HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.cNovember 15, 2010
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a performance
agreement for the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers a variety of stage entertainment as advertised in
the 2010 -2011 Lakeville Area Arts Center Playbill. Staff has secured agreements and
recommends approval of the following contract for a performance:
® Bill and Kate Isles
® Coffee Concert Series
1. Ouchard Piano Trio
2. Vecchione /Erdahl and Friends
3. Maria Jette
Primary Issues to Consider
D None
Supporting Information
® Agreements for services performed by independent contractors
Tom Barnard
Lakeville Area Arts Center Coordinator
Item No.
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: YIN Y Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Playbill and Parks & Recreation Brochure
Agreement between the City of Lakeville
Bill and Kate Isles
Bill and Kate Isles will perform a ninety minute concert with a fifteen minute intermission at
7:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 6, 2010, at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke
Avenue, in Lakeville.
Bill and Kate Isles and the Lakeville Area Arts Center staff will work to promote the show. Bill
and Kate Isles will notify its data base of contacts and fans about the performance. The
Lakeville Area Arts Center will promote the event in its 2010 -2011 playbill, media releases,
marquee, newsletters, and using other available resources.
The Lakeville Area Arts Center will print and sell tickets for $15.00 through its box office and
ticket outlets.
By signing at the bottom of this letter of agreement, Lakeville Area Arts Center agrees to the
following conditions:
1) Liability Insurance
The City of Lakeville carries the standard liability insurance for audiences, staff, and the building
of the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
2) Payment
Payment will be made in the amount of 67% of ticket revenue to Bill and Kate Isles and 33% to
be retained by the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Since the payment is based on a split of total
ticket sales, payment will not be made at the concert. A check will be processed at City Hall on
Tuesday, November 16. This check may be picked up at City Hall or will be mailed that day.
I hereby agree to all conditions and terms described above:
a te
Bill and Isles
//- 6
As an authorized representative of the City of Lakeville, I hereby agree to all conditions and
terms described above:
Lakeville Mayor Date City Clerk Date
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Agreement betters the City of Lakeville
Onthard Phan Trio
Thu Onchard Plana Tres wi11 peiforrn a concert bewailing at : a0 p iii on Sunday. January 16.
2011. of the Lakeville Area Arts 12enter, 20905 1iolyokeAvenue
Both the Dullard Piano Trio and the Lakeville Area Arts Center staff will worle to promote the
show The Ouchart1 Plana To will use its data base of contacts and fans to make the concert
Ic awn The Lake• iile Arco Arts Center wsll promote the concert In tU 2010.301 plrryrtq,
niedla releases. Marquee, nevaletters, and useng other available resources
The Lakeville An An Center writ print end sell lidless through Its Lax office and ticket
By signing at the bottom ofthts letter of nitre [Ill ent, Lakeville Area Arts Center agrees to the
following cotidutous
I) Performance Space
0rage tint' he clear of funumre, prop/. ternary. etc There Will be general stags lighting.
the sound booth arid the piano will be available
Liability insurance
The City of Lakeville cameo the standard liability insurance for audiences, staff, and the
building of the Lakeville Area Arts Center
3) Payment
The Oucltm Piano The members will each receive ISOO 00
1 Claudia Chen
Peter MCCLIre
.3 Auk Tesarcayk
In the event of bad weather making travel to a performance unsafe, the decision to cancel
shall be made by the Lakeville Arta Aria Center Co aid, aatur and Rolf Erdahl, Co Res Concert
coordinator Rescheduling efthe concert anti depend In availability of the performance space
and ilea Oucbeid Piton Trio
eby agree to all con coons and !error. described above
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Claudia Chen. Ouettrerd ]keno Trio Date
As an nntponard representoave of the City of Lakeville. 1 hereby agree to all conditions and
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Nov.04.2010 04:19 apt PACE. 1/
Agreement between the City of Lakeville
VeeettionefErdabi Duo fa Frie
'the Vecchione/Erdahl Duo and Friends will perform a concert beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday,
February 3 3. 201 L at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20 %5 Holyoke Avenue.
Both the beechione rdahl Duo and Friends and the Lakeville Ares Arts Center staff will work to
promote the shrew. The Vecchione'Erdahl Duo and Friends will use its data base of contacts and
fans to make the concert known. The Lakeville Area Arts Center will promote the concert in its
2010 -2011 playbill, media releases, marquee, newsletters, and using other available resources.
The Lakeville Area Arts Center will print and sell tickets through its box office and ticket outlets.
By signing at the bottom of this letter of agreement, Lakeville Arca Arts Center agrees to the
following conditions:
1) Performance Space
Sage will be clear of furniture, props, scenery, etc. There will be general stage lighting,
the sound booth and the piano will be available.
2) Liability Insurance
The City of Lakeville carries the standard liability insurance ftsr audiences, stall', and the
building of the Lakeville Area Arts Center,
3) Payment
The Vecchione /Erdahl Duo and Friends members will each receive $500.00.
1. Carrie Vecchione
2. Rolf Frdah]
3. Ann Benjamin
in the event of bad weather snaking Travel to a peribrniance unsafe, the decision to cancel shall
be made by the Lakeville Arca Arts Center Coordinator and Rolf Frdahl, Coffee Concert
coordinator. Rescheduling of the concert will depend on availability of the performance space
and the Vecchione /Erdahl Duo and Friends.
[ hereby agree to all conditions and terms described above:
Rolf Erd 1, VecchionefErdnhl Duo and Friends Date
As an authorized representative of the City of Lakeville, I hereby agree to all conditions and
terms described above:
Lakeville Mayor Date City Clerk Date
Maria Jette will perform a concert beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 3, 2011, at the Lakeville Area
Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Avenue.
Both Maria Jette and the Lakeville Area Arts Center staff will work to promote the show. Maria Jette will
use her data base of contacts and fans to make the concert known. The Lakeville Area Arts Center will
promote the concert in its 2010 -2011 playbill, media releases, marquee, newsletters, and using other
available resources.
The Lakeville Area Arts Center will print and sell tickets through its box office and ticket outlets.
By signing at the bottom of this letter of agreement, Lakeville Area Arts Center agrees to the following
1) Performance Space
Stage will be clear of furniture, props, scenery, etc. There will be general stage lighting, the
sound booth and the piano will be available.
2) Liability Insurance
The City of Lakeville carries the standard liability insurance for audiences, staff, and the
building of the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
3) Payment
The Maria Jette concert members will be paid as follows:
1. Maria Jette - $500.00
2. Leslie Shank - $500.00
3. Barbara Leibundguth - $500.00
4. Andrea Stern - $500.00
5. David Hagedorn - $250.00
In the event of bad weather making travel to a performance unsafe, the decision to cancel shall be made
by the Lakeville Area Arts Center Coordinator and Rolf Erdahl, Coffee Concert coordinator.
Rescheduling of the concert will depend on availability of the performance space and Maria Jette and her
I - reby agree to
Maria Jette
As an authorize
described above:
Lakeville Mayor
Maria Jette -5
Agreement between the City of Lakeville
Maria Jae
onditions and terms described abov-:
presentative of the City of Lakeville, I fereby agree to all conditions and terms
City Clerk