HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-121 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date: August 6, 2001 Resolution No: 01-121
Motion by: Luick Seconded by: Rieb
WHEREAS., the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing,
preceded by two (2) weeks published notice,. to consider vacating the following
.described roadway, trailway, drainage and utility easements; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest`to
vacate said easements.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council:
1. The following roadway, trailway, drainage and utility easements are
.hereby vacated:
2. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the
County Recorder.
ADOPTED by the LakeviNe City Council this 6t".day of August, 2001.
Robert D. Johnso ayor
Char ene Friedges, City CI
hereby certify that the foregoing. Resolution No, of-121 is a true and
correct copy of the resolution .presented. to and adopted by the City Council of the
City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 6t" day of
August 2001., as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession..
Charlene Friedges
City Clerk
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Easement to be Vacated.
That part of the North 112 of the Northeast. Quarter (NE 112. NE 1!4) of Sectionl9, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota described as;
Beginning at the intersection of the North line of the south 33.00 feet and the East line of said section 19; thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 07
seconds West along said North right-of-way line, a distance of 173.03 feet; thence North along a curve concave to the west, having a central angle of 07
degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds, a radius of 740.00 feet and a distance of 93.04 feet; thence North O1 degree 42 minutes 47 seconds East, a di stance of
534.23 feet; thence North along a curve concave to the East with a central angle of 09 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of 1078.74 feet and a
distance of 181.21 feet;. thence North l l degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 483.$5 feet; thence North along a curve concave to the. West
having a central angle of 00 degrees 31 minutes 17 seconds, a radius of 917.93 feet and a distance of 8:35 feet to a point on the North line of said parcel;
thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 29 seconds East, along said North line, a distance of 31.22 feet to the northeast corner of said parcel; thence South
along the East line of said parcel to the point of beginning.
Also, that part of the South Half of the South half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S 1/2, S tl2, SE'/a, SE 1/a), of Section 18, Township
114, Range 20 more particularly described as;
Beginning at the southeast corner of said pazcel of land; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 29 second West, assumed bearing, along the South line of
said parcel, a distance of 31.22 feet; thence North along a curare concave to the West, having a central angle of 11 degrees 50 minutes 39 seconds, a
radius of 017.93 feet, and a distance of 181.40 feet; thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 75.31 feet; thence North 87
degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 3T.02 feet; thence North 02 degrees 04 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 60 feet; thence South
87 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 28.32 feet; thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 12.94 feet to a point
on the North line of said pazcel; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds East along said North line, a distance of 13.36 feet to the Northeast
corner of said pazcel; thence South along the East line of said parcel to the paint of beginning.