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NOVEMBER 16, 1989
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Langhorst at 7:00
p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers.
Roll call was taken. Present: Holberg, Langhorst, Miller,
Walters, Whitehouse, Whittingham. Absent: Steigerwalt.
Also present: Jim Robinette, Community Development Director;
Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development Director; Curt
Gutoske, Consulting Planner; Elliot Knesch, City Attorney; and
Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary.
Whitehouse stated that the Planning Commission minutes of
November 2, 1989 did not accurately represent statements he made
regarding the proposed County Road 46/I-35 Interchange and that
he has prepared a corrected version of his comments that he
would like incorporated into an amendment to the minutes as
89.227 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters, to approve
the minutes of the November 2, 1989 Planning Commission meeting
• as amended.
Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes: Holberg, Langhorst,
Walters, Whitehouse, Whittingham. Abstain: Miller..
The public hearing to .consider the application of Felix Tillges
for a preliminary plat for a re-plat of a portion of Viking
Square 2nd Addition to be known as Viking Square 3rd Addition
was opened. The City Attorney attested that the proper legal
notices had been published and mailed and that it was a duly
convened public hearing.
Curt Gutoske of Northwest Associated Consultants gave a review
of the proposed plat stating that it was in conformance with the
Zoning Ordinance. He recommended approval subject to the three
conditions listed in the planning report dated 11/6/89.
Glenn Nord, representing Mr. Tillges, was present and commented
on the three conditions listed in the planning report. He
stated that he had no problem with conditions two-and three,
.however, he did have a concern with condition one. He presented
a concept drawing of the lots briefly describing the proposed
positioning of the units and driveways.
There was no public comment.
NOVEMBER 16, 1989
Commission members discussed the following:
- Driveway layout.
- Unit layout.
- Landscaping (to be added as condition four).
89.228 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whitehouse, to close the
public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
89.229 Motion .was made by Miller, seconded by Whittingham, to recommend
approval of the application of Felix Tillges for a preliminary
plat for a re-plat of a portion of Viking Square 2nd Addition to
be known as Viking Square 3rd Addition subject to the planning
report dated 11/6/89 with the addition of condition four to read
as follows: "A landscape plan shall be submitted for approval
by City staff".
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
The public hearing to consider the application of Patricia
Tennessen for a conditional use permit to allow a second curb
cut access on a single family residential lot .located at 11934 -
168th Street West was opened. The City Attorney attested that
the proper legal notices had been published and that it was a
duly convened public hearing.
Daryl Morey gave a review of the conditional use permit applica-
tion. He distributed copies of a recently received Certificate
of Survey of the property showing the location of the proposed
driveway. He discussed his planning report dated 11/9/89. He
stated that Ms. Tennessen had already begun construction of a
horseshoe-shaped addition to her existing driveway when the work
was discovered by a City Building Inspector. Ms. Tennessen was
unaware of the conditional use permit requirement for a second
driveway curb cut access.
Mr. Morey stated that the City Inspection Department has been
working for over two years with Ms. Tennessen in an attempt to
bring the property into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
related to the storage of inoperable and unlicensed vehicles
and the operation of a commercial automobile repair shop in a
.single family residence.
Mr. Morey stated that staff feels approval or disapproval of
this request is a policy decision to be made by the Planning
Commission and City Council. Further, if approval is recom-
mended, staff requests the conditions listed in the conditional
use permit be adopted.
NOVEMBER 16, 1989
Ms. Tennessee was present and stated that the cars parked on her
property in the past in violation of the Zoning Ordinance
belonged to her youngest son and she had reached an agreement
with him that he would no longer store vehicles on the property
in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
Ms. Tennessee's oldest son was also present and questioned the
restrictions regarding the storage of boats on the property.
Staff stated that a maximum of two recreational vehicles or
equipment could be stored unscreened on the property.
Ms. Tennessee stated that she had reviewed the planning report
and conditional use permit and she has no problem with any of
the recommended conditions.
Commission members discussed the following:
- Outside storage of vehicles and recreational equipment.
- The need for a second driveway curb cut access (safety and
property improvement).
- The number of cars typically stored on the property by members
' of the household (3).
- Driveway curb cut width (12 and 24 feet).
Whitehouse stated that he would like to see the trimming of the
lower limbs of trees located near the street in order to
increase visibility added. to the list of conditions.
Mr. Morey stated that with the submission and staff review of
the Certificate of Survey, condition numbers five, six and seven
of the conditional use permit have been met.
89.230 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters, to close the
public hearing.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
89.231 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Walters, to recommend
approval of the application of Patricia Tennessee for a condi-
tional use permit to allow a second curb cut access on a single
family residential lot located at 11934 - 168th Street West
subject to the conditional use permit excluding condition
numbers five, six and seven with an additional condition to read
as follows: "The lower branches of trees adjacent to 168th
Street shall be trimmed in order to maintain a clear and
unobstructed view of 168th Street from the driveway"; and
approval of the findings of fact..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
. 4
NOVEMBER 16,..1989
Other business:
Jim. Robinette stated that with the Commission members' approval,
the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for December 21, 1989
would be cancelled due to the holiday season. Commission
members concurred..
Mr. Robinette also updated. the Commission on pending and
proposed developments, including the Southfork Shopping Center
status and grocery store proposal.
89.232 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whittingham, to adjourn
the meeting.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Time: 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Mira Holliday, R cording Secre a y
Terrence Langho st, Chair