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w CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION. MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1989 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Langhorst at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers. Roll call of .members was- taken. Present: Whitehouse, Miller,. Langhorst, Sizer, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Absent: Walters. Also present was Alan Brixius, Consultant Planner, Elliott Knesch, City Attorney and Daryl Morey, Assistant Community .Development Director.. 89.32 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of the February. 2, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Northern Natural Gas Company for a conditional use permit for a natural gas regulator. and meter station facility was opened.. The City Attorney attested that al legal notices had. been duly published and mailed. Daryl. Morey explained. the application and proposal citing: - site location - performance standards - street ROW dedication .along Flagstaff - landscaping standards He recommended approval of the conditional use permit contingent on the conditions of his February 10, 1989 report plus ~~7) the .dedication of an additional 17 foot of street right of way along Flagstaff for the full length of the site and alI buildings meet required setbacks from the new right of way line. Dennis Werkmeister of Northern Natural Gas Company indicated the following response to the City staff's recommendation: - condition 4~1 is acceptable - on conditions ~~2 & 3, they are willing to do one or the other (slatting or landscaping), but not both - on condition ~~4, they ask that no parking be required and that the driveway paving be required at the time Flagstaff is paved - conditions 4k5 and 4~6 are acceptable - condition 4~7 concerning the right of way - they feel they have complied with City regulations Comments of the Commission were as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1989 Whitehouse: - feels landscaping is necessary wants weekly inspection of equipment - recommends all pipes used on site be new material Miller - driveway paving should occur with the upgrading of Flagstaff - concerned with-deterioration of the slatting in the fence Sizer: - endorses the need for a landscape plan. Whittingham questioned the setback. requirement:. Daryl Morey responded that the applicant. initiated construction without permits. The setbacks would not be difficult to meet if the buildings were not already in place. Mr. Werkmeister cited that the company was not aware of all the permit steps and the company initiated construction not being familiar with Lakeville requirements. Whittingham endorced therequired setback. Steigerwalt suggested paving. the driveway with the upgrading of Flagstaff. Miller asked if there was sufficient space outside the fence area for landscaping. Mr. Werkmeister indicated there was a ten. foot setback area. Sizex asked if the required setback. could be imposed. Mr. Morey stated that this standard would have been imposed if the appli- cant`would have followed the correct procedure. The violation is a result of the applicant actions. Langhorst: - Feels berming and landscaping in the ten foot area outside the fence is necessary - Parking could occur inside the fence - Paving of driveway should occur at the time of .upgrading of Flagstaff.. -89.33 Motion was made by Whitehouse, seconded by Steigerwalt to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes:. Unanimous:. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1989 89.34 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Whittingham to recommend approval of the application of Northern Natural Gas Company for a conditional use permitfor a natural gas regulator and meter station facility subject to the amended conditions and the findings of fact.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Independent School District 194 for preliminary and final plat for a school and a minor comprehensive plan amendment to include the land. in the 1990 urban Service Area was opened. The City Attorney. attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Daryl Morey presented the proposed application citing the following: - site location - property ownership surrounding land use and zoning - the preliminary and final plat represent the first phase - CUP .application. to be processed later Staff recommended approval contingent on the conditions of the 2/10/89: report of the Assistant C©mmunity Development Director. -Mr. Kevin Sullivan of Wohl Architects representing Independent School District 194 indicated that the school district had no problem with the conditions except .for the cul-de-sac. He presented a letter outlining their concern for the cul-de-sac including: - morning and evening traffic in the cul-de-sac - off school hour traffic using the cul-de-sac to access the nearby playgrounds. - the cul-de-sac becoming a pavedplay area Mr. Sullivan offered no alternative for the cul-de-sac. The Commission discussion included: - Dodd Boulevard access and possible turn lanes - cul-de-sac - concern over street parking 89.35 Motion was. made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to close the public hearing. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1989 89..3.6 Motion was made by Sizer, seconded by Steigerwalt to recommend approval of the application of Independent School District 194 for preliminary and final plat for a school and a minor comprehensive plan amendment to include the land in the 1990 .Urban Service Area subject to the recommendations in the 2/10/89 report of the Assistant Community Development Director. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Whittingham, Steigerwalt, Langhorst, Sizer. Nays: Whitehouse, Miller. The reason for Whitehouse's nay: The City should request the County to provide right and left turn lanes into the site from .County. Road 9 and no parking signage should be provided on the cul-de-sac. The reason for Miller's nay:. 1. Dodd Road should be improved to provide-better site access from Hwy. 50 to the north side of .the school site. 2. Concern over the status of Taft and First Street on the west side of the site. 3. Agrees with Whitehouse on the school site access and parking in the cul-de-sac. Public hearing to consider the application of Heritage Develop- ment for .the preliminary plat of 41 single family lots to be known as Highview Heights 5th Addition, a rezoning to R-3 for eight lots and a minor comprehensive plan amendment to bring the . property into the 1990 Urban Service Area was opened. The. City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. 89.37 Motion was made by Miller seconded by Sizer to continue the public hearing to the March 2, 1989 meeting due to the Commission not. receiving the Consulting Planner's report prior to the meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Marell, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 74 single family lots to be known as Highview Hills and. a minor Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring the property into the 1990 Urban Service Area was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Alan Brixius gave an outline of his report dated February 9, 1989. Commission members held a discussion including the following: - springs running through the site - location of wildlife habitation area - how Highview Hills plat fits with plans for development of property to the south - purpose of easement between lots 1 & 2, Block 3 and drainage along south of Block 2 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1989 water flow .throughout .the area soils - ditch design -.improvement of Highview .Avenue - traffic access from property to the south of Highview Hills 89.38 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whittingham to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.39 Motion was made by Langhorst, seconded by Miller to recommend approval of the application of Marell, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 74 single family lots to be known as Highview Hills and a minor comprehensive plan amendment to bring the property into the 1990 Urban Service Area subject to the Planner's report dated 2/9/89, the MN Soil and Water Conservation District letter dated 2/2/89 and the Engineer's report dated 2/2/89. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: .Unanimous.. 89.40 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Whitehouse to adjourn the meeting, Voice vote was taken on the motion. Time: 9:45 p.m. Res ectfully ubmitted: Daryl D. orey, Assi tan Community Development Director Alan Brixius, Consulting Planner ATTEST: L/'~_- Terrence Langhorst, Ch 'rman S