HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-096 .CITY OF LAKEV[LLE i DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date June 18, 2001 Resolution 01-96 . Motion By Nlulvlill Seconded By R.ieb RESOLUT[ON ORDERING ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS BUILDING WHEREAS, the building situated at 7919 Grinnell Court West, Lakeville, Minnesota sustained damage as the result of a fre on October 14, 1999; WHEREAS, the. Building. Official of the City of Lakeville has attempted, without success, to have the owner of certain property remedy the hazardous building; and • WHEREAS, -the damage to the building has not been repaired; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the building on the. property constitutes a hazardous building within. the meaning of Minnesota Statute §463.15, Subd. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute §4b3.16, the City. hereby adopts and approves. the Order to Repair or Remove Hazardous Buildings attached hereto as Exhibit ~,A„. 2. The City Attorney, Campbell Knutson, .Professional Association, .317 Eagandale Office Center, 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Eagan, Minnesota 55121, is • 94242.01 1 directed to serve the Order and to proceed with enforcement in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 4 l § 63. 5 et seq. ADOPTED this lath day of June , 2001, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. C[TY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Robert D. ]ohns ,Mayor EST: '7 harlene Friedges, City rk • 9aaaa.oi 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF DAKOTA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE.:. Other Civil Court File No.: In Re the Matter of Hazardous Building At 7919 Grinnell Court West, .City of ORDER FOR ABATEMENT Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota OF HAZARDOUS BUILDING. TO: Owners and lien holders of the above real estate: WMC Mortgage, 6320 Canoga. Avenue, 8~ Floor, Woodland, California; and any other party having an interest in the above property. PLEASE BE ADVISED, that pursuant to order of the Lakeville City Council and by authority of Minnesota Statutes X463: TS et seq•, you have twenty (20) days.. from the date of service of this Order upon you to remedy the hazardous building.situated on property at 7919 Grinnell Court West, City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of .Minnesota, and legally described as follows: PIN:.' 22-27601-050-10 Lot 5, Blockl0, Foxborough 2nd Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. The: building sustained damage from a fire on October 14, 1999. The damage. to the building has not been repaired. The building is not being maintained. and is unoccupied. The basis for this Order is set forth in more detail in the Building Official's Report dated June 1, 2001 and June 13, 2001., attached hereto as Exhibit "A". If you fail to remedy the. situation, the City will seek permission from the District-Court for the City. to do so. The City will move the District Court for 94240 summary enforcement of .this Order pursuant to Minnesota Statutes X463.19 unless ou reined the situation within said twen 20 da eriod or unless Y Y ty( ) yP an answer is filed within twenty (20) days of service of this Order upon you. Upon enforcement of the Order by the City, the cost will be .charged against the propertypursuant to Minnesota Statutes X463.21. CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Date: By: Roger N. Knutson, #57186 Lakeville City Attorney 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 5512.1 ..(651) 452-5000 , ACKNOWLEDGMENT The City of Lakeville, by and through its undersigned attorneys, acknowledges that costs, :.disbursements .and, reasonable attorney andwitness feesmay be awarded to the-opposing party or parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §549.21, Subd. Z. Dated:.. , 2001 Roger N, Knutson, #57.186 94244