HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-050 r I~ ' DATE Marche i5, .2004 RESOLUTION 04-50 MOTION BY Bellows SECONDED BY Wulff RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND. SPECIFICATIONS AND SET BFD DATE FOR JACQUARD AVENUE RECONSSTRUCTION CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0.03-42 WHEREAS, WSB & Associates has completed Plans and Specifications for the above- mentioned project, whichare on file in the Engineering Department; and WHEREAS, the projecfi will be coordinated with the new Lakeville High School and ~ Chadwick Farms development. Construction costs for the project with be the responsibility of ISD #194 or shared by ISD #194 and D.R. Horton, .Inc, pending approval of the Chadwick Farms development; and WHEREAS, easements will be required in the northwest corner of 210th Street and: Jacquard Avenue, said parcel identified as PIN #22-03000-010-59. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: That Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project No. 03-12 are hereby approved , by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that bids will be advertised as required and opened at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at City Hall, 20195 Holyoke. Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the. City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. The City, through its attorney in this matter, Campbell, Knutson Professional Association, is hereby authorized to acquire the. necessary ` real property interests through voluntary .acquisition or through the commencement and prosecution, to the fullest extent necessary, of eminent domain proceedings against all parties with interests in the parcels identified in Exhibit A attached hereto; 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to obtain,.. through voluntary acquisition, real property interests for the parcels identi#ied in Exhibit A attached hereto; 3. The City, through its attorney, Campbell, Knutson Professional Association, is hereby .authorized to invoke the "quick-take" provisions of Minna Stat. §117..042, since it is necessary for the City to acquire the real property interests identified. in Exhibit A on an expedited basis in order to Y~ ~ accomplish the construction and completion of the Project work in August, 2004; 4. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §117.042, the City, through. its attorney, Campbell, • Knutson Professional Association, is hereby authorized to retain an appraiser to determine the City's approved appraisal of value for the property interests identified in Exhibit A and to deposit the approved appraisal value into District Court and to obtain an .order transferring title and possession of the properties involved to the City pursuant to .Minn. Stat. §117.042; APPROVED AND ADOPTED this l5t" day of March, 2004. CI LAKEVILLE By: ert D. Johnson, Mayor EST:.. Charlene Friedge ,.City Clerk , EXHIBIT A r I ' ~ f ~ ?AMESTOWN A I/E o ~ o • j v ~ ~ v m ~ ~ _m m ~ ~ m ~ Z ~ ~ 6 N~ n~C W= m ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ "O ~ N ~ I {O I o I o o ~ ~ A~ $ z A ` \ D ~ Ja V O D + Z F ~ VI ~ O. K gaE ~ ri ~ 5 ~O O m D ~ Z f'l ~ ~ ° f-+ D Z v { ~ D C Cn f'l In !Tl N i$ I, OD-IX m g In T7~ ~ 8 m N ~ fmTt ~ Z v, rn -a z -i ~ D G7 D Z 'O ZI i ~ p r*i m pC{Z ~ E O-mD N~ o~ p O N Z A ~ O O DOO A y in -.i Dpi't ~ Zip ~ D D ~ c~ m m- A ~ rTi C ~ O D -i D ~r z m -i m N ~ ~ ~Il\ O m I ~ ~ ~ 6 Q~ $ 27+00 28+00°- 29+00 R ~ ~ ?ACOUAHD A I/E -WEST LINE F THE SW 1/4 ?F " ~F SEC, 30 T, 1 4 R. 20 x~ ~ m D Y~