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Date March 17 ~ 2003 R@SOIUtIOn NO. 03-46
Motion By Lurk Seconded Sy sellows
WHEREAS, The City Council on December 16, 2002 approved Resolution 02-2fi2 A Resolution
Approving the 2003 Schedule of Fees .
NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the 2003 Schedule of Fees, Section. II -.Permits , is hereby
amended as follows:
A. Building Permits
(As recommended by Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code)
• B. Plan Check fees
65% of building permit fee for permits with valuations greater than $10,000.
C. Plumbing Permits
Requirement: Master License Number, $25,000 license bond and current Eertificate of Liability
Insurance to be filed with City. Note: State Department of Health Bond and Insurance Certificate
will satisfy this requirement.
Residential -Minimum (includes surcharge)
(repairs and alterations, lawn sprinkler systems) $ 40.00
Complete installation (includes surcharge) $ 85.00
Commercial - 1.5% of contract/valuation price up to $10,000 and 1.0% of contract/valuation
price above $10,000 plus surcharge (.0005 times contract/valuation)
Commercial -Minimum (includes surcharge) $ 40.00
RPZ Valve {new) No Charge
RPZ Valve (replacement or rebuild) No Charge
Water Softener (includes surcharge) 20.00
D. Heatinct Permits
Requirement: $2,000 License Bond and current Certificate of Liability Insurance to be filed with
• City. Note: State Department of Health Bond and Insurance Certificate will satisfy this
Schedule of Fees. (continued)
Residential -Minimum repairs and alterations ,.(includes surcharge)......... $ 40.00
Complete installation (includes surcharge) $ 85.00
Commercial - 1.5% of contract/valuation price up to $10,000 and 1.0% of contract/valuation
price above $10,000 plus surcharge (.0005 times contract/valuation)
Commercial minimum (includes surcharge) $ 40.00
E. Sewer and Water Permits
Requirement: Master License Number, $25,000License Bond and current Certificate of Liability
Insurance to be filed with City. Note: State Department of Health Bond and Insurance Certificate
will satisfy this requirement
Residential -Minimum repairs and alterations (includes. surcharge)...........$ 40.00
City water and sewer including conversion (includes surcharge) 85.00
Commercial -One percent (1 of contract/valuation price plus surcharge (.0005 times
contract/ valuation)
Commercial -minimum (includes surcharge) $ 40.00
Private sewer systems: New installation (includes surcharge) $ 75.00
Private sewer system repair (includes surcharge) 75.00
• F. Well Permits
Effective February 1, 1989, all well permits are issued by Dakota County.
G. Mobile Home Inspections
Installation permit (includes surcharge) $ 60.00
Building permit: As recommended by Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform
Building Code and 65% plan review fee for valuations greater than $10,000.
H. Swimming Pools
All inground pools, regardless of capacity, and above-ground pools that exceed 5,000
gallons (includes surcharge 50.00
0 00
I. Zoning Permit 2 .
J. Sirans
Permanent installation (No surcharge) 50.00
Temporary installation (10 days only) (No surcharge) $ 25.00
K. Moving Structure
(plus completion bond) (No surcharge) 100.00
Schedule of Fees (continued)
L. Demolition
1. Residential Accessory structures No Charge
2. All structures other than residential accessory 50.00
(Also requires a $2,000 site restoration escrow)
M. Excavating and Mining
• 10,000 cubic yards or less 750.00
• 10,001 to 250,000 cubic yards ..............................................................$1,025.00
plus annual fee of $1,000.00 (including first year)
• 250,001 to 500,000 cubic yards ............................................................$1,100.00
plus annual fee of $1,650.00 (including first year)
• 500,001 or more cubic yards .................................................................$1,400.00
plus annual fee of $2,250.00 (including first year)
N. Filling and Grading (security required for erosion control) $ 50.00
O. Fire Systems
Fire Line -One percent of contractvaluation price plus surcharge (.0005 times
• P. Sprinkler -Fire Protection
Requirement: State Fire Protection Contractor License to be filed with the City. 1.5 % of
contracdvaluation price up to $10, 000 and 1.0 % of contracdvaluation price above $10, 000 plus
surcharge (.0005 times contracdvaluation .Minimum $40.00/includes surcharge.
Q. Miscellaneous Commercial Mechanical
Refrigeration, piping, fuel #anks, etc. - 1.5% of contracdvaluation price up to $10,000 and
1 % of the contracdvaluation price in excess of $10, 000 plus surcharge (.0005 times
contract /valuation)
Minimum (includes surcharge) 40.00
R. Miscellaneous Inspections: As per Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code
Minimum (includes surcharge) 40.00
S. Re-Roof, Re-Side, Window Replacement
Residential (includes surcharge) 25.00
Commercial (includes surcharge) $150.00
T. Satellite Dish and Antennas (No surcharge) 25.00
• U. Wood Cuttinu 10.00
Schedule of Fees (continued)
• V. Street Cut Permits $ 50.00
(To cover City inspection services and $2,000 security to insure proper restoration)
W. Burnin~ $ 25.00
X. Driveway Permit (over 24 feet) $ 25.00
Y. Electrical Permit Application $ 1.00
Z. Parking Lot No Charge
AA. Windows -Comprehensive or Egress
1. Residential (includes surcharge) $ 25.00
2. Commercial (includes surcharge) $150.00
BB. Residentiallmprovements
1. Permit Fee limitation on minor residential improvements for the installation, or
replacement of a residential fixture or appliance that:
(a) does not require modification to electric or gas service;
(b) has a total cost of $500 or less, excluding the cost of the fixture or appliance;
• and
(c) is improved, installed, or replaced by the home owner or a licensed contractor.
2. Residential Improvement Permit fee will be $15 or 5 percent. of the cost of the
improvement, installation, or replacement, whichever is greater.
CC. Explosives Permits 5 .00
APPROVED AND ADOPTED 17th day of March, 2003
Robert D. John n, Mayor
• Charlene Friedges, Ci lerk