HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-099 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date July 2, 2001 Resolution No. 01-99 Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By Luick RESOLUTION ADDING CLASS A AND CLASS B SOLID WASTE/RECYCLABLE MATERIAL COLLECTION LICENSE. FEES .NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Solid ~Vaste/Recyclable Material Collection license fees be amended in the Schedule of Fees as follows: T. LICENSES. A. Billboard: 1. Double-faced . $ 100.00 2.' Single-faced . $ 50.00 3. Illuminated $ 25.00 B. Body Piercing Business $ 300.00 1. Application fee . $ 300.00 C. Massage Therapist . $ 25.00 D. Mechanical Amusement Device 1. License Fee per site $ 15:00 2, License Fee per. Device $ :15.00 E, Pawn Brokers and Precious Metal Dealers........:. $ 8,000.00:. F. Sexually Uriented Business $ 300.00 G. Solid Waste/Recyclable Material Collection 1. Class A . $ 50..00. 2. Class B $ 50.00 H. Tattoo Business $ 300.00 1. Application fee . $ 300.00 T. Taxicab , . $ 25.00 7. Transient Merchants (Peddlers): , $ 25.00 K. Tree Trimming and Removal . $ 25.00 APPROVED.AND ADOPTED by the City.Councl of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 2nd day of 7uly, 2001. CITY F gKFVII.,L B y. Robert D. hnson, .Mayor TES ~ harlene Friedges, City C