HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-89 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Airlake Council Chambers by Acting Chairperson Whittingham. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Whitehouse, Walters, Miller, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Absent: Langhorst, Holberg. Also present was David Licht of Northwest Associated Consultants, Elliot Knesch, City Attorney, Bob Erickson, .City Administrator, Jim Robinette, Community Development Director, Daryl Morey, Assistant Community Development Director and Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. 89.233 Motion was~made by Walters, seconded by Whitehouse to approve the minutes of the November 16, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes: Whitehouse,.. Miller, Walters, Whittingham. Abstain: Steigerwalt. • The public hearing to consider the application of Don Korba for a conditional use permit to allow an automobile repair shop located at 9300 202nd Street-West was opened. The City attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Staff asked that this item be tabled pending completion of stipulation requirements for the Freidges PUD, which is the site where Korba's automobile repair shop is to be located. 89.234 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to table the public hearing to consider the application of Don Korba for a conditional use permit to allow an automobile repair shop located at 9300 202nd Street West. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing o consider the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning .Ordinance, to allow gasoline sales by conditional use permit in a B-2 District was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. David Licht of NAC gave a review of the proposed amendment and the planning report of 12/5/89. The floor was opened for public comment. Fred Cooper of 176th Street expressed concern over the noise that would be generated from a propased shopping PLANNING-COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES ' DECEMBER 12, 1989 center. Carla Cooper of the same address stated she was against gas pumps being allowed in the area due to safety reasons. Kevin Kirsh of 161st Street expressed concern over children in the area crossing the street to get to the proposed shopping center. John Gottesleben of Ixonia Avenue felt the area should be down zoned to single or multi family. Larry Yonisch and Lee Price, both of Inland Loop felt the amendment could cause a decrease in the value of their property. Rick Rose of Ixonia Avenue. felt the matter should go before the Natural Resources Committee so that environmental concerns could be addressed. Daryl Morey. stated that two residents of the area, Steve • Sizer and David Kjellberg, called City Hall to express their opposition to the ordinance amendment. Mr. Sizer later appeared at the meeting and urged the Commission to vote against the ordinance amendment, stating gas sales, belong where the area can handle the traffic, not near schools. Rose Belkley of 176th Street stated she agreed with Mr. Sizer. The Commission held a discussion which included: - Underground tanks - inspection and requirements - Open space and landscaping requirements - Litter control around the centerl - Length of business hours - Canopy over pump islands - Traffic generation - Gas stations being permitted only by conditional use permits - Safety issues,. especially related to children - Because there are only three existing B-2 zoned properties in the City, this amendment acts somewhat. like a spot zone. 89.235 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters to close the public hearing. • Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes: Unanimous. PLANNING COMMLSSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989 89.236 Motion was, made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Whitehouse to recommend denial of the application of the City of Lakev ills for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinance, to allow gasoline sales by conditional use permit in a B-2 District and direct staff to prepare a findings of fact for review by the Commission at their next meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of .Lance Johnson for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development concept approval for a shopping center with gasoline sales at 175th Street and Ipava Avenue was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. The applicant requested that this matter be continued pending a decision by the City Council on the amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinance, concerning gasoline • sales by conditional use permit in a B-2 District., 89.237 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to continue the .public hearing to consider the application of Lance Johnson for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development concept approval for a shopping center with gasoline sales at 175th Street and Ipava Avenue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.238 Motion was made by Whittingham, seconded by Walters to accept the signatures of residents opposing the above referenced application for a shopping center. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Peterson and Gephart for a planned unit development amendment for the Southfork Shopping Center was opened. The City .Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly .published and. mailed. David Licht gave a review of the application and the planning report of 12/4/89. Mr. Gephart. and Mr. Peterson were present to answer questions ~f the Commission. The . Commission held an indepth discussion on the design modifications. The. applicants agreed to comply with all of the recommendations listed in the planning report dated 12/4/89. There was no public comment. . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989 89-.239 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whitehouse to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.240 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to recommend approval of the application of Peterson and Gephart for a planned unit development amendment for the Southfork Shopping Center subject to the planning report of 12/4/89. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of McDonald's Corporation for a planned unit development amendment for McStop to allow an addition to an existing storage building located at 21049 Kenrick Avenue was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. • David Licht. gave a review of the application and the planning report of 12/7/89. Gary Meyer, representing McDonald's Corporation, was present to answer questions of the Commission. There .was no public comment. The Commission held a discussion which included: - Loading zones - Building location creating a blind spot for traffic - Building setbacks - Parking - Possibility of attaching the addition to the existing building 89.241 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.242 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Steigerwalt to recommend approval of the application of McDonald's Corporation for a planned unit development amendment for McStop to allow an addition to an existing storage building located at 21049 Kenrick Avenue. subject to the submission of a landscape plan for staff approval. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Miller, . Walters, Whittingham, Steigerwalt. Nay: Whitehouse. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989 The reason for Whitehouse's nay was he felt there was no designated loading zone for the storage building, hazardous for employees to cross traffic lanes to get from McDonald's restaurant to the storage building, especially in inclement weather. He felt the storage building should be attached to the restaurant near the menu board. The public hearing to consider the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinancem, as it pertains to animal kennels was continued from a previous meeting. Daryl Morey gave a review of the proposed amendment and the planning report of 12/8/89, going over, in detail, the recommendations.. Paula Albright of Southfork Animal Hospital was present and stated she felt the length of stay of animals boarded at an animal clinic accessory to a veterinary clinic should not be limited. Mel Martinaalso expressed the same opinion. The Commission held a discussion which included: - Outdoor and indoor exercise areas - Length of time an animal could be allowed to stay at an animal clinic .accessory to a veterinary clinic - Various types of enclosures to keep animals from climbing over fence - The frequency of the disposal of wastes Commission members discussed several wording modifications to the proposed ordinance amendment which were noted by staff . 89.243 Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Whitehouse to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.244 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Whitehouse to recommend approval of the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinance, as it pertains to animal kennels as modified. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consieer the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinance, related to commercial recreation uses in the B-W, CBD-I, I-1 and I-2 Districts was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989 David Licht gave a review of the amendment and the planning report of 11/20/89. The Commission held a discussion which included the safety of a commercial recreation use which is located adjoining an area where hazardous materials are stored or used. Whitehouse stated wording requiring Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be incorporated into the ordinance amendment. There was no public comment. 89.245 Motion was made by .Whitehouse, seconded by Miller to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89.246 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters to continue discussion of the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Ordinance 167, the Zoning Ordinance, related to commercial recreation uses in the B-W, CBD-I, I-1 and I-2 Districts pending staff modification of the ordinance amendment. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of the City of Lakeville for the vacation of a temporary watermain construction easement in Cedar Highlands was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Jim Robinette gave a review of the application, stating it was merely an oversight that the easement-had not been vacated years before. There was no public comment. 89.247 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Unanimous. 89.248 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Steigerwalt to recommend approval of the application of the City of .Lakeville for the vacation of a temporary watermain construction easement in Cedar Highlands. .Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 89..249 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Walters to adjourn the meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1989. Voice vote was taken on the motion.. Time: 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: r Mira Holliday, Recording S¢ retary ATTEST: 2~~~- ~ c Acti g Chairperson., Jan Whi Ingham •