HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-158 DATE Augus i6, 200~? RESOLUTION o4-lss MOTION BY Wulff SECONDED BY Luick RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 172ND STREET STORM SEWER CROSSING CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.04-05 WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville received sealed bids on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. for 172"d Street Storm Sewer Crossing, City Improvement Project. No. 04-05; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid was from F.F.. Jedlicki, Inc.; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: That the City Council hereby awards the contract to the lowest responsible bidder that meets all the bid requirements, F.F. Jedlicki, Inc., with a base bid in the amount of $110,946.00. The construction is proposed to be completed as specified in the contract documents. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16t" day of August, 2004. CI LAKEVILLE By: R ert D. Johnson, Mayor TTES Charlene Friedg ,City Clerk •