HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-029 t. 04-29 CITIES OF APPLE VALLEY, FARMINGTON AND LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA JOINT RESOLUTION R9-04 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLE VALLEY, LAKEVILLE, FARMINGTON (A.L.F.) AMBULANCE SERVICE TO PURCHASE SPECIFIED AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT AND TO ISSUE EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WHEREAS, the Cities of Apple Valley, Lakeville and Farmington have entered into a joint powers agreement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §§471.476 and 471.59 for the purpose of providing advanced ambulance services; and WHEREAS, the joint powers agreement provides that the ALF Board may not borrow money without the advance written approval of all member cities; and WHEREAS, the agreement further provides that when approved by all the member cities, a certificate of indebtedness may be issued by the Board on behalf of the collective members to the Agreement or, in the alternative, a member city may issue such certificate with all approving members being liable for the debt so incurred pursuant to the agreement; and • WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §412.301 authorizes the issuance of certificates of indebtedness within existing debt limits and without being subject to a petition for a referendum if the proposed issue amount is less than 0.25 percent of the market value of taxable property in the city; and WHEREAS, the ALF Board has identified certain specified ambulance equipment more fully described in Attachment A, all of which. has a useful life at least as long as the proposed term of the equipment certificates, and all of which will be purchased by the A.L.F. Board consistent with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes §471.345 and other applicable laws governing the purchase of capital equipment by governmental entities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councils of the City of Apple Valley, Lakeville and Farmington, Minnesota: 1. That the proposed purchase of the ambulance equipment specified in Attachment A is consistent with the purpose of the joint powers agreement and within the existing and anticipated budget of the A.L.F. Ambulance Service. 2. That the proposed purchase of the ambulance equipment specified in Attachment A maybe financed by the issuance of equipment certificates by the City of Farmington or the Board consistent with state'law and the Joint Powers Agreement. • 3. That the .Certificates of Indebtedness issued for the specified equipment will be issued in an amount not to exceed $145,000, payable. not later than 12 months after the date of issuance. 4. That this Joint Resolution maybe adopted contemporaneously by separate actions of the City Councils of the Cities of Apple Valley, Lakeville and Farmington and execution of each city's respective signature and attestation page. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ~~day of 004, by the City Council of the City of Apple Valley, Minnesota. CITY OF APPLE VALLE ~C BY: M Oland, Mayor ATTEST: Mary M er, City Clerk APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17 day of Feb. 2004, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. CITY OF T.AKFVILLE • BY: ~ C Robert D. ohnson, Mayor TTES arlene Friedges, City Jerk APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2"a day of February 2004, by the City Council of the City of Farmington, Minnesota. CITY OF FARMINGTON BY: ~ Gerald G. Ristow, Mayor ATTEST: David ity Adm`~ ` r t-~ . • ~X11I171t A ALF AM~UI.,Ai'~CE Capital Outlay - 200=1 Budget Revised Refurbish unit 11 $ 76,000 $ 80,300 Misc. Equipment for New Ambulance 2,000 2,000 Telecommunications Equipment Mobile Radios. 4,000 4,000 : Portable Radios 3,600 3,600 _ Pagers 1,800 1,800 1Vlobile computers and printers On-board computers and printers (5) 35,000 35,000 On-board computer software 10,000 10,000 Office computers , . 3,000 3,000 LCG Computer Projector 2;500 2,500 Quarters furniture 500 500 VCR 100 100 -File cabinets -two 4-drawer lockable 400 400 Celiuiar phone -replacement 450 450- Total Acquisition of Equipment $ 139,350 $ 143,650