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Date January 5, 2004 Resolution No. 04-2
Motion By Luick Seconded By Bellows
NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the following schedule of fees is hereby amended, approved and
adopted effective January 1, 2004.
A Body Piercing Business 300.00 (ord. 3-18)
1. Application fee $ 300.00
B. Massage Therapist $ 25.00(ord. 3-16)
C Mechanical Amusement Device (ord. 3-12)
1. License Fee per site $ 15.00
2. License Fee per Device $ 15.00
D Pawn Brokers and Precious Metal Dealers............ $ 8,000.00 (ord. 3-15)
E. Sexually Oriented Business $ 300.00 (ord. 3-10)
F. Solid Waste/Recyclable Material Collection......... (ord. 3-8)
1. Class A $ 50.00
2. Class B $ 50.00
G. Tattoo Business 300.00 (ord. 3-18)
1. Application fee $ 300.00
H. Taxicab 25.00 (ord. 3-9)
I. Peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants........,..$ 25.00 (ord.3-13)
J. Tree Trimming and Removal 25.00 (ord. 3-14)
K. Fireworks $ 50.00 (ord. 3-20)
1 /6/2004
Schedule of Fees {continued)
A Excavating and Mining (ord. 7-14)
10,000 cubic yards or less 750.00
• 10,001 to 250,000. cubic yards ..............................................................$1,025.00
plus annual fee of $1,000.00 (including first year)
• 250,001 to 500,000 cubic yards ............................................................$1,100.00
plus annual fee of $1,650.00 (including .first year)
• 500,001 or more cubic yards .................................................................$1,400.00
plus annual fee of $2,250.00 (including first year)
B. Satellite Dish and Antennas (No surcharge) 25.00. (ord. 11-30)
C. Burning $ 25.00 (ord 4-3)
D. Explosives Permits 50.00 (ord. 8-2)
. E. 12ght of way permit fees (ord. 7-15)
1. Excavation Permit Fee $200.00 plus $0.20 per
lineal foot for each
excavation foot over
2,640 feet.
2. Obstruction. Permit Fee $50.00
3. Registration Filing Fee $40.00
4. Delay Penalty $80.00
Note: Security required pursuant to ordinance 7-15-13.8.2
F. Construction- related permit fees (ord. 7-15)
1. Residential Driveway/Curb-cut Application Fee $50.00
2. Filling/Grading Permit Application Fee $75.00
Schedule of Fees (continued)
A. Publications
1. City Code-Volume 1 ($84.51 + $5.49 sales tax) $90.00
2. Zoning. and Subdivision-Volume 2 ($84.51 + 5.49 sales tax) $ 90.00
3. Comprehensive Plan Update ($37.55 + $ 2.45 sales tax) $ 40.00
4. Zoning Ordinance ($32.86 + $2.14 sales tax) $ 35:.00
5. Subdivision Ordinance. 9.39 + $ .61 sales tax) $ 10.00
6. Sign Ordinance 9.39 + $ .61 sales tax) $ 10.00
7. Zoning Ordinance Map ($4.69 + $.31 sales tax) $ 5.00
8. 2020 Land Use Map ($4.69 + $.31 sales tax) $ 5.00
A. Antenna Tower Rental
1. Single System user $ 156.60/mo.
2. 450 MH z Community Repeater $ 234.40/mo.
• 3. Multiple. user, RCC $ 273.30/mo.
4. Microwave antenna $ 313.30/mo.
800 MH z trunked or cellular system per transmitter, receiver,
antenna and standard floor space
5. Receiver $ 39.00/mo.
6. Transmitter $ 39.00/mo.
7. Antenna $ 39.00/mo.
8. Standard floor space $ 39.00/mo.
9. PCS or Cellular $ 91.70/mo
10. 'Lakeville City users No Charge
11. Other types of antennas -determined on a case-by-case basis
12. Consultant review -single user, cellular or trunking $300.00 per
frequency or frequency "pair"
13. Consultant review - E-SMR $1,000.00 per
frequency "pair"
For multiple antenna users, a ten percent discount is offered.
B. Cable TV
1. Video tape reproductions (not including tape) $ 20.00/tape
2. Production Assistant $ 25.00/hr.
3. Editing $ 50.00/hr.
4. Field shooting $ 50.00/hr/site
(Video tape supplied by user or $5.63 + .37 sales tax charge if supplied by City)
.Schedule of Fees (continued)
C. Certification -minutes, resolutions, ordinances, etc 5.00 plus copy
D. Community Map/Brochure (single copy) ....................................No Charge
E. Copies (black and white 8 %2 x 11 single sided) $ .15 per page
F. Copies (colored 8'/2 x 11 single sided $.94 + $.06 sales tax) $ 1.00/page
G. Faxing $ 2.00/pg.local
$ 3.00/pg.long
distance, within Continental US
H. Hydrant Meter Deposit
• 5/8" meter .....................$100.00
~ 3„ meter ........................$500.00
I. Hydrant Meter Rental
• 5/8" meter 1.00/calendar day: $25 minimum/agreement
• 3" meter $ 3.50/calendar day: $25 minimum/agreement
J. Hydrant Meter Water Usage
• $2.75/month minimum; $.84/thousand gallons
K. Maps
• 2,000 scale 18" x 24" 4.69 + .31 sales tax) $ 5.00
• 1,500 scale 24" x 34" 6.57 + .43 sales tax) $ 7.00
• 1,000 scale 36" x 48" ($14.08 + .92 sales tax) $ 15.00
L. Notary $ 1.00....
M. Recvclinq (clean-up day)
• Tires $ 2:00/ea.
• Appliances $ 10.00/ea.
• Large televisions/monitors $ 20.00/ea.
• Regular televisions/monitors 12.00/ea.
• Miscellaneous small electronics 5.00/ea.
N. Recvclinq Container
• Additional 10.00
• Replacement N/C
O. Returned Checks $ $30.00
Schedule of Fees (continued)
P. Subscriptions
• Agendas -City Council meeting $ 20.00/annual
plus $1.30 sales tax
• Minutes -City Council meeting 50.00/annual
plus $3.25 sales tax
• .Agendas -Planning Commission meeting 10.00/annual
plus $.65 sales tax
• Minutes -Planning Commission meeting $ 40.00/annual
plus $2.60 sales tax
Q. Water Meters
• 5/8 x 3/4" $ 101.00
• 3/4" $ 144.00
1„ $ 175.00
• 1-1 /2" $ 403.00
• 2" turbo.......... $ 875.00
• 3" turbo $ 1,100.00
• 4" turbo.. $ 1,962.00
• 2" compound $ 1,560.00
• 3" compound $ 1,962.00
• 4" compound $ 3,193.00
R. Pressure Reducing Valves
• 3/4" $ 45.00 `
• 1" $ 54.00
• 1-1 /2" $ 180.00
• 2" $ 212.00
• 3" $ 939.00
• 4" $1,205.00
S. MXU Transmitter ..........($122.06 plus $7.94 sales tax)..........$130.00
T. Water Meter Credits....A credit (equal to the original price paid) will be issued
fora 5/8" water meter less than three (3) years old that is exchanged for a larger
water meter.
U. Utility Customer Labels $ 80.00
plus $5.20 sales tax
V. Utility Customer List $ 25.02
• plus $1.63 sales tax
Schedule of Fees (continued)
W. Finance Charctes...Computed at 1.5% per month (18.0% annual) on account
.balances unpaid after the date due.
X. Weed Mowing -special assessment, administrative 35.00/lot
A. Dog license (annual) 9.00
Dog license (bi-annual) 18.00
B. Dog license neutered/spayed (annual) 4.00
Dog license neutered/spayed (bi-annual) 8.00
C. Kennel license (annual) 1.00.00
D. Transfer -replacement 1.00
E. _Transfer -ownership 1.00.
F. Pickup $ 20.00
G. Boarding 12.00/day
H. Kennel license transfer 25.00
I. Dangerous Dog $ 25.00
A. Accident photo $ actual cost
B. Digital photo's or audio recording (digital-CD) $10.00
C. Investigative report/animal license listings/
Driver License checks Person History Check ....................$.70+.05 sales tax/first
page,.23 + .02 sales tax/second and subsequent pages
D. Accident video tape.copy
...............................................$23.47 + 1.53. sales
tax/tape + postage
E. Alarm System - 1st three calls per year ............................No Charge.
- fourth call $ 25.00
- fifth call $ 25.00
- .sixth and subsequent calls $ 50:00/ea.
F. Cash deposit escort service 25.00
G. Fingerprinting (resident) 10.00
Fingerprinting (non-resident) $ 25.00
H. Fire incident reports 20.00
I. Hazmat and court ordered restitution reimbursement of
Emergency Incident Charges
• Aerial truck $250.00/hr.
• Engine company $200.00/hr.
• Rescue squad $150.00/hr.
• Tanker truck $100.00/hr.
• • Grass rigs $100.00/hr.
Schedule of Fees (continued).
• Personnel 12.50/hr./person
J. Investigation
• 3.2% malt liquor .......................................................$300.00
• Intoxicating liquor
• Massage therapist .........................................................$100.00
• Pawn brokers & precious metal dealers .........................$350.00/listed owner
A. Billable Transaction Fee
a. Electronic... 1.50/transaction
b. Manual 2.50/transaction
• Sexually oriented businesses ....$350.00
• Tattoo & Body Piercing businesses $350.00
K. Letters of clear record (including but not limited to adoption or foreign jurisdiction
request) 5.00(on letterhead or
L. Permit to .Carry applications 10.00(investigative fee)
M. Police incident reports 20.00/wk-$80/mo.
N. Police Reservist 12.00/hr/per Reservist.
O. Records check -daycare (over age 18) $ 5.00/person
P. Statement tape copy/911 Tape Copy/Audio Tape Copy....$ 1.00 per tape + labor
Q. Towing administration 5.00/vehicle/incident
R. Accident Report (Minnesota Statute 169.09) 5.00
S. Car Seat Installation
1) Residents N/C
2) Non-residents $10.00
T. Archive Retrieval $10.00 + cost/copy
1. Comprehensive Plans
a. Comprehensive Park Flan $ 20.00/copy + 1.30. sales tax
b. Comprehensive Trail Plan $ 20.00/copy + 1.30 sales tax
c. Comprehensive Water Plan $ 25.02/copy + 1.63 sales tax
d. Comprehensive Transportation. Plan..... $ 25.02/copy + 1.63 sales tax
e. Comprehensive Storm Water Mgmt. Plan. $ 46.95/copy + 3.05 sales tax
f. Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan....... $ 25.02/copy + 1.63 sales tax
2. Copies on 3-M microfilm reader/printer $ 5.02/copy + .33 sales tax
3. Digital Data
• DXF format on CD or 3.5" floppy $ 535.00/megabyte
• Data transfer $ 50.00/hr.
• Data transfer minimum charge $ 50.00
i • Engineering detail plates 20.00
Schedule of Fees (continued)
4. Reproduced Engineering record drawings,
construction plans, street, subdivision, water
and. sewer maps, as-builts, drainage plans, aerial
photos and any copies over 11" x 17" 5.02/copy + .33 sales tax
5. Special Assessment Search $ 10.00/parcel
6. Standard.Specifications 25.02/set + 1.63 sales tax
7. Topographic Maps
• Topographic maps available from Dakota County Survey and Land Information
APPROVED AND ADOPTED 5th day of January, 2004.
By:/ C~' ~t _
Robert D. Jo son, Mayor
TTE T: 1
Charlene Friedges, t Clerk