HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bCITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Present: Mayor Holly Dahl Council Member Mark Bellows Council Member Kerrie Swecker Council Member Laurie Rieb Council Member Kevin Miller Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney Steve Mielke, City Administrator Tom Vonhof, Police Chief Keith Nelson, City Engineer Dennis Feller, Finance Director David Olson, C.E.D. Director Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director Chris Petree, Operations & Maintenance Director Daryl Morey, Planning Director Charlene Friedges, City Clerk NOVEMBER 1, 2010 Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Scout Troop 263 presented the colors and led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Additional agenda information - none. Presentations /Introductions Mr. Michaud presented a recognition plaque and resolution to Pat Messinger for 30 years of dedicated service to the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee. Council Member Miller read the resolution. Mr. Petree presented the October monthly report of the Operations & Maintenance Department. Citizens' Comments Jack Evans, 8459 - 173rd Street West, addressed the City Council regarding the 2011 City of Lakeville budget. Consent Agenda 10.70 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve the consent agenda items as follows: CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2010 Page 2 a. Claims for payment. b. Minutes of the October 18, 2010 City Council meeting. c. Tree work license for Reach Tree, Inc. d. Receive application of Northern Tier Retail LLC for an off -sale 3.2% malt liquor license at SuperAmerica #4337, #4490 and #4528, and call a public hearing to be held on November 15, 2010. e. Ordinance No. 871 amending Title 7, Chapter 5of the Lakeville City Code concerning water and sanitary sewer systems; and Summary of Ordinance No. 871 for publication. f. Resolution No. 10 -87 rejecting bids for lighting retrofit. g. Resolution No. 10 -88 supporting the Dakota County 2011 Large Community Funding Application. h. Adopt findings of fact and conditional use permit to allow a building to combine residential and non - residential uses within the Commercial Central Business District, located at 20741 Holyoke Avenue. Adopt findings of fact and conditional use permit amendment to allow the construction of a detached accessory building on commercial recreational property located at 16337 Klamath Trail. Receive bids and award contract for Fire Department 3000 gallon elliptical tender. k. Accept resignation of Pat Messinger from the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee; and approve Resolution No. 10 -89 recognizing Pat Messinger for 30 years of service. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Item 7 - Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Planned Unit Development Amendment Jacob Vick, representing Tradition Development, requested Council approval of an amendment to the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm (SBF) Master CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2010 Page 3 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Stage Plan Agreement. The proposed amendment, he stated, modifies the type of commercial development that may occur in the northwest corner of the development adjacent to the intersection of 160th Street and Pilot Knob Road to include the opportunity for "big box" commercial retail users. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the proposed amendment to the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD. He explained that this amendment will increase the entitlement for commercial and uses in the SBF PUD from 100,000 square feet to 300,000 square feet to include the opportunity for "big box" commercial retail users consistent with the anticipated commercial development and the practical market potential for the mixed use area in the northwest corner of the PUD. Mr. Morey explained that approval of this PUD amendment does not convey approval for any specific type of commercial development. Under the SBF PUD District, the developer is required to bring forward applications for each specific phase of development to be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council. 10.71 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Miller to approve Findings of Fact and the Second Amendment to Master Planned Unit Development Stage Plan Agreement for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Announcements: ➢ Veterans Day observance at Aronson Park Veterans Memorial on November 11, 2010 ➢ Special Council meeting (Canvassing), November 8, 2010 ➢ Next regular City Council meeting, November 15, 2010 Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Holly Dahl, Mayor CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CANVASSING BOARD NOVEMBER 8, 2010 Acting Mayor Rieb called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Member Kerrin Swecker Council Member Mark Bellows Council Member Kevin Miller Acting Mayor Laurie Rieb Absent: Mayor Holly Dahl Also Present: Steve Mielke, City Administrator Charlene Friedges, City Clerk The City Clerk presented the results of the November 2, 2010 City General Election (see attached vote summary and election statistics). The City Clerk explained that there was an obvious error in the counting or recording of votes for all offices in Precinct 6, which had a numerical discrepancy of 45. The discrepancy is between the number of signatures on the polling place roster and the number of votes recorded on the machine tape. This obvious error will be presented to the Dakota County Canvassing Board, who will notify all candidates for offices affected by the error. 10.72 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Swecker to receive the City Clerk's report and declare the official results of the November 2, 2010 City General Election, as attached. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Acting Mayor Rieb adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Laurie Rieb, Acting Mayor 'Turnout 1 tO tr) 1e1o1 LT9'ZE 601'? 34,726 01 CV n1 1-4 8£1'8 T17t'Z 81L'£ Z9Z'i TZ9'Z 1'TZ'Z £66'L 159'9 ££S'1' 1'i - d 967£' 01'? 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NS Holly Dahl Dan Athmann Marc Bourdeaux Joseph Crawford Karl Drotning Jack Evans Colleen Ratzlaff LaBeau a11111 1144 Kevin Miller Unofficial Statistics Summary- November 2, 2010 Minutes Lakeville City Council Joint meeting with the Economic Development Commission and City Council Work Session October 25, 2010 5:30 p.m. In attendance: Mayor Holly Dahl Council Member Mark Bellows Council Member Laurie Rieb Council Member Kerrin Swecker Council Member Kevin Miller Economic Development Commissioners: Jack Matasosky Jeanne Schubert Sheila Longie Robert Brantley Jim Emond Gary Tushie Tom Smith Staff: Steve Mielke, City Administrator Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Adam Kienberger, Economic Development Specialist Judi Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Dahl. ITEM #1 — Joint meeting with EDC to discuss Draft 2011 -13 Strategic Plan for Economic Development Community and Economic Development Director Dave Olson introduced the Draft 2011- 13 Strategic Plan for Economic Development. The EDC held a strategic planning work session on August 19, 2010 with an outside facilitator and discussed the attainment of the current strategic plan's goals as well as the vision, mission and goals to be incorporated into the next strategic plan. The document outlines long -term issues being faced including how the current economy has impacted the City's economic development perspective. The proposed plan has four main goals. The first is the development of a marketing plan to promote the city as a place for businesses to establish themselves or expand. Costs associated with development of a marketing plan have not been included in the proposed 2011 budget. The second goal is development of a toolbox of incentives to attract new businesses or support the expansion of existing businesses. The third and fourth goals are to advocate for businesses and to monitor and encourage their success. The three -year plan being proposed for adoption will provide for additional time for implementation. City Council /EDC Work Session Minutes October 25, 2010 Page -2- Many forces beyond the control of the City have had an effect on the current plan since its adoption. EDC members feel it is important not to become complacent but to re- prioritize and establish goals which are adaptable to the economic conditions. Jack Matasosky stated that businesses need to capitalize on opportunities. Gary Tushie added that the creation of a toolbox for development will allow new businesses to know what resources are available for them through the City. Council Member Swecker asked what kind of assistance or resources the EDC feels businesses are specifically looking for. Jack Matasosky responded that it is the hope of the EDC that the toolbox will be able to determine appropriate responses to a variety of businesses' needs and encourage new businesses to settle in Lakeville. Sheila Longie added that a "Grow Minnesota" survey has been conducted in the industrial areas to determine the economic outlook of existing Lakeville businesses. Responses were received from both Chamber and non - Chamber businesses. Dave Olson stated that the EDC vision and mission has remained basically consistent over the years with just a few "updates ". With increased competition for businesses some cities are enticing businesses to settle there. However, many features and opportunities, such as close proximity to the 1 -35 corridor, set Lakeville apart from other communities. There was discussion between EDC members and City Council members regarding some of the challenges in developing land in Lakeville which include federal, state and local regulations regarding wetlands, etc. Some financial incentives that cities might offer include Tax Increment Financing, Tax Abatement, land, etc. In order to consider offering these or any other incentives the city needs to look at the return on the investment. Other more simple incentives could be to allow higher densities or reduced setbacks. Companies are also requiring expanded telecommunication services and are requesting bandwidth and fiber technologies. Affordable workforce housing and public transit will also be needed to support new and existing businesses. The schedule for adoption of the Strategic Plan is to incorporate any changes suggested at tonight's work session, bring the document back to the EDC one more time in November, and then bring it to the Council's first meeting in December for consideration. This schedule would allow the plan to take effect in January 2011. Council reviewed the various aspects of the document with the EDC and staff and directed that the plan be put on the agenda for consideration at their December 6, 2010 meeting. ITEM #2 — Subsurface Treatment Systems (SSTS) Ordinance Amendment There are between 300 and 400 properties in the city, mostly in non- urbanized areas, which are not connected to City sanitary sewer and instead have on -site sewage treatment systems. The Minnesota PCA developed new rules and regulations to protect public health and general welfare. Dakota County adopted the new state rules into their Subsurface City Council /EDC Work Session Minutes October 25, 2010 Page -3- Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) Ordinance 113 about a year ago, making the County's ordinance more restrictive than the MPCA's requirements. The City of Lakeville wishes to be consistent with the County's ordinance and is required to adopt the MPCA rules. Existing systems are not impacted by this change unless or until the properties are altered in some way such as development of the area, sale of the property, etc. Inspections are required at the time of application for a building permit, or if a complaint is received regarding a suspected failing system. Failing systems must be upgraded within 10 months. Some of the new requirements include a State compliance inspection report to be completed by a MPCA licensed inspector on all for -sale properties. Staff continues to monitor and work with property owners on a case by case basis. Council members asked if there are specific areas in the City where these several hundred septic systems exist and felt it would be helpful to receive a map showing concentrated areas. Council directed staff to place the revised ordinance on a future Council agenda. ITEM #3 — MaIt -O -Meal Expansion Review Shortly after Malt -O -Meal purchased the Hearth Technologies site, they also purchased an additional 4.5 acres of adjoining property to the east which was owned by New Morning Windows. The northern 155 feet of the New Morning Windows property contains a conservation easement which was granted to the City by the owners of New Morning Windows when they purchased the property in 1995. The conservation easement does not allow for development or improvements to be constructed on the property. Malt -O -Meal is looking to the future at plans to remodel 29,000 square feet of office space in their existing building to accommodate an additional 100 employees and is also anticipating a future second building on their property. Current parking areas will need to be expanded to provide capacity for additional employees. City Council action would be needed to remove the conservation easement. North of this property are single family homes with a natural berm and tree line screening most of the homes from this easement. Malt -O -Meal will hold a neighborhood meeting to allow these residential property owners to review the concept plan. Malt -O -Meal will add more screening if needed to lessen the impact to these homes. Storm water runoff can be accommodated through use of a ponding area on the northeast corner of the site. Council felt Malt -O -Meal should be encouraged in the growth of their business and directed staff to work with them on an appropriate long -range site plan for best utilizing their property. Council further directed staff to work with Malt -O -Meal to schedule a neighborhood meeting to present their concept plan. ITEM #4a. — Other: Board and Commission Openings Staff provided information to Council regarding current committee /commission openings and reappointments. Staff wishes to establish a list of persons who wish to be reappointed City Council /EDC Work Session Minutes October 25, 2010 Page -4- and begin to advertise for open positions on the committees. Interviews could be held the second and /or third week of December with appointments scheduled for December 20t and terms to begin in January. Input on reappointments from various committee chairs was suggested. This feedback should be solicited prior to interviews. Council is also being asked for direction on the future of the Telecommunication Commission and the board's intended purpose. Federal rules significantly restrict any control cities formerly had with Cable TV; however, with the upcoming renewal of Lakeville's cable television franchise the board may be useful in an advisory role. ITEM #46. — Interagency Committee and Board Reports • 1 -35 Solutions Alliance Legislative priorities have been developed and legislative forums for candidates are being held. • MLC The MLC is in the process of developing their legislative program. Savage will be joining MLC and Shakopee has proposed membership in their 2011 budget. The addition of these two cities will create a fourth region. • Cedar Corridor Improvement Group Lakeville station studies are being conducted down to CR 70, specifically in the area of 161` Street. • DLBA DLBA is pursuing expansion of the Farmers Market into the downtown. • HiPP HiPP is preparing surveys which will go to all council members and some staff for the purpose of soliciting collaborative ideas. ITEM #5. — Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Judi Hawkins Deputy Clerk Holly Dahl Mayor