HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-289 CITY OF LAKEVILLE i RESOLUTION Date: December 20, 2004 Resolution No, 04-28.9 Motion by: Wulff Seconded by: Bellows RESOLUTION AMENDING THE POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN FOR EXEMPT AND NON-EXEMPT POSITIONS AND SETTING FORTH THE POLICY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PAY PLAN WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted pay plans from time to time to provide for the compensation of employees in various positions; and WHEREAS, the Employee Position Evaluation Committee has met from time to time and assigned Point Factor Values to all permanent employee positions; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to use the EPEC recommendations as a basis for establishing a pay plan; and WHEREAS, the pay plan should be adjusted from time to time in consideration of changes in the cost of living as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor, market conditions, and position evaluations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. The following pay plan is hereby adopted for the positions listed below effective January 1, 2005. POSITION TITLE START 12 MO 24 MO 36 M0 48 MO 60 MO MERIT GRADE LEVEL 23 City Administrator 7886 8210 8539 8867 9120 9366 9840 GRADE LEVEL 22 7242 7539 7841 8144 8375 8600 9039 GRADE LEVEL 21 Police Chief 6864 7145 7426 7704 7915 8128 8544 GRADE LEVEL 20 City Engineer 6537 6805 7072 7336 7539 7742 8137 Finance Director 6537 6805 7072 7336 7539 7742 8137 GRADE LEVEL 19 Comm & Ec. Dev. Director 6192 6442 6692 6942 7133 7319 7691 Parks & Recreation Dir. 6192 6442 6692 6942 7133 7319 7691 GRADE LEVEL 18 Director of Planning 5846 6081 6312 6545 6723 6896 7248 Dir. Operations & Mnt. 5846 6081 6312 6545 6723 6896. 7248 Police Captain 5846 6081 6312 6545 6723 6896 7248 GRADE LEVEL 17 Fire Chief 5633 5854 6079 6301 6469 6637 6970 GRADE LEVEL 16 Information Systems Mgr 5420 5631 5844 6055 6213 6374 6687 Human Resources Manager 5420 5631 5844 6055 6213 6374 6687 GRADE LEVEL 15 Dir. Of Liquor Operations 5036 5228 5419 5611 5757 5902 6192 Park Maint & Operations Mgr 5036 5228 5419 5611 5757 5902 6192 Asst. City Engineer 5036 5228 5419 5611 5757 5902 6192 Building Official 5036 5228 5419 5611 5757 5902 6192 GRADE LEVEL 14 Utilities Superintendent .4775 4956 5136 5314 5451 5583 5852 Street Superintendent 4775 4956 5136 5314 5451 5583 5852 Parks Supervisor 4775 4956 5136 5314 5451 5583 5852 GRADE LEVEL 13 Sr. Project Coordinator 4521 4689 4861 5028 5150 5276 5521 Env. Resources Coordinator 4521 4689 4861 5028 5150 5276 5521 Develop/Design Engineer 4521 4689 4861 5028 5150 5276 5521 Police Comm & Analysis Mgr 4521 4689 4861 5028 .5150. 5276. 5521 GRADE LEVEL 12 Senior Accountant 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 5186 City Clerk 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 5186 Asst. to City Administrator 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 5186 Sr. Plmb./Mech. Inspector 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 5156 Sr. Bldg Insp/Plans Exam. 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 .5186 Sr. Electrical Inspector 4262 4417 4572 4727 4841 4953 5186 GIS Specialist II 4262 .4417 4572 4727 4841. 4953 .5186 POSITION TITLE START 12 MO 24 MO 36 MO 48 MO 60 MO MERIT GRADE LEVEL 11 Recreation Supervisor 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Cable Coordinator 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Civil Engineer I 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Arts Center Coordinator 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Plmb./Mech.lnspector 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Bldg Insp/Plans Examiner 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Public Information Coord. 4009. 4150 4295 4440 .4543 4649 4855 Employee Relations Coord. 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Associate Planner 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 Sr. Const. Representative 4009 4150 4295 4440 4543 4649 4855 GRADE LEVEL 10 Records Supervisor 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 .4515 Engineering Technician III 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 Accountantll 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 Ec. Dev. Coordinator 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 Info. Systems Technician II 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 O & M Analyst/Safety Spec. 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 Fire Inspector 3751 3875 4006 4135 4231 4329 4515 GRADE LEVEL 9 Store Supervisor 3488 3604 3720 3836 3924 4009 4182 Zoning Enforce/Recycling 3488 3604 3720 3836 3924 4009 4182 Coordinator Sr. Center Coordinator 3488 3604 3720 3836 3924 4009 .4182 Recreation. Program Asst.. 3488 3604 3720 3836 3924 4009 4182 GRADE LEVEL 8 Confidential Secretary/ 3217 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 Deputy Clerk 3217 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 Sp. Assmt/Property Data Clk 3217 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 Acctng Clerk/Financial Secty 3217 3324 3429 .3532 3610 3690 3845 Crime Prev./Evidence Tech 3217 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 GIS Technician 3217 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 Info. Systems Technician I 3217. 3324 3429 3532 3610 3690 3845 GRADE LEVEL 7 Utility Billing Clerk 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 3513 Senior Secretary 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 3513 Public Information Specialist 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 .35.13 Video Producer 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 3513 Environ. Resources Tech. 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 3513 Accounts Payable Clerk 2960 3051 3144 3235 3306 3374 3513 POSITION TITLE START 12 MO 24 MO 36 MO 48 MO 60 MO MERIT GRADE LEVEL 6 Building Department Asst. 2812 2898 2982 3070 3138 3202 3332. Department Secretary 2812 2898 2982 3070 3138 3202 3332 Comm. Pub. Safety Officer 2812 2898 2982 3070 3138 3202 3332 GRADE LEVEL 5 Secretary/Receptionist 2531 2605 2683 2760 2812 2875 2985 GRADE LEVEL 4 Facility Attendant 2239 2303 2374 2442 2491 2537 2634 Community Service Officer 2239 2303 2374 2442 2491 2537 2634 GRADE LEVEL 3 Building Attendant 1957 2009 2062 2118 2160 2201 2287 GRADE LEVEL 2 1658 1702 1751 1796 1832 1864 1933 GRADE LEVEL 1 1361 1399 1435 1473 1500 1529 1578 s 2. The following policy shall be used to administer this pay plan for the positions listed below. PAY PLAN POLICY & ADMINISTRATION FOR EXEMPT AND NON-EXEMPT POSITIONS IDENTIFIED WITHIN THIS RESOLUTION A. EMPLOYEE PROGRESSION A-1 Employees hired will start employment at the Start Step unless credit is given for prior relevant work experience. A-2 Employees will be evaluated by their immediate supervisor on their employment anniversary date. An evaluation that results in a satisfactory performance report will entitle the employee to progress to the next step in their position grade. A less than satisfactory performance will result in the employee being frozen in their position step until their performance improves to satisfactory. A-3 Employees progress through the steps on an annual basis until they. reach the top 60 Month step. The 60 Month step is the highest step level of each grade. A-4 Part Time employees may advance to the next eligible step upon completion of 2080 hours worked. B. PAY PLAN ADJUSTMENT BASED ON CONSIDERATION OF MARKET CONDITIONS AND COST OF LIVING CHANGE B-1 Exempt and non-exempt employees will receive any increases of the pay plan on the. date approved by the City Council subject to their satisfactory work performance. C. MERIT PLAN POLICY C-1 Exempt and non-exempt (full-time and part-time) employees identified within this resolution shall be eligible for merit pay. Merit pay will be .considered on an annual basis. C-2 For non-exempt, non-union employees in grades 1 through 12, evaluations of performance to determine eligibility for merit pay shall be conducted by the immediate supervisor of the employee. The evaluation shall be reviewed with the employee by the supervisor, and then submitted to the City Administrator for review. • C-3 For exempt, non-union employees in grade levels 9 through 16, except those positions referred to in section D-4, evaluation of performance to determine eligibility for merit pay shall be conducted by the immediate supervisor of the employee. The evaluation shall be reviewed with the employee and then submitted to the City Administrator for review. C-4 For the positions of City Engineer, Finance Director, Community and Economic Development Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Police Chief,. Director of Operations and Maintenance, Director of Planning, Director of Liquor Operations, Building Official, Information Systems Manager, Police Captain and Fire Chief evaluations of .their performance to determine merit pay shall be conducted by the City Administrator. A .committee consisting of the City Administrator and Personnel Committee shall rate the employee's performance with the City Administrator rating weighted for 1/2 and each member of the Personnel Committee 1/4. C-5 For the position of City Administrator, evaluations of performance to determine merit pay shall be conducted by the Personnel Committee. C-6 Merit shall be based on gross wages, exclusive of overtime and merit pay, earned during the calendar year. Employees shall not be eligible for merit pay for wages earned at the Start Step. C-7 Merit pay shall be paid for performance evaluations that result in a satisfactory, high or excellent score. Merit pay for the employees shall be paid on a lump sum payment (not added to the base pay) within the capability of the employer to fund the merit plan. C-8 Employees must be considered actively employed or on an approved leave of absence as of December 31S` of the current year to be eligible for a merit payout. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 20th day of December 2004. CITY OF VIL E BY: TEST: Robert D. Jo son, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Cl