and support the granting of the
.front and sdeyard variance requested by Wagner Homes.
A discussion was held amgng Commission members. There .was no
public comment.
89.16 Motion was .made by Szer, seconded by Walters to .close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes: Unanimous.
JANUARY-19, 19.89.
89.17 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whittingham to recommend
approval of the application of Wagner Homes, Incr for a variance.
to allow a frontyard building setback of 24.4 feet and denial of
a variance to allow a side setback of 7.3 feet and to direct
staff. to prepare a findings of fact.
Roll call was .taken: on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to 'consider the application of Parker and
Associates for a preliminary. plat, a rezoning to planned unit
development district, and a conditional use. .permit for a mixed
use commercial office/warehouse and multi-family development to
be known as Lakeville Commons was opened. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
Alan Brxius gave a review of the application and stated that
the project was brought before the Commission several months ago
on a concept basis and had been approved by Council. He
recommended. approval subject to the recommendations outlined in
his report of December 15, 1988 and any suggestions of the CiCy
Engineer. Tom Loucks .and.. Dan .Parker were.: present and gave a
review of their project stating they have already made-changes in
compliance with the recommendations made by the City Planner.
They stated that the proposed project had'been endorsed by thee
Natural Resources Committee and the Park Committee.
Robert .Sayers was present and stated his concern over the .pond to
be placed on the. east end-of the property. Mr. Loucks re ponded
saying that plans for the pond would be reviewed by State "
agencies. Mr. Sayers was given a copy of he City Engineer's
The Commission discussed `various aspects of the project
- Turn lanes
- Traffic flow in parking area
- Trail system around pond
EAW underway
- Responsibility and maintenance of ponding area
- Sanitary service line and Cedar Avenue
88.18 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by-.Walters to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
JANUARY 19, 1989
88.19 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whitehouse to recommend
approval of .the application of Parker and Associates for a
preliminary plat, a rezoning to planned unit. development
district, ands conditional-use permit for concept stage. and
development stage of the first phase and. preliminary plat subject
to the Planner's report of 12/15/89, the City Engineer's: report
of 1/17/89, the covet memo of the Assistant Community Development
Director dated 1/13/89, the report of the Dakota County 'Soil and.
Water Conservation District dated 12/28/88 and other recommenda-
tions of the City .staff. and to direct staff to prepare a findings.
of fact. ~
Roll call was. taken,on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of the City of
Lakeville for an .amendment to Ordinance No. 16J, the Zoning
Ordinance concerning standards in the R-MH.Dstrict was opened.
The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had. been duly
published and mailed.-Daryl Morey reviewed the amendment drafted
by the City Attorney's office,
Bob Reiner, a resident of Ardmor Village Mobile Home. Park and a
member of the Mobile Home Owners Association was present and
requested that the 'Commission recommend approval of this
amendment. A discussion was held among Commission members which
- The .liability. of the_City for damage to private property
- Setting a precedent.
- Possibli y of imposing `fines on the mobile home ,park owner
after a period of time if snow removal is not taken care of
-Thee City's responsibility to citizens residing in'moble home
89.20 :Motionwas'made by Sizer, 'seconded by Whittingham to continue the
public hearing pending research by staff into the. concerns of the
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous,
89.21 Motion .was'. made by Sizer, "seconded by Walters to adjourn the
Voice uote'was takem on the motion.
• ,
JANUARY 19, 1989
Time: 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
ira Holliday, R cording Secr ary
Terrence Langhorst,.Chi man