HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-018 2' CITY O~ LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION DATE January-zl, zoo3 RESOLUTION NO, 03-18 MOTION BY Wulff SECONDED BY Bellows RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville as follows: 1. The City Administrator is authorized to submit the attached application to Dakota County for a Community Development Block Grant for Fiscal Year 2003 to support the Downtown Code Improvement Program and Downtown Demolition and Clearance of Substandard Structures activity. 2. The application.. is approved by the City Council; the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute it on behalf of the City of Lakeville. 3. The Dakota County Community Development Agency is designated as the administrative entity to carry out the program on behalf of the City. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of January, 2003, by the City Council and the City of Lakeville. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: _ Robert D. Jo nson, Mayor A~TEST: harlene Friedges, Ci Clerk • a j APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK GRANT FUNDS Application must be received by the Dakota County Community Deveiopment Agency NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31, 2003 I. General Information Applicant Name: City of Lakeville CD District: 4 Contact Name: David L. Qlson, Community & Economic Development Director Applicant Address: 201.:95 Holyoke Avenue City, State, Zip: Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone: (9.5.2) 985-4421 Fax: (952) 985-4429. Email: dolsonC~ci.lakeville.mn.us [ il. Project Information oject Title; Downtown Code Improvement CDBG Request: $73,691 Project Title: Downtown Clearance CDBG Request: $30,000 Project Title: CDBG Request: Project Title: CDBG Request: Project Title: CDBG Request: Total Request: $103,691 Project Summary (p/ease be as descriptive as passib/e :for each project, attach additiona/ sheets if necessary): The City of Lakeville is committed to supporting the continued viability of downtown Lakeville. The Comprehensive Plan "attempts to maintain the existing CBD .commercial core and adjoining residential neighborhoods while integrating new development..." Additionally, the City outlines it's commitment to retain the historical flavor of downtown area, developing it into a vibrant business community and ensuring its long-term viability,. as indicated. in the 2002-2004 Strategic; Plan for Economic Development. Therefore, the City of Lakeville is requesting $73,691 to provide a third year of funding for the Downtown Code Improvement Program, and $30,000 to offset costs associated with the demolition/clearance of vacant, blighted buildings in the downtown district which inhibit business growth and overall development of the downtown. The Downtown Code Improvement Program has successfully,used CDBG funds to address code deficiencies in two buildings to date: the Smith Dental Building, and. the Ben Franklin` Building. An additional $70,000 in CDBG funds in 2003 would allow the Downtown Code Improvement Program to be the catalyst for addressing health and safety deficiencies in one or more additional properties in the downtown district. Deficiencies rectified through this program are identified by the City's Building Official. Property owners must match the CDBG funds on at Jeast a 1:1 basis. Funds are provided to property owners on a reimbursement basis once the code improvements are complete.. Property. owners are also required to incorporate the Historic Fairfield District of Downtown Lakevilfe Design Guidelines into. their.: project. Additionally, there are a number of buildings. in the downtown district that have significant building code deficiencies and pose major barriers to redevelopment of the district. It is proposed that the remaining $33,691 in funds be .used to assist property-owners with the costs associated with the removal of existing: empty,. blighted buildings, the removal of which will enhance the viability of: the commercial district of downtown Lakeville. Buildings must not be occupied, and code deficiencies contributing to'blight. must be identified by the City's Building Official. The property-owner will be required to contribute at :private funds on at feast a 1:1 basis to renovate andfor expand the .property for acommercially-related use. Funds will be provided on a reimbursement basis once the end-use of the property has been developed. Describe the Project IOCdtiOnS (please attach a map of ProjectArear .Commercial properties located in the special servicedistrict of downtown Lakeville are eligible for participation in the Downtown Code Improvement Program. Properties in the special. service district are eligible for participation in the Downtown Clearance Program (see attached map of the special service district.} Has this Project received CDBG funding before? X Yes ? No k h hec t e actwities for which the CDBG funds will be used: ? .Acquisition Public Facilities/improvements Vacant or undeveloped property Buildings Commercial property Infrastructure Residential property Assessment abatement.. X Demolition./Clearance ? Public Services Economic Development ? Planning Housing Rehabilitation ? Homeownership Opportunities. Owner occupied Support services Rental Downpayment assistance Administration X Other: Downtown Code Improvement Program CDBG requires all Projects meet a National Objective. What National Object will your Project meet? Low/Mod Area Benefit ~ ? Low/Mod Limited Clientele Benefit ? Low/Mod Housing Benefit ? Low/Mod Jobs Benefit X Slum/Blight Area Benefit ? Slum/.Blight .Spot Benefit Urgent Need {extremely rare; used only for emergencies): * If you checked. the Low/Mod Area Benefit box, please answer the following questions: A. In what Census Tract(s) and Block Group(s) do beneficiaries of your Project live? (?ease inc/ude maps) N/A B. How many residents dive in this area? C. What is the ercenta a of low and moderate-income beneficiaries? D. How was this .documented? ? HUD Data ? Survey (P/ease inc/ude a co ` of surve ) If you checked the Low/Mod Limited Clientele Benefit box, please answer the following questions: A. How many people/households do you anticipate serving during the program year (July 1 - june 30)? N!A B. Of those people/households, how many will be served with CDBG funds? C. Does this-Project benefit any specialized population such as: ? Disabled ? Elderly ? Homeless ? Other (please explain): In what category would you place your Project? ? Acquisition of Real Property ? Homeownership Assistance Public Facilities & Improvements ? Economic Development Activities X Clearance & Demolition Public Services. X Rehabilitation ? Lead Based Paint Testing & Abatement X Code Enforcement ? Infrastructure Improvements ? Historic Preservation ? Planning & Administration I. Project Benefit Persons Households Number of Persons or Households to benefit from your N/A Project: How many Low/Mod Persons or Households to benefit? How will income be verified? ? Income Verification Request Forms ? Census Tract Data. Presumed benefit (H[!D presumes the foNowing to be principa//y low and moderate-income: abused Children, battered spouses, e/der/y persons, severe/y disabled persons, homeless persons, persons living with AIDS, migrant.farm workers) Survey ? Other (p/ease exp/an): IV. Priority Needs Which Housing or Community Development Need does your Project address? High Priority Needs -Housing Medium Priority Needs -Housing ? Renter, small related, 0-50% of median ? Renter, small. related, 51-80% of median income income ? Renter, large related, 0-50% of median ? Renter, aH other, 31-80% of median income income ? Renter, elderly, 0-50~ of median :income ? Owner, 0-80% of median' income Renter, all other, 0-30% of median ? `Special Populations," 0-80% of median income income High Priority Needs -Community .Medium Priority Needs -Community Development Development ? Parks/Recreation Facilities and other 0Non-Residential Historic Preservation public facilities not identified as rnedium or ? Water/Sewer Improvements low priorities ? Sidewalks Street Improvements ? Storm Sewer Improvements Public Services not identified as medium ? Handicapped Services or low priorities ? Transportation Services Substance .Abuse :Services Low Priority Needs -Community ? Anti-Crime Programs Development ? Youth &/or Senior Centers Neighborhood facilities ? .Youth &/or Senior Services. ? Health Facilities ? Child Care Services ? Parking' Facilities ? Other Youth &/or Senior Programs ? Solid Waste Disposal X Commercial/Industrial Building Rehab ? Asbestos Removal Facilities. ? Commercial/Industrial Infrastructure. ? Employment Training X Other Economic Development Activities ? Health Services ? Planning Child Care Centers ? Micro-.Enterprise Assistance ? Economic Development Technical Assistance V. Project Budget -Downtown Code Improvement Program Pr ` ota o~ect Costa $147 382.+ Total CDBG Funds: $73,691 CDBG Percent of Total Cost: 50% Source of funds Amount Committed Pending CDBG $73,691 X Committed Pendin Private Equity/Bank Loans $73,691 ~ X Committed Rendin ? ? Committed Pendin Committed.. Pendin Commi ted Pendin Total: $147,382 Expenses (P/ease itemize) Total Costs CDBG Funds Re nested :Professional .fees, demolition, construction associated with $147,382 $73,691 Rehabifitation for code related improvements. Total: $147,382 $73,691 Please itemize project expenses using the fol%wing as applicable to your Project. • Acquisition & Improvement Costs Including purchase price, closing costs, site improvements, clearance of toxic contaminants, and other acquisition and improvement costs Construction/Rehabilitation Costs Including site improvements, construction (labor, materials, supplies), installation, permits and other construction/rehabilitation costs • Professional fees and Personnel Costs Including architectural, engineering and code inspection fees, surveys, appraisals, legal fees, hazardous materials surveys, project management, and -other professional/.personnel fees • Other Development Costs Including relocation, financing costs, environmental reviews, environmental studies, and other development costs • Eligible Costs for Planning Projects Including professional services, project management costs, and other planning costs Estimated-Construction Schedu{e (if applicable}: Date for Advertisement of Bids: July, 2003 Date for Award. of Contract: August, 2003 Start Date of Construction: August, 2003 Completion Date of Construction: December 2003 Estimated Project Schedule:- Pro osed duration of the Pro'ect: f=our months P J Proposed .start date of Project {cannot begin before july 1): August, 2003 V Project Budget - Name of Project Total Project Cast: $ 60.OOD Total CDBG Funds: $30,.000 CDBG Percent of Total Cost: 50% Source of Funds Amount Committed Pending CDBG $30,000 X Committed Pendin X Private .equity/loans $30,000 Committed Pendin Committed Pendin Committed Pendin a o Committed Pendin Total: $60,000 Expenses (P/ease itemize) Total Costs CDBG Funds Re uested Professional fees, demolition and clearance $ 60,000. $30,000 Total: $60,000 $30,000 Please itemize project expenses using the fol%wing asapp/icab/e to your Project. Acquisition & Improvement Costs Including purchase price, closing costs, site improvements, clearance of toxic contaminants, and other acquisition and ~provement costs Construction/Rehabilitation Costs Including site improvements, construction (labor, materials, supplies), installation, permits and other construction/rehabilitation costs • Professional Fees and Personnel Costs Including architectural, engineering and code inspection fees, surveys, appraisals, legal #ees, hazardous materials surveys, project management, and other professional/personnel fees • Other Development Costs Including relocation, financing costs,. environmental reviews, environmental studies, and other development costs • Eligible Costs for Planning Projects Including professional services, project management costs, and other planning costs Estimated Construction Schedule (if applicable):. Date for Advertisement of Bids: July, 2003 Date for Award of Contract: August, 2003 Start Date of Construction: August, 2003 ..,Completion Date of Construction: December. 2003 Estimated .Project Schedule: Proposed. duration of the Project: Four months Proposed start date of Project (cannot begin before July 1): August 2003 , Project Narrative What is the goal. of this Project? (/f you have severs/projects, p/ease discuss the qoa/s of each project separately) One of the goals in the 2002-2004 Strategic Plan for Economic Development is to ensure the long- . term viability of the downtown historic business district. The Downtown Code Improvement Program and the Downtown Clearance Program .are both activities proposed specifically to achieve that goal. The Downtown Code Improvement Program. and the Downtown Clearance Program are projects that. also achieve objectives outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, including goalsto: • Establish, improve, and maintain vital retail and service locations in Lakeville.. • Create a cohesive and unified identity for Lakeville commercial areas, using. performance star?dards for commercial development. and streetscape treatments that. make Lakeville's commercial areas attractive gateways and focal points within the community. • Maintain the Central Business District -Downtown as a historic commercial center • Redevelop commercial sites that display building deterioration,. obsolete site design., land. use compatibility issues and under-utilization of the site. Who will .benefit from this Project? (/f you have several projects, p/ease discuss the beneficiaries of each project separate/y) The residents of Lakeville will benefit from. the enhanced safety and structural integrity of commercial buildings as a result of the Downtown Code Improvement Program, acid the enhanced safety of properties from the removal of blighted vacant buildings and the subsequent redevelopment of those properties. Residents and the City will also :benefit from the increased market value and subsequent increased tax revenues generated from improved properties Who will benefit from. this Project? (/f you have severa/projects, p/ease discuss the beneficiaries of each. project separate/y) The residents of Lakeville will benefit from the enhanced afety and structural integrity. of commercial buildings as a result of the Downtown Code Improvement Program, and the enhanced. safety of .properties from the removal of blighted vacant buildings and the subsequen# redevelopment of those -properties.. Residents and the City will also benefit from the increased market value and subsequent increased tax revenues generated from improved properties + ' 4 ~ VII. Additional Supporting Documentation to be Submitted with your Application (check if " eluded) X Resolution of Governing .Body Requesting CDBG funds (REQUIRED) ? Benefit Documentation (survey results, census data, etc.) ? Additional. Project Description/Information ? Building/Area Information and/or Photographs. ? Appraisals X Map of Project Area ? Professional Certification/Analysis of Feasibility and/or Cost Estimate ? Letters in Support of Project/Commitment Letters Other (specify): II. Certification 1 certify that the information contained. in this application is trine and correct and that it contains no misrepresentations, falsifications, intentional omissions, or concealment of materialfacts. i further certify that no contracts have been awarded, funds committed, or construction begun on the proposed project, and that none will be prior to .issuance of a Release of Funds Notice. by the Program Administrator. f ~ January 30, 2003 Signature of Authorized Official Date City Administrator ~tle of Authorized Official .J y Y' Map of Proposed Special Service District No. ~ ; 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I~1 ~ \ ! ~ , ~ 1 i 1 ~ Properties Assessed j\ 1.. ~ ~ r 1 ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ I ~ \ ~ ~ i r ~ ~ ~ ~ S \ -t f 1 1 \ j ~1 1 ~ ` ' 1 1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~LIJ j+ I!! i f i`-1 ~ ` II i