HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-89 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
FEBRUARY 2, 1989
The meeting was: called to order by Charman...Langhorst at 7:00
p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers."
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Langhorst,.
Walters, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Absent: Miller,. Sizer
Also present was Boger Knutson, City Attorney,, Curt Gutoske,
Northwest Associated Consultants, Jim Robinette, Community
Development Director and Daryl Morey, Assistant ..Community
Development Director.
89.22- Motion was. made by Walters, seconded by Whitehouse to approve :the
minutes if the January 19, 1.989.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public. hearing to consider the application of the City of
.Lakeville fora rezoning of property located at the northeast
corner of 205th Street and Jordan Avenue from R7 to R6 or R5 was
opened. The City. Attorney attested .that all legal..notices had
been. duly published and mailed. Curt Gutoske gave an outline of
Northwest Associated Consultants' xeport dated 1/25/89 on this
proposed rezoning. Mr. Brad Johnson was present. The Commission
held a discussion and all agreed. that the R5 zoning would be most
appropriate for the area.
84.23. Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters to close the"
public hearing.
.Roll. call was taken on the motion Ayes: unanimous.
89.24 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Whitehouse to
recommend. approval of application of the City of Lakeville fora
rezoning of property located at the northeast corner of 205th
Street. and Jordan Avenue from R7 to R5 subject to the Planner's
report dated 1/25/89 and any other comments of City staff..
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public .hearing. to consider the application of Craig. and Paula
Albright for a conditional use permit for a veterinary clinic in
a B-4, General Business District was opened.. The City Attorney
attested that all legal notices had been duly published and
mailed. Daryl Morey gave an outline of his report dated 1/27/89,
recommending approval of the request. The petitioners were
present and answered questions.
The Commission held a discussion which included how the animal
wastes would be disposed of and how the humidity would be
controlled in the wash down area.
FEBRUARY 2, ,1989
89.25 Motion was made by Walters,. seconded by Steigerwalt to .close the
public hearing.
Roll :call was oaken-on the motion. AYes: Unanimous.
89.26 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whttingham to recommend
approval of the application of Craig and Paula Albright for a
conditional use, permit for a veterinary clinic in a B-4, General
Bu iness District and findings of fact subject to the Assistant
Community Development `Director's report dated 1/27/8.9 and any
other comments of City staff.
Roll call was. taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public.. hearing to consider the. application of Anne Krake for
a conditional use permi for a veterinary clinic in a B-4,
- General Business District was opened. The City Attorney attested
that. all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Daryl
Morey gave an outline on his report dated 1/27/89 recommending
approval of thin..request..-.Jim Robinette pointed out that these
two businesses would be valuable additions to the City. The
petitioner was present and answered questions. Dr. Sweeny of the
Equine Animal Hospital was. present and. questioned if the City
could handle-two additional vet clinics. Roger Knutson stated
that the Planning Commission. and City Council do land use
planning and therefore can not regulate the number of vet
clinics, as long as they meet the. provisions of the conditional
use permit. It is legally beyond the City's scope to limit the'
number of businesses :which legally comply with City codes and
The Commission held a discussion which included:
- Site access and signage
- Dog. runs and .cat cages
How humidity would. be treated in the dog run and in the wash
down area
- Possible landscaping along south property line adjacent to
existing non-conforming houses
89.27 Motion was made_by Whttingham,'seconded by Walters to close the
public hearing.
Roll. call was taken on .thee .motion. -Ayesc Unanimous.
89.2$ Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Whittingham to
recommend approval of the application of Anne .Krake for a
conditional use permit fora veterinary clinic in a B-4, General
Business District and findings 'of .fact subject to the report of
• the Assistant Community. Development Director dated 1/.27_/89 and.
any other comments of City staff.
FEBRUARY 2, 19$9
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
-The public hearing to consider the application of Dakota County
H.R.A.'.for the. preliminary plat, rezoning, planned unit develop-
ment and Street and utility vacation of property located west of
Howland Avenue between 208th and Upper 208th Streets was opened.
The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly
published and mailed. Curt Gutoske gave an outline of Northwest
Associated Consultant's report dated 1/26/89 on this request.
Representatives from Dakota County H.R.A. and Victor Zuethen of
Arvid Elness Architects gave a presentation of the proposed site
and building plans. :They are proposing to construct 40 total
units - 31 one bedroom units and nine two-bedroom units.
Mr. Terry Kennett, Plant Manager. for Despatch Industries pointed
out that their .trucks access their site via Howland to 208th
Streetand they would like to be able. to continue access in this
manner. He also wanted to make everyone aware that the proposal
calls for placing a housing complex. next to a manufac uring
plant and they want to avoid facing City officials with questions
regarding these points. He pointed out that at_night during-the
.summer they open their plant overhead. dock doors and there is a
certain amount of noise associated with this.
There was. a question regarding the existing sites located
adjacent to the site. The metal silos are owned by the
petitioners and will be torn down. The cement silos are not
.:owned by the petitioners and will remain for the time being.
Mr. Debaka questioned if parking was adequate. The petitioner
stated that their experience is that one stall per unit is
sufficient. This request calls for 33 stalls for 40 units (2
Walters .asked if this would be subsidized housing. The
petitioner answered that. it would not be in the .typical sense.
Walters stated that he has a problem with the parking. He feels
'it would be a mistake not to address it.
Whitehouse sees factions of government in conflict and recommends
they get back together to address problems with'the plans.: He
stated he has a problem with parking, flooding, underground
garage, driveway access to the garage, dumpster lacation, access
of Despatch Industries, vehicles, noise from Despatch Industries
and. size of complex related to size of site. He felt they were
trying to squeeze 10 pounds of peanut butter-into a five pound.
jar. He suggested either covering or heating the driveway, or
raising the apartment and the garage so it is no longer under-
FEBRUARY 2 , 1989'
Whittingham feels Lakeville needs more senior housing,. however,
is concerned with the.: water ..problem. She also stated .her concern
about the noise generated from Despatch Industries truck traffic.
She asked if there would be a caretaker living on site. The
petitioner answered yes. She also stated that parking needs to
be addressed.
Steigerwalt questioned entrances to the garage, grade of the
driveway at the stop sign access to the street, and the situation
of the possible future.. parking area across 208th Street..
Langhorst stated he had a problem with parking but feels the
designatedfuture parking site may help alleviateths concern.
He feels that 20$th Street should be designated "no parking". He
expressed concern over the se backs setting a precedent: He
questioned if the number of units could be reduced. The
petitioner stated that a marketstudy was done based on need
(there is a four year waiting lis in .Lakeville for senior
housing) and affordability. The .proposed 40 units maximizes
this>given the site where it is to be located .
.Whitehouse. again, suggested the dumpster be moved from inside the
garage to .outside the complex to make it mare accessible for the
hauler who would have to empty it. He also stated that pipes
from the heating system's boiler could be run underneath the
driveway to heat it.
89.29 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Stegerwat to close
<the public hearing.
Roll all was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
89.30 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters to recommend
:approval. of the application of Dakota County H.R.A. for the
preliminary plat, rezoning, planned unit development and street
and utility vacation ofproperty located west of .Howland Avenue
between 208th and Upper 208th Streets subject to the Planner's
report dated 1/26/89 and the Engineer'sreport dated 1/31/89 and
any other comments of City staff given the following conditions
1. There be no parking. on 208th Street..
2. Soundproofing elements. be added to the building.
3. Parking lot snow be removed from the site.
Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Langhorst,
Whttingham, Walters, Stegerwalt. Nay.: Whitehouse.
The reason for Whitehouse's nay was:.
1. There should be an .outside dumpster facility for .prevention
of fire and rodents, and for security.
2. A driveway heating system or cover over the driveway. to the
garage be installed.
' , e(. `y
FEBRUARY 2, 1989
89.31 Motion was made by Whittngham, seconded by Langhorst to adjourn
the meeting:
Voicevote was taken on the motion.
Time: 9:55 p.m.`
Re ectfully ubmitted:
Daryl D Morey
Assista Community Deve o merit Director
errence Langhorst