HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-198 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION DATE October 4, 2004 RESOLUTION NO. 04-198 MOTION BY Luick SECONDED BY Wulff RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 2, 2004 GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 204B.21 of the Minnesota Election Laws, election judges shall be appointed by the governing body of the municipality; and WHEREAS, the appointments shall be made at least 25 days before the election at which the election judges will serve; and WHEREAS, election judges shall receive at least the prevailing Minnesota minimum wage for each hour spent carrying out their duties at the polling places and in attending training sessions. Election judges who travel to pick up election supplies or deliver election returns shall receive, in addition to other compensation,. a sum not less than the prevailing Minnesota minimum wage for each hour spent performing these • duties, plus mileage in the same amount as allowed pursuant to M.S. 471.665, subdivision 1.; and WHEREAS, trainee election judges shall receive at least 2/3 of the minimum wage for each hour spent carrying out their duties at the polling places and in attending training sessions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that the individuals listed on the attached Exhibit A are appointed to serve as election judges for the. November 2, 2004 General Election at the hourly rate of $7.50 and $8.50 for head judges. DATED this 4th. day of October 2004. .CITY OF LAKEVILLE v~ - BY: Robert D. Jo nson, Mayor TTEST: harlene Frie ges, Ci Clerk General First Name Last Name Pa Prcn!/Wr Gene acobson R 01 .Kathleen Braaten IND 01 Virginia Emond R 01 Dianne Carbonneau DFL 01 Lorene Foster DFL 01 Karin Grossman R 01 Linda Olhausen R 01 Gayle L. Slette DFL 01 Melissa Corcoran I 01 Janet Greenslit R 01 Leonard Helfand DFL 01 Lori Clemmer Ind 01 .Marlene Juenemann DFL 01 ndy Shaw RNE 01 - T Jena Ellis TRNE 01 - T Penny Simon DFL 02 Constance Snover• R 02 Shirley A. Jensen DFL 02 Marilyn Rodger DFL 02 Joanne Rudrud R 02 Sharon Syverson R 02 Deborah Kidder DFL 02 Tony Krejce Ind 02 • rlene Lewis DFL 02 Elaine Christianson DFL 02 Eric Brown RNE 02 - T Patricia Lange DFL 03 Gordon Foster R 03 Linda Gronvall R 03 Bob Heiman R 03 Loretta Garrity DFL 03 Irene McClish DFL 03 Bev Gustafson R 03 nn Kieffer R 03 Jan Graff Ind. 03 Bev Sellentine DFL 03 Gregory A. Ludwig R 03 Barbara Crist DFL 03 George Kennedy RNE 03 - T Matt imm RNE 03 - T nn Kell Nichols DFL 04 .Henry Lee R 04 Gary Honken IND 04 Dorothy Engel DFL 04 Bob Deese R 04 .Lisa Green R 04 Gaetano Marchese DFL 04 • Richard Refiners R 04 Kim hurgood R 04 Page 1 General First Name Last Name Pa PrcntlWr Carey Kanuit DFL 04 Ethan ood DFL 04 erry O'Brien R 04 Cherie Pung R 04 Patricia Conrad DFL 04 Carly Sanders RNE 04 - T Ladis Montes TRNE. 04 - T Fritzie Becklund R 05 odd Heggen DFL 05 Lyle Templer R 05 Suzanne Marchese DFL 05 Marilyn Oliphant DFL 05 Richard icklund DFL 05 Mary Lou Snyder Ind 05 racy Clark R 05 Dodi Helman R 05 arole O'Brien R 05 Mercedes Norris DFL 05 Elizabeth Kretchmer DFL 05 Doris Refiners R 05 Jason Meyer TRNE 05 - T Patrick Kaluza TRNE 05 - T Sandra Turner DFL 06 Linda Lindberg R 06 Gerald Christianson DFL 06 Carol Mehlhaff D 06 Kathy Luppes R 06 Sandra Buckingham R 06 Jacqueline Minneman R 06 Jeannine Thyren R 06 ayne Ganzhorn GRN 06 Barb Bulver R 06 ndrew Howe Ind 06 Mary Aries DFL 06 alter ozniak DFL 06 Rebecca nderson TRNE 06 - T Brent Jacobson R 07 James Durbin R 07 Colleen icklund DFL 07 John Isaak R OT Charles D. Hadley R 07 Mandy Ehlen DFL 07 Nicole Neuman R 07 Lori Bovitz DFL 07 Kent DeCook R 07 Nancy Gayder DFL 07 Kevin Kleiner RNE 07 - T • Zach Mady TRNE 07 - T Julie Kleiner R 08 Page 2 General First Name Last Name Pa PrcntlWr Etta Hinkel 08 Mark Phillips DFL 08 Robert Buckingham R 08 Sally oman R 08 Shannon Thompson DFL 08 Becky Kiernan R 08 Elaine hompson DFL 08 Phyllis Betzold DFL 08 Mary Ann Barnes R 08 Jeanne Rittenhouse DFL 08 Cassandra Parker DFL 08 Lisa Bell TRNE 08 - T Rachel Harris TRNE 08 - T Carol and DFL 09 Barbara Deese R 09 Dori Haglund. R 09 Dianne Piekarski R 09 James Mutch R 09 Sarah Humphries DFL 09 Candice Hojan DFL 09 Patrick Morgan R 09 nn Paschall-ZimbeF DFL 09 Rita Bungert I 09 Richard Nodland R 09 Terry Libro DFL 09 Haley Hopperstad TRNE 09- T Sarah Skidmore TRNE 09 - T Steven Burk R 10 Marilyn Koeppen-Dosch DFL 10 Richard Loynachan R 10 Susan Jelen R 10 Manley heeler R 10 Kathy Shimek Olson DFL 10 Marge Markert R 10 Linda Thorstenson DFL 10 Susan Meisch DFL 10 Richard Sheldon DFL 10 Russell McGill DFL 10 Jill Eberlein Ind 10 Sylvia A Anderson R 10 achary Bohlman TRNE 10 - T Jonathon Tudino RNE 10 - T Georgia Loynachan R 11 Marvel heeler R 11 .Karen Murphy R 11 Melvin Ferguson DFL 11 Irwin McClish R 11 • Beverly Brucciani DFL 11 Carolyn Hiatt DFL 11 Page 3 General First Name Last Name Pa PrcntNV Rick Sharpe R 11 Patti Keske R 11 Jerry Miller DFL 11 Cindi Joosten D 11 rlene (Lois) Simon DFL 11 Laura Snider TRNE 11 - T Matt Edwards RNE 11 - T Robert Procaccini R 12 Diane Rasmusson 1 12 Diane Hammer DFL 12 Ronald Rudrud R 12 Heather Funari DFL 12 Keith Sarazin R 12 Marisha Moriarity R 12 Jerry Laugerude DFL 12 Robin Minnie R 12 Nancy Sullivan DFL 12 Richard Brand DFL 12 .Deborah Yost R 12 lyssa Scharver TRNE 12 - T shley Valentyn TRNE 12 - T Kristy Conrad Harms DFL 13 Charles M. Glover DFL 13 Marsha Howe R 13 Carol Grieco DFL 13 David Schwartz U 13 Pam Boehm R 13 Mary Helfand DFL 13 Bethany Betters R 13 Peggy Hamann R 13 lexander Ringeisen U 14 Bev Osborn R 14 essie Saul DFL 14 Stacy Friedges R 14 Carol Keil DFL 14 nne Malone R 14 Christine Sorenson-Ford DFL 14 Betty Leonhart R 14 Mary Cross R 14 tinny Johnson R 14 Susan Schintz R 14 Jacquelyn Johnston DFL 14 Ronald Oliphant DFL 14 Andrew Kappers RNE 14 - T dam Diamond TRNE 14 - T Neil Normandin R BB Pat Vinje DFL BB Erin Seeman Ind BB Shelly Tangen R BB Page 4 General First Name Last Name Pa Prcnt/W Rachel Bond R BB manda Schwabe Ind BB Ilyn Kuennen R BB Brenda Zink R BB Donna Lott Ind BB Charlotte urn Ind BB Julie Kaufman-Boom R BB Dave Lang R BB Page 5