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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-262 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION • Date December 20, 2004 Resolution 04-262 Motion By Wulff Seconded By Bellows RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2004 GIS FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the GIS Fund Budget is hereby approved and amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004. 2004 2004 Adopted .Amended Budget Adiust Budget Note Revenues General Service Charges $ 41,250 $ 8,189 $ 49,439 (1) Taxes 52,833 52,833 Transfer from the Water Operating Fund 14,623 14,623 Transfer from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund 14,623 14,623 Transfer from Storm Sewer Trunk Fund 20% 29,246 - 29,246 Total Revenue $ 152,575. $ 8,189 $ 160,764 Expenditures . Personnel 135,506 135,506 Computer Supplies 250 250 Contractual -Software support 3,825 3,825 Schools and Conferences 130 130 Dues and Subscriptions. 100 100 Capital Outlay Arcview upgrade to 8.2 1,278 1,278 11 x 17 Scanner 4,686 4,686 Transfers to General Fund 6,800 68,748 75,548 (2) Total expenditures 152,575 68,.748 221,323 Net Increase (Decrease) - (60,559) (60,559) Fund Balance, January 1 60,559 - 60,559 Fund Balance, December 31 $ 60,559 $ (60,559) $ - APPROVED AND AMENDED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 20th day of December, 2004 CITY OF L KEVILLE BY: - Robert D. Joh on, Mayor E T: Charlene Friedges, City CI rk i Y CITY OF LAKEVILLE 2004 G.LS. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND • ADJUSTMENT (1) Increase general service charges to reflect 2004 estimate. Revenues General service charges 8,189 (2) .Beginning in 2005, all GIS activity will be accounted for in the General Fund and the GIS Fund will be closed as of December 31, 2004. Increase the transfer to General Fund representing the residual fund balance being closed to the General Fund. Transfer to General Fund 68,748 Reduce Fund Balance (60,559)