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Date October 18, 2004 Resolution 04-215
Motion By Rieb Seconded By Lurk
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Lakeville, Minnesota, as follows:
SECTION 1. Recitals: Findings.
1.01. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 631, the. City created a special service district for certain
properly located adjacent to Holyoke, Holt, and Howland Avenues from 202"d Street West on the
north to 210"' Street West on the south. The specific properties included within this land area (the
`~District'~ are identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
1.02. The City has received a petition to impose a service charge from the owners of
• property within the District (the "Petition'.
1.03. The City Council has determined each of the following:
(a) at least twenty-five .percent (25%) of the individuals or business
organizations subject to the proposed service. charge have signed the Petition;
(b) only owners of property located within the District have signed the Petition;
(c) only owners of property classified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13
as commercial, industrial, or public utility purposes, or that is vacant land zoned or
designated on a land use plan for commercial, industrial, or public utility purposes, have
signed the Petition; and
(d) notice of a public hearing has been given.. and a public hearing has been
SECTION 2. Imposition of Service Charge.:
2.01. Amount of Service Charge. There is hereby imposed a service charge in the
amount and .against the properties specified on Exhibits "A',and "B" attached
hereto (the "Service Charge'.
2.02. Nature and character of Special Services -Budget. There is hereby approved a
• budget for Special Service District fiscal year beginning July 1 2005 through June
30, 2006 as specified on Exhibit "C" a copy of which is attached hereto.
2.02. Multi-year Service: Charge. The Service Charge imposed by this resolution is a charge for
more than one year. The Service Charge wiN remain in effect through and including the year 2005
for taxes ..payable in said year.
2.03. Calculation of Service Charae. The Service Charge shall be calculated: as a
percentage of the net tax capacity of the taxable property located in the Special Service District.
The minimum charge levied .against a property owner shall be $100.00 and the maximum charge
shall be $6,000 per property owner. If the charge that would otherwise be imposed on a property.
owner is greater than the. maximum allowable charge, the overage shall be redistributed against
the other parcels in the District based upon net tax capacity. If the charge that would otherwise
be imposed on a property owner is less than the $100.00 minimum charge, the charge against
other parcels in the District shall be reduced based on net tax capacity.
For taxes payable in 2005 the proposed Service Charge will be $27,534.00
2.04. Distribution of Total Service. Charae. The distribution of the total Service Charge
among properties within the District and subject to the .Service Charge may vary and shall be
recalculated pursuant to the formula specified in Section 2.03 if and to the extent that (i)
commercial/industrial property tax classification rates increase or decrease based on action. by the
Minnesota legislature; or (ii) the net tax capacity of a parcel increases. or decreases based on
changes in the assessed value of the parcel attributable to improvements or changes made to the
property; or (iii) a parcel increases or decreases in size by acquisition or sale.
• SECriON 3. .Collection of Service Charges.
3.01. Collection. The Service Charges shall be payable and collected at the same time
and in the same manner as provided for paymenf and collection of ad valorem taxes... For
purposes of determining the appropriate tax. rate, taxable property or net tax. capacity shall be
determined without regard to captured or original net tax capacity under Minnesota Statutes,
Section 473F.08.
3.02. Penalty and Interest. Service Charges made payable in the same. manner as
provided for payment and collection of ad valorem taxes, if not paid on or before the applicable
due date,. shall be subject to the same .penalty and interest as in the case of ad valorem tax
amounts not paid by the respective date.
3.03. Due Date. The due date for the Service .Charge payable in the same manner as ad
valorem taxes is the due date given in law for the real or personal property tax for the property on
which the service charge is imposed. Services Charges imposed on net tax capacity which are to
become payable in the following year must be certified to the County Auditor by the. date provided
in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subd. 3 for annual certification of special assessment
SecnoN 4. Revenue Surulus.
To the extent that the total of Services Charges collected exceed the cost of services
• rendered within the District, at the election of the City, either: (i) such excess amount shall be
held as a reserve to pay the cost of future services provided under this resolution; or (ii) the next
ensuing year's levy of taxes and service charges shall be decreased by a corresponding amount.
SecroN 5. Recording.
The City may record this Resolution against parcels located within the. District and subject
to the Service Charge for .the purpose of providing notice of the Service Charge to prospective
purchasers of such parcels.
ADOPTED by the City. Council of Lakeville, Minnesota this 18th day of October 2004.
BY. ~V
ST: Robert D. Jo son, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City CI rk
Exhibit A
Map of Proposed Special Service District No. 1
~ ~ 20 nd
Prope ies Assessed
2 th
~ th W .
Market Tax Capacity Special Service
PROPERTY Value Value Charge
PID # OWNER 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
1 22 44450 121 02 Richard/Ann Miller 377,100 374,800 .6,792 6,746 1,241.00 1,194.00
2 22 44450 020 12 Jose Vega 70,600 96,800 1,059 1,452 194.00 257.00
3 22 85100 051 01 J & J Holding Co. 123,100 133,900 2,462 2,678 354.90. 377.30
4 22 13700 022 01 J & J Holding Co. 6,700 7,300 134 146 19.30 20.60
5 22 44450 050 13 J & J Holding Co. 418,700 368,000 8,374 7,360 1,207.00 1,036.90
6 22 13700 100 01 J & J Holding Co. 13,300 14,300 266 286 38.30 40.30
7 22 02900 073 78 J & J Holding Co. 133,900 164,200 2,678 3,284 386.00 462.60
8 22 44450 010 13 J & J Holding Co. 209,300 200,400 4,186 4,008 603.40 564.60
9 22 44450 110 13 J & J Holding Co. 15,600 16,800 312 336 45.00 47.30
10 22 13700 090 01 J & J Holding Co. 6,800 7,200 136 144 19.60 20.30
11 22 13700 091 01 J & J Holding Co. 23,300 25,000 466 500 67.20 70.40
12 22 13700 010 01 J & J Holding Co. 12,800 14,300 256 286 36.90 40.30
13 22 13700 021 01 J & J Holding Co. 13,400 14,400 268 288 38.60 40.60
14 22 13700 020 01 J & J Holding Co_ 8,200 9,400 164 188 23.60 26.50
15 22 44450 100 13 J & J Holding Co. 10,700 11,500 214 230 30:80 32.40
16 22 44450 050 12 J & J Holding Co. 123,100 133,900 2,462 2,678 354.90 377.30
17 22 44450 092 13 J & J Holding Co. 962,400 1,008,900 18,498 19,428 2,774.40 2,842.60
2,081,300 2,129,500 40,876 41,840 6,000..00 6,000.00
22 63700 040 01 John B. Enggren 40,900 48,300 818 966 150.00 171.00
22 63700 080 01 John B. Enggren 228,700 218,800 4,574 4,376 836.00 774.00
22 63700 030 01 John B. Enggren 40,900 48,300 818 966 150.00 171.00
21 22 63700 020 01 John B. Enggren 228,700 218,300 3,824 3,616 699.00 640.00
539,200 533,700 10,034 9,924 1,834.00 1,756.00
22 22 44450 044 12 Gregory J./Nancy Papatola Tste Smith 121,800 119,300 1,827 1,790 334.00 317.00
33 22 44450 040 12 Gregory J/Nancy Papatola Tste Smith 73.400 71.900 1.101 1.285 201.00 227.00
195.200 191.200 2.928 3.075. 535.00 544.00
23 22 85100 100 01 Wells Fargo 684,200 685,200 12,934 12,954 2,364.00 2,292.00
40 22 85100 080 01 Wells Fargo 147,700 39,000 2,954 585 540.00 103.00
41 22 85100 070 01 Wells Fargo 65,000 34,500 1,300 518 238.00 92.00
24 22 85100 020 01 Wells Fargo 68,100 80,600. 1,362 1,612 249.00 285.00
965,000 839,300 18,550 15,669 3,391.00 2,772.00
25 22 13700 010 02 KNS Investments 196,200 233,500 3,174 3,920 580.00 694.00
26 22 44450 042 12 Lawrence H/Ann Z Werner 130,500 141,900 1,958 2,129 358.00 377.00
27 22 44450 120 07 First National Acceptance Co 227,600 233,600 3,802 3,922 695.00 694.00
28 22 44450 070 10 H & V Apartments 207,200 229,600 3,394 3,842 620.00 680.00
29 22 44450 090 10 H & V Apartments 26,500. 31,500 530 630 97.00 111.00
233,700. 261,100 3,924 4,472 717.00 791.00
30 22 02900 051 78 Holyoke Professional Ltd 658,600 714,600 12,422. 13,542 2,271.00 2,396.00
22 13700 084 01 Holyoke Crossing LLC 1,143,400 1,269,000 22,118 24,630 4,043.00 4,358.00
32 22.13700 080 02 Holyoke Crossing LLC 65,100 62,800 1,302 1,256 238.00 222.00
1,208,500 1,331,800 23,420 25,886 4,281:00 4,580.00
Market Tax Capacity Special Service
PROPERTY Value Value Charge
PID # OWNER 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
33 22 44450 110 10 Shane Martin 86,600 91,300 1,299 1,370 237.00 242.00
34 22 85100 041 01 R. Gallagher Reichardt Tste 201,900 228,100 3,288 3,812 601.00 674.00
35 22 85100 071 01 R. Gallagher Reichardt Tste 5,000 10,900 100 218 18.00 39.00
206,900 239,000 3,388 4,030 619.00 713.00
36 22 44450 091 13 Steven B./Nergis T. Peterson 71,600 78,400 1,074 1,176 196.00 208.00
37 22 44450 041 10 VFW Post 186,600 179,600 2,982 2,842 545.00 503.00
38 22 44450 030 10 VFW Post 29,100 46,300 582 926 106.00 164.00
39 22 44450 04010 VFW Post 10,800 16,500 216 330 39.00 58.00
226,500 242,400 3,780 4,098 691.00 725.00
42 22 85100 050 01 Larry A AustadNicki JDrake-Austad 56,700 58,100 851 872 156.00 154.00
43 22 85100 072 01 Hewitt Investments 8,000 8,200 120 123 22.00 22.00
44 22 85100A81 01 Hewitt Investments 13,100 13,400 197 201 36.00 36.00
45 22 85100 040 01 Hewitt Investments 20,100 20,700 302. 311 55.00 55.00
46 22 85100 062 01 Hewitt Investments 5,300 5,300 80 80 15.00 14.00
47 22 85100 060 01 Hewitt Investments 14,300 14,500. 215 218 39.00 39.00
48 22 44450 063 12 Hewitt Investments 15,600 16,200 234 243 43.00 43.00
76,400 78,300 1,148 1,176 210.00 208.00
22 44450 183 07 Lakeville Family Bowl, Inca 230,700 233,000 3,864 3,910 706.00 692.00
50 22 44450 101 06 Terry L. Danielson/Wiliard C. Allstot 241,000 241,000 4,070 4,070 744.00 720.00
51 22 44415 010 01 Dakota County CDA 551,300 551,300 10,276 10,276 1,877.00 1,817.00
TOTAL 8,631,200 8,894,600 $ 158,689 $ 163,555 27,533 27,534
0.1827812 0.1769215
~ ~ f
Exhibit C
.Special Service District Budget
2002 2003 2004 2005
Actual Actual Budget Proposed
Revenues -service char es
Current Levy collected 27,534 27,336 27,534 27,534
Delinquent levy collected 4,077
Allowance for uncollected - - 1,034 1,034)
:Net service charges 31,611 27,336 26,500 26,500
.Executive Director 5,979 8,792 11,150 10,250
Postage - 37 222 222.
Phone 280
Office supplies 764 168 250 200
Meeting expenses 200 170 400 400
Leadership Program 295
Clock Fund 4,000
Website 520 191 800 200
Flower Pots 1,792 2,048 2,250 2,250
Brochures/marketing 1,715 2,478 1,100 2,000
Wednesday on Main 1,389 2,710 3,328 5,675
Pan-O-Prog 500 750 750
Easter 736 930 1,250 1,000
Harvest Festival 1,010 1,210 1,250 1,500
Holidayon Main 3,090 3,417 3,750 3,750
Total expenditures 21,474 22,946 26,500 28,197
Net change 10,137 4,390 - (1,697)
Balance -Beginning - 10,137 14,527 14,527
Balance -Ending 10,137 14,527 14,527 12,830