HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-104 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date July 2, 2001 Resolution 01-104
Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By Luick
WHEREAS, the Building Official of the City of Lakeville has attempted without success to
have the owner of certain property remedy the hazardous condition of the single family detached
dwelling situated on property at 10350 Upper 196` Way, Lakeville, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the. building on the property constitutes a
hazardous building within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes § 463.15, Subd. 3.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville,
1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 463.16 et sec the City hereby adopts and approves the
Demolition Order for Removal of Hazardous Building attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
2. The City of Lakeville finds that the building located at 10350 Upper 196' Way, Lakeville,
Minnesota is a hazardous building within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 463.15, Subd. 3.
3. The City's legal counsel, Campbell Knutson, P.A., 317 Eagandale OfFice Center, 1380
Corporate Center Curve, Eagan, Minnesota 55121, is directed to serve the Demolition Order
and to proceed with enforcement in accordance with Minnesota Statutes § 463.15 et seg.
ADOPTED this 2nd day of July , 2001, by the City Council of the City of
Lakeville, Minnesota.
Robert D. John ,Mayor
• Charlene Friedges, City erk
CASE TYPE: Other Civil
Court File No.
The Matter of a Hazardous Building DEMOLITION ORDER FOR
Located at 10350 Upper 196' Way, City of REMOVAL OF A
Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota HAZARDOUS BUILDING
TO: Owners and lienholders of the above real estate: George B. Elder and Karen
McNeal, Trustees of the Beverly V. Shaw Living Trust Dated October 1,1996
PLEASE BE ADVISED that pursuant to order of the Lakeville City. Council .and by
authority of Minnesota Statutes § 463.15 et sec you have twenty (20) days from the date of
service of this Order upon you, to remedy the hazardous condition of the building situated on
• property at 10350 Upper 196' Way, City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota,
and legally described as follows:
That part of Lot 4, Block 24, LENIHAN'S LOTS ANTLERS PARK, described as
follows: Bounded on the south and east by the south and east lines of said Lot 4,
bounded on the west by the east line of the west 10.00 feet of said Lot. 4, as
measured at right angles to and parallel with the west line of said Lot 4, and
bounded on the north by a line. described as follows: Commencing at the
northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence South 01 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds
West, assumed bearing, on the east dine of said Lot 4 a distance of 80.00 feet to
the point of beginning of the Zine to be described; thence North 89 degrees 43
.minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 24.01 feet; thence North 23 degrees 14
minutes S4 seconds West a distance of 8.32 feet; thence southerly a distance of
11.13 feet on a nontangent curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 380.00
feet and a cord .that bears South 09 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds East; thence
North 37 degrees SS minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 4.24 feet; thence
North 89 degrees 43 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 145.27 feet to the
said east line of the west 10.00 feet of said Lot 4 and there terminating.
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The single family detached dwelling as it is presently situated on the property constitutes
• a health, safety, and. fire hazard to the residents of the City of Lakeville.. All personal property
and fixtures shall be removed from the building within twenty (20) days from the date of service
of this Order. The basis for. this Order is set forth in more detail in the Inspector's. Report dated
October 25, 2000, attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
If you fail to remedy the situation the City will seek permission from the District Court
for the City to do so. The City will move the District Court for summary enforcement of this
Order pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 463.19 unless you remedy the situation within said
twenty (20) day period or unless an answer is filed within twenty (20) days of service of this
Order upon you. Upon enforcement of the Order by the City, the cost will be charged against the
property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 463.21.
• Dated: , 2001. CAMPBELL KNUTSON
Professional Association
Roger N. Knutson, #57186
Soren M. Mattick, #27785X
Lakeville City Attorney
317 Eagandale Office Center
1380 Corporate Center Curve
Eagan, MN 55121
Telephone: (651) 452-5000
The City of Lakeville, by and through its undersigned attorneys, acknowledges that costs,
disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing party
or parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 549.21, Subd. 2.
Dated: , 2001.
• Roger N. Knutson, #57186
92227.02 2
'I I~
October 25, 2000
Ms. Karen McNeal, Trustee
Beveriy.V. Shaw~Living Trust.
Dated October 1, 1996
RE: .10350 Upper 196"' Way Lakeville. Minnesota
Dear Ms. McNeal:
Phis letter is in regards to the property at 10350 Upper 196"' Way in the City of Lakeville, which
is currently owned by the Beverly V. Shaw Living Trust. At your request, I .inspected tha
property on October 24, 2000. Qur landings were as follows:
• All work related to sanitary sewer hook-ups, water hook-ups, and storm sewer drainage has
been completed.
• The geodesic dome is not completely framed.• The top of the dome has an opening covered
with a tom canvas #arp and the southwesterly side has an opening in the wall. The front
• entrance also lacks an exterior door. These exposures tv the e{ements, including wind, rain,
snow, and ice, will eventually lead to deterioratioai.
• Construction of the attached garage that waS r~riginally proposed with the home has not
• There is no concrete that has been poured on the property. The foundation is constructed
of treated wood wails on tap of pea rock footings, as originally proposed and in compliance
with the Uniform Building Code. The basement floor has not been poured.
A morn is cantilevered off the northerly side of the dome. No permanent support structure is
in place for this appendage. The cantilevered room on a temporary support structure
presents• a fife safety issue.
~ The home has not been secured to prevent entry by .unauthorized persons. Several aspects
of the interior of the home present life safety concerns, including the lack of a stairway at the
opening to the basement.
+ Limited plumbing has been done. A "Stop Work Order" was placed on the property in May
2000 because the work was being done by Mr. Elder, who is not a licensed plumber.
• Extension of temporary electrical hook-ups and light fixtures has been completed. No other
electrical work has been completed. The Temporary electrical hook-up presents 1rfe safety
• A significant amount of construction debris exists on the property and may present liabilities.
• City o, f Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue -Lakeville, MN 55044 • (952) 985-44017 •.FAX 985-494
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~ There are signs Hof felting structure( integrity which wiA eventually lead to an unsafe
The exposure to the elements and trespassing and the signs of structural failure suggest an
unsafe use. Ali unsafe buildings, Structures or appendages are public nuisances and must be
abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition yr removal in accordance with the procedures in
Minnesota Statutes, section 483.15 to 4&3.28.
The best option for all parties would be to have the existing unsafe structure removed. Upon
remove! of the structure, the City of Lakeville will be able to refund X5,706.54 to the Beverly V.
Shaw Living Trust from the original $6,850.04 in building permit fees. The estate would then be
Left with a valuable wooded lot. Lakeville has a strong residential market with sales of 6Q0 to
700 lots per year. To my knowledge, this is the only building permit approved far a geodesic
dome home 1n Lakeville for over twenty years.
Should you have any questions, plEase feel free to contact me at 952-985-4441.
Sincerely, .
Gene J, Abbott, P,E.
Building Official
c: Robert R Erickson, City Administrator
Artyn Grossing, Community & Economic Development Director
Ron Mullanbacti, Associate Planner
Roger Knutson, City Attorney