HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-085 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date May 3, 2004 Resolution No. 04-85 Motion By muck Seconded By wulf f RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF FORFEITED VEHICLE WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 169.1217 authorizes seizure and impoundment of vehicles involved in certain aggravated DWI violations and the disposition of said vehicles. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following vehicles are hereby authorized to be sold at the public auction conducted by the State of Minnesota. Case # Vehicle Description 03-1009 1995 Chevrolet Camaro APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rdth day of May 2004. CITY OF L MLLE fC • BY~ Robert D. Jo n, Mayor TOTES Charlene Friedges, City 1 rk h:\word\word\corres\dennis\council\resolut\2004\veh forfeitures OS 03 04.doc