HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-287 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date December 20, 2004 Resolution No. 04-287 Motion by Wulff .Seconded by Bell°ws ~4 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES AND RENTAL FEES FOR USE OF CITY ATHLETIC FACILITIES WHEREAS, the City has a need to establish a rules and rental fees schedule for use of City parks, facilities, buildings and property and school fields which are scheduled by the Lakeville Parks and Recreation Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the following policy of the City as set forth below shall be adopted: FIELD/ATHLETIC FACILITY RENTALS L SCHEDULING PRIORITY GROUPS 1. All City sponsored activities and programs. 2. Recognized Lakeville Athletic Groups & Clubs. (refer to exhibit "C") Youth Athletic Groups: This includes Independent School District #194, Independent School District #196 (Parkview), Independent School District #192 (North Trail Elem, Quail Meadows Park), Lakeville Private Schools (All Saints), Lakeville Baseball Association (LBA), Lakeville Soccer Club (LSC), Lakeville Fast Pitch Softball Association (LFSA), Lakeville Football Association (LFA), Lakeville Lacrosse (LL), Lakeville Hockey Association (LHA), Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA - Parkview), Farmington Athletic Association (FAA -Quail Meadows, Greenridge), Other Clubs Individual Teams with roster of 50% or more Lakeville residents (must provide roster with request). Adult Athletic Groups: Lakeville Men's Softball League, Lakeville Men's Baseball Team 3. Recognized Lakeville community service and civic non-profit organizations and agencies activities and programs. These organizations include but are not limited to: Knights of Columbus, Rotary, Lions, etc. r 4. Lakeville residents. Includes but are not limited to: private parties, neighborhood groups, church groups, youth athletic teams not associated with group 2. 5. Non-resident individuals and groups. NOTE: Definition of a Lakeville resident: "Pays property tax to the City of Lakeville". IL FACILITIES -Includes school fields in ISD #194, ISD #196 (Parkview), and ISD #192 (North Trail) 1. Group A -Baseball/Softball Fields 2. Group B -Soccer/Football Fields 3. Group C -Lacrosse Fields III.. RESERVATION PERIOD 1. Priority Group #1 may reserve facilities at any time for any date. 2. Priority Group #2 may reserve facilities in the season prior to athletic contests. Meetings will be held in January for baseball, softball, soccer & lacrosse for May through August play and July for football, baseball, softball & soccer for August through October play. 3. Priority Groups #3, 4 & 5 may request facilities at any time, and will be considered only after Priority Group #1 & #2 have been scheduled. IV. RESERVATION PRIORITY 1. Priority Group #1 may reserve those times, which are. necessary to implement City sponsored programs. 2. Priority Group #2 may reserve those times, which are necessary o implement sponsored programs if space is available. 3. High School and Jr. High activities shall be held in the afternoon hours so they are completed by 5 pm on weekdays. The youth activities shall not start until after 5 pm on weeknights. The athletic group will have priority on the weekend. V. GENERAL RENTAL INFORMATION General Information 1. When reserving Lakeville Parks and Recreation facilities for athletic tournaments, league play and/or approved special events, sponsors will be required to provide proof of general liability insurance coverage at a minimum amount of $500,000 for property damage and bodily injury naming the City of Lakeville as an additional insured on the policy. The sponsor will also be required to sign a Facility Usage Release. and Indemnification Agreement. These documents are due a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled activity. School field reservations must name the City of Lakeville and ISD #194 as additional insured. 2. All costs of extra portable toilets and cleanings for athletic and/or special events will be paid for by the sponsoring organization. 3. Lakeville Parks and Recreation, School Districts #192, #194 and #196, serving Lakeville residents are exempt from the field/facility rental fees. 4. MAINTENANCE FEES: The following adult .leagues will be subject to a $75.00 per team maintenance fee: Lakeville Men's Softball Association and Lakeville Parks and Recreation sponsored leagues. Fees are due by June 30th of each year. 5. GROUP SUPERVISION: Use of field or facility must be under competent adult (age 18 or over) supervision throughout the duration of the rental 6. INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather or saturated grounds, fields will be closed to ensure safety of the participants and to prevent .turf damage. Inclement weather may include: thunder & lightning storms; hail storms; snow storms; heavy rains; heavy snow; heavy frost on the ground; extreme temperatures; or other types of weather which may be dangerous to participants or may lead to damage of the fields. Saturated grounds refers to standing water on a field or a field so saturated by water that use of the field will cause damage to the turf. The decision to close the fields will be made as follows: A. Weekdays -The Recreation Supervisor (or designee) will make the decision on closing the fields. Where possible, the decision on closing fields will be made by 3:00 p.m. Permit holders should call the Recreation Department information/weather phone line at 952-985-4690 option 1 after 3:00 p.m. for field closure information. If inclement weather conditions develop after 3:00 p.m., the coaches or umpires will make the decision on closing the fields. B. No Staff on Duty - If there is no authorized Park or Recreation Department staff on duty, the permit holders will make the decision. on closing the fields. Permit holders will be financially responsible for any turf damage caused by using fields during inclement weather or using fields with saturated grounds. 7. QUIGLEY-SIME and KING PARK are designated for Lakeville Baseball Association play only. 8. The City of Lakeville reserves the right to refuse or restrict the use of any facility for the following reasons: A. The facility is undergoing maintenance or repair. B. The facility may be damaged by the intended use. C. The intended use is illegal or inappropriate. A. Athletic Tournaments 1. Tournament fees for an individual team wishing to host a tournament (Aronson Park) as a fundraiser to help offset team expenses, currently participating in an adult Lakeville league shall be $200.00 per weekend (Friday if fields are available and Saturday and Sunday.) 2. Tournaments which are scheduled by Groups 2 - 5 are required to submit a request for field use and pay the following fees: Per Field/Per Day `Facility Group 2 `Group 3 Group 4 :Group 5 _ _ _ _ Baseball NA ' NA $30 $35 Softball _ _ _ Aronson NA NA $350 $400 Per weekend (Friday if fields are available and Saturday and Sunday.) Include use of fields 1-9 and concession stand. All other NA NA ' $30 $35 Fields Soccer _ _ NA _ _ _ NA _ $30 _ _ $35 Lacrosse ! NA NA $30 $35 Football ! NA NA $30 ! $35 Lights $24 $24 _ $24 $24 3. All adult softball tournaments will be governed by MRPA/USSSA rules and regulations. Parks and Recreation Director may consider other state and national sanctioning bodies' rules and regulations after review. All tournaments will also adhere to City of Lakeville rules and regulations governing park department facilities (Exhibits A and B). 4. All tournament. names must be listed on the tournament. application exactly as they will appear in publications. Any tournament name changes without prior written permission from the Parks and Recreation Department is cause for tournament cancellation, relinquishment of tournament fees and denial of future tournament applications to Lakeville Parks and Recreation. 5. A reservation is not confirmed until the application, proof of insurance and payment of fees and/or $150.00 security deposit is received.. The .security deposit will be retained ..until.. after reserved use... A check will be issued to .return the security deposit based on the condition of the facility following the reservation. 6. Independent School Districts #192, #194 .and #196 and Lakeville Parks and. Recreation Department sponsored tournaments are fee-and security deposit exempt. 7. Each tournament sponsor shall enter. into a .written agreement. with the City, setting .forth the fee and terms #or the use of the park. The attached rules and regulations are identified as "EXHIBIT A"...Tournament sponsor is responsible for ensuring participants are aware and abide by this agreement. 8. A limit of two tournaments per year may be sponsored by any single non-Lakeville organization unless authorized by the Parks and Recreation Director and. contingent upon. field availability. 9. League play at Aronson Park willhave priority on Friday nights. Those fields not. being used for .league play are available for tournament play. 10. Soccer fields are available for organizations/teams affiliated with.. .athletic associations serving Lakeville residents. B. Camps Recognized Lakeville athletic `groups hosting an in-house camp that is designed to be a component of the regular season practice. are exempt from camp rental: fees, i.e., LBA Rookie Camp, MN Thunder providing clinics to .participants as a part of the regular season, etc. Camps, which may include an additional participant fee or require the participanfi to register is non-exempt from the rental fee. Camps, which are scheduled .by Groups 2 - 5, are required to submit a request for field use and the following fees: Per field/Per 4-hour block of time Facility Group 2 ;Group 3 ~ Group 4 Group 5 I Baseball $35 _ ! $40 $40 $50 Softball $35 _ $40 $40 _ $50 Soccer_ $35 _ $40 $40 _ $50 Lacrosse $35 $40 $40 $50 - Footba l $35 $40 ' $40 + -~-50 - - - t Lights $24 $24 ' $24 _$24 4-hour block of time is 8 am-Noon, 12:30-4:30 pm, 5-9 pm ' C. Regular League Play League Games and Practice which are scheduled by Groups 2 - 5 (Lakeville Men's Softball see section V-4) are required to submit a request for field use and the following fees: Per field/Per 4-hour block of time 3 Facility Group 2 ,Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 _ _ Baseball NA NA " $40 $50 . Softball _ NA _ NA $40 $50 _ _ _ 4 Soccer _..lined.. NA_ _ NA $40_ _ $50 Unlined, no NA NA $20 $20 .goals _ _ _ _ Lacrosse NA ~ NA ' $40 ' $50 Football NA ~ NA $40 $50 _ _ _ Lights $24 $24 $24 $24 _ _ - 4-hour block of time is 8 am-Noon, 12:30-4:30 pm, 5-9 pm D.' Other Facilities _ _ _ Per Site/Per Hour ; _ :Facility ~ Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 ;Group 5 Tennis Court $10 $10 $10 , $10 Outdoor Ice Rink $9 $9 $9 $9 Paved Rink ; $9 $9 $9 $9 Lights (per rink/per hour) $10 $10 , $10 $10 _ _ ¦ Parties interested in reserving a rink(s) may do so during normal park hours.. ¦ Lakeville Hockey Association may reserve a rink for dry.. land use. LHA is exempt from a rink. fee, but required: to pay a lighting fee. E. Misc. Services Group 2 Group 3 'Group 4 Group 5 Special soccer field striping cost $50 $50 ' $50 $50 per field _ z ¦ The Park Maintenance Department, with three days notice, will do special field striping, if necessary and if time is available. EXHIBIT «A„ RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL TOURNAMENTS 1. The Lakeville Park Maintenance Department will provide normal Friday field maintenance. All field markings and additional maintenance will be the responsibility of the sponsoring team. (Normal maintenance includes grass cutting, infield dragging and outfield line painting, as required.) 2. The sponsoring team will be responsible for traffic and parking control. Only vehicles used for maintenance for the athletic tournament will be allowed on turf areas. All other vehicles will be restricted to parking areas.. No cars may be parked around the concession/community center area.;. .Use of pathways by motorized vehicles should be only for the transportation of supplies. to the building. 3. Sponsors of State, Regional and National tournaments which are held at Aronson Park, Quigley-Sime Park, North Park and King Park may request special permission to charge fees at their tournaments, which may be granted by the Parks & Recreation Director; Requests to charge fees must be made a minimum of eight (8) weeks prior to the tournament date. Residents who wish to enter said tournament. sites for reasons other than. tournament activities shall not be charged a fee. 4. Supervision and Permit Possession: The host/sponsor will be responsible for having an on-site supervisor who is a competent adult, age 18 or older. This person will have the facility permit in their possession and will be responsible for informing his/her tournament members of arrangements and rules.. 5. The sponsoring team or organization will be responsible for trash pick up at the end of Friday's, Saturday's and .Sunday's games. Sponsoring teams or organizations reserving Aronson Park will be responsible for. placement. of all full trash barrels along the east side. of the. shelter building both Saturday and Sunday. The sponsoring team or organization wil} be responsible for placement of full trash bags into dumpsterat the end of each tournament day. .Failure to comply with this rule on a daily basis may be cause forJoss or reduction of security deposit. 6. The tournament sponsor must make sure bases are put back in Aronson Park's northeast storage room at the end of each day. 7. Grilling is not allowed at any indoor park facilities. At Aronson Park grills may be placed outside the concession area on the east-side of the shelter building. Protective measures must be implemented to prevent grease drippings. on park trails, concrete. or turf areas.. Groups must properly dispose of grease, charcoal and ash. 8. All park .amenities such as picnic tables, playground equipment, fire .grates and bleachers must remain in their present locations; The moving of any property will require additional permission. 9. Appropriate building. keys must be signed out from the Parks and Recreation Department at the Lakeville City Hall the last .business -day before the tournament and returned no later than three (3) days following the tournament. A $20.00 deposit is required for each key. 10. tT IS UNLAWFUL .FOR .ANY PERSON TO POSSESS OR CONSUME INTOXICATING BEVERAGES, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BEER, ON ANY PARK PROPERTY. GLASS CONTAINERS OF ANY TYPE ARE ILLEGAL! TOURNAMENT SPONSORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THIS RULE IS ENFORCED. 11. During approved adult softball tournaments at Aronson Park in which Lakeville Lions .Club is authorized to conduct. beer sales, tournament participants and spectators are not permitted to bring beer into Aronson. Park. Each tournament sponsor is required to clearly state on all publicity forms that beer may not be brought into the park. The Lakeville Police Department will be responsible for enforcing this rule. y EXHIBIT "A" (continued) RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF BUILDINGS AT ARONSON PARK, NORTH PARK, FOXBOROUGH PARK AND PARKVIEW PARK 1. Arrangements for entering the building can be made with the Parks and Recreation Department prior to the day of the event. A key to the building must be signed out the last working day before the reservation and returned no later than three (3) days after the reserved date. A $20.00 deposit for eachkeywill be required. 2. Kitchen (where applicable) should be left completely cleaned: • .Floors washed • .Cupboards all cleaned • Counters all washed. • Walls cleaned • Stove completely cleaned inside and out The sponsoring organization will be responsible for cleaning up all trash and placing full trash bags into dumpster following the rental period. 3. Bathroom area: • Floors,. sinks and urinals should be cleaned • All trash removed from bathroom must be put into the dumpster provided 4. Community room: • Vacuum floor 5. No group may reserve the facility for regularly scheduled meetings or'classes. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS ARE PROHIBITED WITHIN THE BUILDINGS AT NORTH PARK, FOXBOROUGH PARK, PARKVIEW PARK AND RITTER FARM PARK ELC. BEFORE LEAVING: • Check to see that all running water is shut off • Make sure all tights and electrical appliances are turned off • Make- sure all doors and windows are securely locked (Please note that the outside restroom doors at North Park remain open daily from May through September) • .Inspect area around building for litter and other debris; dispose of properly Violation of City ordinance by a member of a group using a Citypark shalt result in immediate expulsion of the entire group. (City Code 7-1-4-7) EXHIBIT ..B.. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CITY PARKS 1. Rental groups are to use only those areas designated for group picnics. Facilities. such as softball fields, horseshoe pits .and volleyball courts are available unless akeady being .used by the general public or for league play. 2. Rental groups will be responsible for cleanup of trash and debris in areas reserved for their activity. 3. Amenities such as picnic tables, benches and other park property must remain in their present location. The moving of any property will require additional permission. 4. A group supervisor will be responsible for controlling all members of said rental group. Any violations to City ordinances will result in automatic cancellation of the rental group contract and the group will be asked to leave City property.. 5. All motor vehicles will be parked in designated parking areas. If an event is being catered, a group leader must meet with a member of the park staff for specific instructions on entering the park, parking, etc. 6. Only groups consisting of 300 people or less will be considered for rental of designated areas. 7. It is unlawful for any person to use drugs or consume intoxicating liquors within City parks, with the exception of beer. Tobacco and intoxicating liquor, including. beer, are prohibited in park. buildings. 8. GLASS BEVERAGE CONTAINERS are prohibited in all City parks. 9. City of Lakeville park hours are 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, unless otherwise posted. 10. Fires are allowed only in designated areas. Fires must be completely extinguished before leaving the area. 11. Dogs in Lakeville parks must be on a leash, with only two exceptions. Dogs that receive an American Kennel Club "Canine Good Citizen" certificate or its approved equivalent or a dog fitted with an electronic collar can be off-leash. Pet owners are also required by ordinance to clean up any droppings left by their animals. 12. Pig roasters are limited to drip-proof, self-contained units and are restricted to the gravel area near Shelter A at Antlers Park. Protective measures must be taken to make sure no grease is dripped on any park grounds or facilities. Pig roasters are prohibited at all other City parks. Use of specialized cooking units mustreceive prior authorization. from the Parks and Recreation Director. 13. Motorized (except authorized maintenance/emergency) vehicles are not allowed in the park under any condition and may not use the bike trails for transporting items to the picnic areas. 14. Directional signs, banners, balloons and other decorations or group picnic. markers are prohibited. from being placed on public property. 15. Remote controlled model airplanes as well as airborne rockets and missiles are prohibited in all Lakeville parks due to safetyconcems. Permission for special events involving model airplanes or boats may be given by the City Council upon receipt of suitable application and presentation of appropriate certificate of insurance. 16. Golfing is prohibited within. aII City parks except Parks and. Recreation Director approved city sponsored programs or event. 17. Parasailing is prohibited on or adjacent to all City of Lakeville. lakeshore property, beaches, or boat launches, i.e. Antlers Park, Ritter Farm Pack, Valley Lake Beach, Gasperson Park and Orchard Lake Beach. 18. Moonwalks, dunk tanks, animal .rides, and other amusement type facilities are. prohibited unless associated with a major City event and given prior permission by the Parks and Recreation Director and/or City Council. 19. Non-Lakeville Parks .and. Recreation Department sponsored, fee based classes must request use of park facilities. Permission to .use the parks will be considered on a case by case basis and. may be subject to additional requirements as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director. EXHIBIT ..C.. ATHLETIC GROUPS.& CLUBS Policy Statement The goal of the City's Parks and 'Recreation Department function is to .provide a rich variety of recreational opportunities to city youth and adult in the most efficient manner possible. To achieve this goal, the City will emphasize partnership with-volunteer organizations to plan, organize, and implement youth and adult recreational programs. Procedures The city may recognize any number of associations or clubs based on the availability of resources and determination of the benefits to the community by the Parks and Recreation Director. 1. To qualify as a recognized City association or club, they must provide: • Program(s) open to alf residents in the city-approved service area. • Must be affiliated with a higher association, o Soccer - i.e., Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) o Softball - i.e., American Softball Association (ASA), Minnesota Sports Federation (MSF) o Baseball - i.e., MYAS, AAU, USSSA, MSF, Metro Baseball o Lacrosse- i.e., US Lacrosse, Minnesota Lacrosse Association (MLA) • Verification of non-profit status. They shall provide the City with an annual financial report and a copy of any tax filings required by the state or federal governments. • Opportunity for a Parks and .Recreation Department representative to participate (non-voting) in Board meetings and attend monthly meetings as desired. • Proof of general liability-insurance coverage at a minimum amount of $500,000 for property damage and bodily injury naming the City of Lakeville as an additional .insured on the policy. 2. In return, .qualifying associations or clubs will receive from the City; • Priority use of City-owned facility and School. District. #192, #1.94, #196 fields per the joint powers agreement, along with other established priority users. • ..Acknowledgement of the groups as providers of their respective sport offerings. As part of this, the City refers residents to these organizations. 3. .Associations. or clubs are valued. partners to the City in providing organized recreational opportunities. Consequently, serious conflicts arising within or between associations and resident groups that threaten the quality of those .recreational. opportunities are of concern to the City. Barring a legal imperative to the contrary, the City's role involving such conflicts is limited to encouraging the association board and party in conflict to work through the problem, according to existing by-laws, with staff representatives providing facilitation and information, as required. Responsibility The Parks and Recreation Department appoints staff to work with the various associationsto ensure the .responsibilities are being met. Staff, through the grievance procedure, addresses concerns from the general public. k ADOPTED this 20~" day of December, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota . CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Robert D. Johnson ayor TTEST: Charlene Friedges, City C rk