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NOVEMBER 2, 1989
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Langhorst at 7:00
p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers.
Roll call was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Walters, Langhorst,
Whittingham, Steigerwalt, Holberg. Absent: Miller
Also present: Jim Robinette, Community Development Director;
Keith Nelson, City Engineer, Elliott Knesch, City Attorney; Alan
Brixius, Consulting Planner.
89.224 Motion by Holberg, seconded by Steigerwalt to approve the
Minutes of the October 19, 1989 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Walters, Steigerwalt,
Holberg, Whitehouse. Abstain: Langhorst, Whittingham.
Request by the Chairperson to address Item 4, Homestead Creek
2nd Addition later in the meeting.
Keith Nelson introduced Randy Geerdes of Strgar, Roscoe and
Fausch, Inc. to present the proposed County Road 46/I-35
Interchange Plan. Mr. Geerdes outlined that the interchange
. would be a folded interchange with both entrance and exit lanes
to be located north of County Road 46. This design is required
due to constraints including:
1. The commercial development in Jackson Addition south of
County Road 46.
2. The interchange's proximity to Lee Lake.
The improvements are proposed to be scheduled as follows:
1991: Upgrade County Road 46 from Cedar Avenue to I-35 to four
lane divided highway.
1992: County Road 46 bridge.
1992: Upgrade County Road 46 from I-35 to County Road 5 to four
lane divided highway.
1993: Interchange construction.
1993: Upgrade County Rod 46 east of Cedar Avenue to qo two lane
Mr. Geerdes described the frontage road system. The east
frontage road will extend from Kenrick Avenue, curve to follow
164th Street and then curve north to align with Joplin Avenue
alignment. The businesses in the Jackson Addition will be
accessed via a local street that loops into the frontage road
NOVEMBER 2, 1989
The frontage on the west will be looped approximately 1,000 feet
west of the interchange to intersect with County Road 46.
The interstate will be improved to include a third through
traffic lane in both the north and south direction extending
through the interchange. Additionally, an acceleration lane is
to be provided for south bound entrance ramp extending to the
weigh station.
The review process includes interchange layout concept review,
.environmental analysis, a metropolitan access permit, and a
pubic hearing and final approval by both MnDOT and the Federal
Highway Administration.
If the project does not proceed, the traffic volumes at both the
County Road 42 and Highway 50 interchange will result in
congestion that will result in unsafe and inconvenient traffic
access to the interstate.
Traffic signals may not be part of the initial construction
plans unless traffic warrants exist or forecasts justify signals
at the ramps.
Mr. Whitehouse expressed concerns regarding traffic turns from
. Kenrick at .163rd Street; the .need for signage near the Crystal
Lake .exit for the truck scales; the merging points of the south
bound interstate traffic near the southbound entrance and from
County Road 46 and merging from four lanes to two lanes .prior to
the weigh station exit presents safety concerns. Others
commented on I-35/50 ramp and scale entrance to I-35.
The Chairman requested that the Commission proceed with Item 4
consideration of the Homestead Creek 2nd Addition final plat.
Alan Brixius presented the .staff review of the final plat of
Homestead Creek. Comments of the Commission included:
- Block length
- The street width of Iceland Avenue
- Drainage along the southern edge of the plat..
- Sidewalks along Iceland Avenue
89.225 Motion by Whittingham, seconded by Holberg to recommend approval
of the final plat of Homestead Creek 2nd Addition subject to the
Planning report of 9/20/89, the Engineer's report of 9/25/89 and
the DCSWCD report dated 9/26/89 and any other staff.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
• The Commission proceeded to Agenda Items 6 and 7.
NOVEMBER 2, 1989
City Engineer, Keith Nelson, presented a concept plan for the
realignment and utility extension along Judicial Trail along the.
west side of ORchard Trail.
Mr. Nelson indicated that the concept plan originated through a
petition by 15 homeowners to upgrade Judicial Road and install
sewer and water. A concept was prepared and presented at a
neighborhood informational meeting. The concept proposed the
realignment of Judicial Road following Lynch Avenue right-of-way
north of the park and then curving back to the existing Judicial
Road alignment at the park.
Through the neighborhood meeting further modifications were
suggested, including the realignment of Judicial Road following
the entire length of the Lynch Path. This would improve the
park access, move utility construction away from the lake,
improve the assessment distribution, open new land for
development and provide a full urban street.
OSM has been directed to prepare a cost analysis for four or
five variations of the concept..
Mr. Whitehouse asked how much of the wetland west of Judicial
Trail would have to be .filled. Mr. Nelson responded that the
• wetland mitigation would not be great. The one acre of fill is
a trade off for pollutant reduction. The new location of the
utility system away from the lake and the elimination of the
on-site systems are a real benefit for .the area and Orchard
Ms. Steigerwalt inquired as to what would be done with the
existing retaining wall. Mr. Nelson indicated any construction
scheme must deal with the retaining wall in .some manner.
Keith Nelson presented drainage studies for Argonne Farm and Lee
Lake. Mr. Nelson expressed a need to develop a specific storm
water drainage system for the Argonne Farm area. Plats like
Rolling Oaks have already provided ponding and drainage
facilities that must be worked into the Argonne Farm system.
The preliminary study has suggested the replacement of the storm
sewer along 173rd Street. In currently undeveloped areas, an
open channel will be most cost effective means of handling the
drainage. Amore detailed study is forthcoming.
Mr. Whitehouse inquired as to whether the drainage flows west to
Orchard Lake through a 48" pipe. Mr. .Nelson indicated that
the pipe crosses beneath the interstate at the 173rd Street
. NOVEMBER 2, 1989
Keith Nelson went on to describe the Lee Lake Outlet Plan
indicating the original plan proposed a pump station and force
main to take lake overflow north to the outlet near 162nd Street
.into the existing storm sewer system.
The DNR has now revised the Lee Lake OHWL that may allow for a
gravity system rather than a force main. The consulting
engineer is now preparing a revised study to look at the gravity
sewer alternative.
Mr. Whitehouse asked if the State may pick up some cost since
they blocked the natural .drainage with the interstate. Mr.
Nelson indicated that it was unlikely that the State would
The Chairman asked if there was any other business. No other
business was presented.
89.2.26 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Whitehouse to adjourn
the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Alan Brixius, Consulting Planner
Terrence Langhorst, Cha man