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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-111 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date July 30, 2001. Resolution Ol-lli Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By xieb RESOLUTION ADOPTING RECORD OF DECISION, RESPONSE TO COMMENTS, AND DECISION ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FOR .THE PROPOSED TIMBERCREST PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville, as the responsible governmental unit, has directed the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAW") for the proposed Timbercrest project; and WHEREAS, the City has received and reviewed the EAW and has forwarded it for comment to various groups, organizations, and individuals as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Availability for Review was published in the EQB Monitor on June 25, 2001. WHEREAS, the thirty (30) day comment period has closed; and .WHEREAS, the City Council has received and considered reports, letters, and comments on the EAW. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by-the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. The Record of Decision is adopted. 2. .The Response to Comments is adopted. 3. The project as proposed does not have the potential for significant environmental effect and therefore preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not ordered. 95190.01 1 RNK:07/27/2001 PASSED AND DULY. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota this 30th day of July, 2001. CITY OF LAKEVILLE iV` BY: Robert D. Jo s n, Mayor A EST: Charlene Friedges, ityClerk 9s19o.o1 2 RNK:07/27/2001 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RECORD OF DECISLON 1. APPLICANT, RGU, .CONSULTANTS. The Avalon Group Real Estate .Group, LLC, is the proposer of an approximately 567,000 square foot commercial development including retail, service, restaurant,, and office in the City of .Lakeville. The City of Lakeville, as the Responsible Government Unit RGU") has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAW") for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 116D and Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410. . The .City of Lakeville has completed the data portion of the .EAW with the assistance of the Applicant-and several consulting firms. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The Avalon. Real Estate Group, LLC is proposing a development of approximately 567;000 square feet of retail; .service, office, and restaurant uses in the City of Lakeville.. The project, named TimberCrest at Lakeville, is proposed. to be anchored by an 182,000 square foot SuperTarget .store that will include an Archer Farms Market Grocery. The project is located in the northeast quadrant of 1-35 and CSAH 60 on approximately 96 acres of undeveloped land. Although the site wild be mass graded, there will still be .approximately 30 acres of open space and approximately 13 acres of natural/landscaped space after development. Including all. buildings, parking, and roads, .the total amount of impervious surface is expected to be approximately 53 acres. The project will use varying topography in its site design, with finished. floor elevations ranging from 1050 feet to 1071 feet.. 3. THE EAW.. .Because the' proposed project contains more than 300,000 square feet of retail space, a mandatory EAW was triggered.. Lakeville is a city of the second class. On April 2, 2001, the City Council ordered .preparation of an EAW. Following preparation of the document, on June- 18th the City Council determined that the document was complete and ordered its distribution. On June 25, :2001, notice was published in the EQB Monitor. Thee 30-day comment period closed on July 25, 200.1. The City received written .comments from seven public agencies and one private organization.: The written comments and the City's response is attached. 95197.01 1 RNK:07/30/2001 The City's Planning Commission and Environmental Affairs Committee considered the EAW at a public meeting on July 26, 2001. Both .recommend that an EIS not be required.. 4. FINDINGS. After considering the EAW, the comments and questions on the EAW, the response to the comments and questions, and public. testimony, the Lakeville City Council makes the following findings with regard to the potential for .significant environmental effect as a result of the project: 4.1 Fish, Wildlife, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources. Over one-half of the site consists of grassland that has been disturbed by cultivation and grazing. An oak forest exists on part of the site. Approximately 30% of the trees on the site will. be preserved, including high. quality oaks. Impacted. wetland will be mitigated in accordance with state and federal requirements. There are no endangered or threatened wildlife on the site. 4.2 Physical Impacts on Water Resources. Impacts on wetland will be avoided when possible and any loss mitigated in accordance with federal and state requirements. 4.3 .Water Quality; Surface Water Runoff. The proposed project will .use a low impact development approach to storm. water management. There will be no negative impact to Lake Marion and other receiving water bodies. 4.4 Traffic. The traffic analysis in the EAW, and the response to comments indicate that traffic will be adequately accommodated by existing and planned infrastructure. 5. CONCLUSION. The project does not have the potential. for significant environmental effect. An EIS is not needed. 95197.01 2 RNK:07/30!2001