HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-259 { r CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date December 20 2004 Resolution 04-259 Motion By Wulff Seconded By Bellows RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, .Minnesota, that the following General Fund Budget is hereby approved and amended far the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004. 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES REVENUES General property taxes $ 9,900,557 $ (807,564) $ 9,092,993 Licenses and permits 2,394,858 - 2,394,858 Intergovernmental revenue. 567,095 106,529 673,624 Charges for services 1,581,387 15,172 1,596,559 Court fines 205,357 - 205,357 Miscellaneous 289,411 4,650 294,061 Interfund transfers 1,214,869 (572,916) 641,953 Total Revenues 16,153,534 (1,254,129) 44,899,405 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council 113,209 - 113,209 Public Communications 166,246 - 166,246 City Administration 314,950 6,899 321,849 City Clerk 136,282 - 136,282 Legal 89,515 - 89,515 Committees/Commissions 79,248 (1,644) 77,604 Community Development 661,561 - 661,561 Inspection 933,633 13,000 946,633 General Government Building 359,243 (3,800) 355,443 Finance 770,766 - 770,766 Human Resources 250,601 - 250,601 Insurance 176,208 - 176,208 Police 5,688,445 20,781 5,709,226 Fire 955,588 117,695 1,073,283 (continued} RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET .ADJUST BUDGET NOTES EXPENDITURES (continued) Ambulance $ 22,829 $ - $ 22,829 Engineering 779,207 (13,000) 766,207 Streets 2,857,278 5,646 2,862,924 Parks 1,619,325 4,739 1,624,064 Recreation 397,760 (8,000) 389,760 Arts Center 247,728 12,946 260,674 Other 90,850 (90,850) - Total Expenditures 16,710,472 64,412 16,774,884 Net Increase/(Decrease) (556,938) (1,318,541) (1,875,479) Fund Balance, January 1 8,756,931 8,756,931 Transfer to Employee Benefit Fund (671,255) 671,255 - (10) Transfer to Building Fund (352,200) 352,200 - (10) Fund Balance, December 31 $ 7,176,538 $ 295,086 $ 6,881,452 APPROVED AND AMENDED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 20th day of December, 2004. CITY OF K V~I }LLE BY: ~ Robert D. Jo son, Mayor ATTEST harlene Friedges, City Cler .GENERAL .FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET. NOTES TAXES Property taxes -current $ 8,819,373 (807,564) $ 8,041,809 (1D) Property taxes -delinquent 85,903 85,903 Market value homestead credit 94,144 94,144 Fiscal disparities 821,024 821,024 Mobile home tax 32,430 32,430 Mobile home tax credit 21,368 21,368 Gravel tax 26,315 - 26,315 Total Taxes $ 9,900,557 $ 807,564. $ 9,092,993 LICENSES AND PERMITS Trash removal $ 450 $ 450 Dog 14,700 14,700 Signs 5,275 5,275 On-sale liquor 50,900 50,900 Sunday liquor 2,800 2,800 Club special license 1,150 1,.150 Non-intoxicating liquor on 600 600 .Non-intoxicating liquor off 600 600 Wine 500 500 Peddler 250 250 Tree removal 500 500 Arcade (amusement device) 1,665 1,665 Tattoo/piercing 900 900 Fireworks. 500 500 Miscellaneous 825 - 825 Total Licenses 81,615 - 81,615 Plan review fees 722,025 722,025 Building 1,206,653 1,206,653 Plumbing 92,277 92,277 Water and sewer 63,973 63,973 Mechanical 90,165 90,165 Street cutting 5,150 5,150 Grading/Filling 900 900 Gravel 4,800 4,800 Driveway 750 750 Zoning 6,200 6,200 Fire burning 250 250 Electrical 120,000 120,000 Miscellaneous 100 - 100 Total Permits 2,313,243 - 2,313,243 Total Licenses and Permits $ 2,394,858 $ - $ 2,394,858 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST $UDGET NOTES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE State-aid police $ .238,760 $ 238,760 State-aid fire relief 194,250 96,897 291,147 (3) State-aid streets 69,030 69,030 State-aid pensions 21,303 21,303 State POST Board grant 1.8,142 18,142 State Safe & Sober grant 5,510 5,824 11,334 (5) Federal COPS (SRO) grant 17,300 17,300 Police protective vests grant 2,400 3,808 6,208 (6) Other grants 400 - 400 Total Intergovernmental $ 567,095 $ 106,529 $ 673,624 CHARGES FOR SERVICES General Government Rezoning fees $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Platting fees 5,800 5,800 Variance fees 1,200 1,200 • PUD application fees 1,250 1,250 CUP fees 3,800 3,800 Home occupation fees 900 900 .Planner fees 38,668 38,668 Inspection fees 14,400 14,400 General government service charge 2,255 2,255 Tree escrow fund administration 10,612 10,612 Lodging tax fee 5,650 5,650 Investment management fees 22,943 22,943 Sale of maps/copies 900 900 Sale of printed material 200 200 Finance charges 1,000 1,000 City of Farmington (LS. Technician cost share) 21,499 - 21,499 Total General Government 133,077 - 133,077 l GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST .BUDGET NOTES Public Safety Police department charges $ 39,986. $ 2,226 $ 42,212 (7) Police dispatching 151,883 151,883 SRO - ISD 194 contribution 111,950 111,950 Animal pickup 2,760 2,760 Animal storage 5,214 5,214 Animal rabies 2,645 2,645 Restitution 400 400 Forfeiture -sale of assets 12,000 12,000 Fire contracts 26,371 26,371 ALF -Administrative charge 59,819 - 59,819 Total Public Safety 413,028 2,226 415,254 Public Works Engineering platting -preliminary 8,602 8,602 Engineering platting -final 5,000 5,000 Engineering plan review fees 21,710 21,710 Engineering developer inspection fees 10,963. 10,963 Engineering developer contract administration 248,798 248,798 Engineering improvement project design variable 12,420 12,420 Engineering improvement project construction inspecti 11,040 11,040 Special assessment admin charge 95,562 95,562 Special assessment searches 250 250 Document/map sales 1,660 1,660 Bid plans/specs deposits 1,500 1,500 Street lights 365,630 365,630 Credit River -Judicial road maintenance 3,380 3,380 Developer street signs install 28,000 - 28,000 Total Public Works 814,515 - 814,515 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Parks and Recreation Recreation activities Youth activities $ 44,515 $ .44,515 Youth activities donations. 250 250 Youth special events 16,689 16,689 Youth special events donations 200 200 Adult activities 46,213 46,213 Puppet wagon donations 3,700 3,700 Safety Camp 2,375 2,375 Safety Camp donations 2,250 2,250 Senior Center donations 400 400 Excursions 7,920 7,920 Tennis lessons 9,216 - 9,216 Total Recreation activities 133,728 - 133,728 Park rental/maintenance/tournament fees 13,000 13,000 Senior Center rental 400 400 Senior Center -newsletter reimbursement 1,433 - 1,433 Total .Parks and Recreation 148,561 - 148,561 Arts Center Program fees 40,206 42,946 53,152. (4) Facility rental 32,000 - 32,000 Total Arts Center 72,206 12,946 85,152 Total Charges for Services $ 1,581,387 $ 15,172 $ 1,596,559 GENERAL.FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES COURT FINES Court fines $ 205,357 $ - $ 205,357 MISCELLANEOUS Interest on investments $ 1.80,908 $ 180,908 Sale of assets 25,638 25,638 Park rental farming - Berres 250 250 Donations 25,000 .4,650 29,650 (8)(9) Rentals Dakota Heights water tower 57,615 - 57,615 Total Miscellaneous $ 289,411 $ 4,650 $ 294,061 1NTERFUND TRANSFERS Cable TV Fund $ 156,391 $ 156,391 G.I.S. Fund (IS) 6,800 6,800 Surface Water Management Fund 92,410 92,410 E-911 Fund 33,797 33,797 Municipal Reserves Fund (Administration charge) 19,370 19,370 Municipal Reserves Fund (HR) 17,842 17,842 Liquor Fund (Police Patrol) 37,777 37,777 Liquor Fund (IS) 21,433 21,433 Liquor Fund (Chemical awareness) 41,377 41,377 Liquor Fund (HR) 37,965 37,965 Liquor Fund 572,916 (572,916) - (10) Utility Fund 149,038 149,038 Utility Fund (IS) 14,877 14,877 Utility Fund (HR) 12,876 - 12,876 Total Interfund Transfers $ 1,214,869 $ 572,916 $ 641,953 Total General Fund $16,153,534 $ 1,254,129 $ 14,899,405 i GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 2004 2004. ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST .BUDGET NOTES Mayor and Council Personnel services $ 51,381 $ 51,381 Commodities 50 50 Other charges and services 61,778 - .61,778 Total 113,209 - 113,209 Public Communications Personnel services 130,261 130,261 Commodities 430 430 Other charges and services 34,656 34,656 Capital outlay 899 - 899 Total 166,246 - 166,246 City Administration Personnel services 300,052 2,300 302,352 (2) Commodities 800 800 Other charges and services 12,364 4,599 16,963. (2) Capital outlay 1,734 - 1,734 Total 314,950 6,899 321,849 City Clerk Personnel services 84,646 84,646 Commodities 2,975. 2,975 Other charges and services 43,733 43,733 Capital outlay 4,928 - 4,928 Total 136,282 - 136,282 Legal 89,515 - 89,515 CommitteeslCommissions Personnel services 33,568 (1,644) 31,924 (1) Commodities 1,320 1,320 Other charges and services 44,360 - 44,360 Total 79,248 (1,644) 77,604 Community Development Personnel services 584,952 584,952 Commodities 3,765 3,765 Other charges and services 70,288 70,288 Capital outlay 2,556 - 2,556 Total 661,561 - 661,561 GENERAL FUND • SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Inspection Personnel services $ 853,628 $ 13,000 866,628 (1) Commodities 13,866 13,866 Other charges and services 57,935 57,935 Capital outlay 8,204 - 8,204 Total 933,633 13,000 946,633 General Government Building Personnel services 92.,853 (3,800) 89,053 (1) Commodities 46,939 46,939 Other charges and services 211,676 211,676 Capital outlay 7,775 - 7,775 Total 359,243 (3,800) 355,443 Finance Personnel services 594,609 594,609 Commodities 13,386 13,386 Other charges and services 145,228 145,228 Capital outlay 17,543 - 17,543 Total 770,766 - 770,766 Human Resources Personnel services 186,826. 186,826 Commodities 4,130 4,130 Other charges and services 59,645 - 59,645 Total 250,601 - 250,601 Insurance 176,208 - 176,208 Police Personnel services 4,853,980 7,640 4,861,620 (1)(5)(7) Commodities 203,685 3,894 207,579 (6)(9) Other charges and services 630,780 7,707 638,487 (2) Capital outlay - 1,540 - (g) Total 5,688,445 20,781 5,707,686 Fire Personnel services 652,716 116,695 769,411 :(1),(2)(3) Commodities 82,783 1,000 83,783 (8) Other charges and services 220,089 - 220,089 Total 955,588 117,695 1,073,283 Ambulance Other charges and services 22,829 - 22,829 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 2004 2004 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET .ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Engineering Personnel services $ 665,406 $ (13,000) $ 652,406 (1) Commodities 16,880 16,880 Other charges and services 50,039 50,039 Capital outlay 46,882 - 46,882 Total 779,207 (13,000) 766,207 Streets Personnel services 1,059,925 5,646 1,065,571 (1) Commodities 424,546 424,546 Other charges and services 1,372,807 - 1,372,807 Total. 2,857,278 5,646 2,862,924 Parks Personnel services 1,171,276 4,739 1,176,015 (1) Commodities 160,070 160,070 Other charges and services 285,791 285,791 Capital outlay 2,188 - 2,188 Total 1,619,325 4,739 1,624,064 i Recreation Personnel services 259,287 (8,000) 251,287 (1} Commodities 23,131 23,131 Other charges and services 109,816 109,816 Capital outlay 5,526 - 5,526 Total 397,760 (8,000). 389,760 Arts Center Personnel services 143,442 143,442 Commodities 9,572 9,572 Other charges and services 94,714 12,946 107,660 (4) Total 247,728 12,946 260,674 Other 90,850 (90,850) - (2) Total General Fund $16,710,472 $ 64,412 $ 16,773,344 F ° 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES • ADJUSTMENT (1) Adjust salary appropriations between various departments as to more accurately reflect actual interdepartmental time spent. by staff. Expenditures -Personnel Committees and Commissions -Pan-O-Prog (1,644) Inspections 13,000 General Government Building (3,800) Police (2,434) Fire 5,493 Engineering (13,000) Streets 5,646 Parks 4,739 Recreation (8,000) Net - (2) Transfer appropriations from Contingency and apply to the following Departments. Expenditures: City Administration (Administrator transition -personnel) 2,300 City Administration (new Administrator moving expenses) 4,599 Police (911-emergency cellular phone circuits) 7,707 fire (pay for calls volume increase -personnel) 5,473 Fire (former employee unemployment charges -personnel) 8,832 Remove 2004 Contingency (90,850) Net increase to Fund Balance (unused contingency) 61,939 (3) Increase Intergovemmental revenue appropriations for State Aid fire relief with with an offsetting increase in the fire relief contribution. Expenditures -Fire relief contribution 96,897 Revenues -Intergovernmental revenue (State aid Fire Relief) (96,897) Net - (4) Increase Charges for Services revenue for Arts Center performing arts events, with corresponding increases in contractual services provided. Revenue -Charges for services 12,946 Expendi#ures -.Contractual services (12,946) Net - (5) Increase Police overtime appropriations with an offsetting increase to grants for Safe and Sober, Special Operations Team training, and. Drug Task Force. Increase Intergovemmental Revenue -Police Grants (5,824) Increase Police Overtime 5,824 Net - i (continued} R` - ~ • (continued) 2004 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES ADJUSTMENT (6) Increase Police clothing for protective vest with an offsetting increase to bullet proof vests grant program. Increase Intergovernmental Revenue -Police bullet proof vests grant (3,808) Increase Police Clothing (vests) 3,808 Net - (7) Increase Police overtime appropriations with an offsetting increase to charges for services revenue related to Lakeville Police Officers providing security at civic events. Increase Police Department Charges (2,226) Increase Police Overtime 2,226 Net - (8) Increase Fire operating supplies for fire prevention materials with an offsetting increase to donations. Increase Donation Revenue (1,000) Increase Fire operating supplies (Fire prevention materials) 1,000 Net - • (9) Increase Police overtime, supplies, and capital outlay appropriations with an offsetting increase to K-9 and crime prevention donations. Increase Donation Revenue (3,650) Increase Personnel - K-9 Overtime 2,024 Increase Supplies -Crime prevention materials 86 Increase Capital Outlay - K-9 Bite Suit 1,540 Net - (10) The 2004 General Fund budget provided transfers to the Building Fund for land acquisition ($200,000), and architectual fees for the Central Maintenance Facility ($152,200), and to the Employee Venefit Fund ($671,255). The 2004 General Fund budget included a transfer from the Liquor Fund ($572,916). The proposed 2005 budget anticipated a transfer from the General Fund ($357,025) to the Building Fund for various projects to be undertaken in the coming year. Staff recommends the various transactions described above could be more accurately reflected as shown below. The net effect is revenue neutral to all funds. Reduce Revenues -Taxes 807,564 Reduce Revenues -Transfer from Liquor Fund 572,916 Reduce Expenditures - Transfer to Building Fund (352,200) • Reduce Expenditures - Transfer to Employee Benefit Fund (671,255) Net reduction to Fund Balance 357,025