HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-100 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date May 1~, zoo4 Resolution No. 04-loo
Motion by Bellows Seconded by Wulff
Resolution Supporting Dakota County Efforts
to Establish a Regional Park in Empire Townsfiip
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville recognizes the need for additional regional
park and open spaces to keep pace with rapid development; and
WHEREAS, there is a .void of regional parks facilities in the more. heavily
.developed and rapidly :growing areas of Apple Valley, Rosemount, Farmington,
Lakeville and Empire Township; and
WHEREAS, Dakota .County Board of Commissioners has authorized park
staff to initiate the siting and acquisition of a regional park managed. by Dakota County;
WHEREAS, the proposed .park location in Empire Township is supported by
all area cities including the Township of Empire; and
• WHEREAS, the proposed Empire .park site may be part of amulti-agency
acquisition creating other public open space areas such as aquatic management area
and a wildlife management area; and
WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota may integrate existing open :space
areas known. as U-MORE Park into the master planning process for the purpose of
providing. additional park opportunities consisting of several hundred acres; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville residents would .benefit greatly from having a
regional park and associated facilities in close proximity to our community.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of Lakeville
supports Dakota County efforts to acquire, develop and manage a regional park in
Empire Township.
DATED this 17th day of May, 2004.
David Luick, Acting Mayor
Charlene Fredges, City .Jerk