HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-061 .CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date April 7, 2003 Resolution 03-61 Motion By Luick Seconded By xieb RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS IN CONNECTION WITH CITY PROJECT 02-07 (CSAH 50 / I-35 Interchange) WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville ("City") and the County of Dakota ("County") will be executing an agreement relating to the reconstruction of County State Aid Highway (CSAH 50) from Jurel Way through 172nd Street, and the realignment of Kenrick Avenue/Junelle Path, and 175t1i/176"' Street in Lakeville, Dakota County ("Project"); WHEREAS, the City and the County will share Project responsibilities and will jointly • participate in the Project costs associated with property acquisition; and WHEREAS,. the City and the County will share responsibilities for acquiring property interests for the City or any of its designated agencies required for the Project; and. WHEREAS, the City and the County have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the County to make improvements to CSAH 50 and adjacent public right-of-ways to promote the health ,welfare and safety of the public and to accommodate traffic demand; and WHEREAS, the City has identified certain affected properties that abut or are otherwise affected by the Project, and said properties are identified by tax identification numbers listed on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, acquisition of permanent and/or temporary easements and fee simple absolute interests affecting the properties identified on Exhibit A and the accompanying Exhibit B, Site Map, are necessary for Project completion; and WHEREAS, the City has the power of eminent domain pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 412.211; and WHEREAS, the Project requires acquisition of property interests identified on Exhibit A so that the Project can be undertaken on a timely basis; and • 15275!000181 736568-1 _ 1 _ • t WHEREAS, the Project may require acquisition of title and possession of the property interests relating to the parcels identified on Exhibit A prior to the filing of any award by court- appointed commissioners as to the value of the property interests and, therefore, the City invokes the "quick-take" provisions. of Minn. Stat. § 117.042. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville; 1. The City, through its designated attorneys, is hereby authorized to acquire the necessary real property interests through voluntary acquisition or through the commencement and prosecution, to the fullest extent necessary, of eminent domain proceedings against all parties with interests in the parcels identified in attached Exhibit A; 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to obtain, through involuntary or voluntary acquisition, real property interests for the parcels identified in attached Exhibit A; 3. The City, through its designated attorneys, is hereby authorized. to invoke the "quick-take" provisions of Minn. Stat. § 117.042, since it is necessary for the City to acquire the real property interests identified in Exhibit A on an expedited basis; and • 4. Pursuant to Minn: Stat. § 117.042, the City, through its designated attorneys, is hereby authorized to retain an appraiser to determine the City's approved appraisal of value for the propertyinterests identified in Exhibit A and to deposit the approved appraisal value into District Court and to obtain an order transferring title and possession of the properties involved to the City pursuant to Minn. Stat. 117.042. ADOPTED this 7th day of April , 2003, by the City Council. of .the .City of Lakeville. CITY OF LAKEVILL By JV~ Robert D. Jo son, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Frie ges, Cit erk 15275/000181 736568-1 _ 2 _ 1 J EXHIBIT A to RESOLUTION AFFECTED PROPERTIES 1. PID No. 22-11850-050-00 2. PID No. 22-1 1 850-070-00 3. PID No. 22- l 1850-191-00 4. PID No. 22-11850-202-00 5. PID No. 22-11850-210-00 • 15275/000181 736568-1 _ 3 _