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DATE: February 20, 2001 RESOLUTION NO: 01-25
WHEREAS, winter and spring weather conditions have made certain City streets subject to
damage from heavy vehicles;
AND, WHEREAS, if weight restrictions are not applied, these streets may sustain severe
AND, WHEREAS, all waste haulers will be allowed to exceed the posted weight restriction by
two (2) tons per axle, due to the need for continued public health services.
AND, WHEREAS, weight restrictions are authorized to go into effect in conjunction with
Dakota County Highway Department,
AND, WHEREAS, exceeding posted weight limits may be allowed in cases involving public
health and safety.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that weight restrictions are authorized to be placed
as listed and remain in effect until the Minnesota Department of Transportation authorizes
removal of weight restrictions in the Seven County Metro area, or no later than May 16, 2001.
5 Ton Axle Weight 161st & Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight .161St St. north of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight 162nd & Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 162nd St. west of Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 163~d St. and 162"d St.
5 Ton Axle Weight 163rd St. east of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight 164th St. east of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight Upper 164th & Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 165th St. from Kenrick Ave. to Hyland Ave.
5 Ton Axie Weight 166th St. east of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight 167th St. & Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight. 167th St. from Kenrick Ave. to Jaguar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight Lower 167th east of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight 168th & 170th east of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight 170th St. & Cedar
5 Ton Axle Weight 170th St. from Kenrick Ave. to Jonquil Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 170th St. east and west of Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 170th between Flagstaff & Pilot Knob
5 Ton Axle Weight 172nd St. west of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight 175th St. from C.R. 50 to Highview Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 175tH St. & Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight 179th St. from Kenyon Ave. to the west
5 Ton Axle Weight 188th St. west of C.R. 50
5 Ton Axle Weight 192~d west of C.R. 50
5 Ton Axle Weight 194tH west of C. R.50
5 Ton Axle Weight 202nd St. west of Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight 205th between Judicial Rd. and Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight 207th St. west of Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight 208tH St. west of Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight 210tH east of Dodd to Holyoke
5 Ton Axle Weight 210tH east of Kensington
5 Ton Axle Weight 210tH from Hamburg to Glade Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight 210tH St. west of Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight 212tH St. east of Dodd Blvd
5 Ton-Axle Weight Dodd Lane & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Dodd Blvd. & Huntsville Trail
5 Ton Axle Weight Dodd Blvd. &Fairgreen Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight Dodd Blvd. &Farcry Way
5 Ton Axle Weight Excel Way & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Excelsior Dr. & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight .Fairgreen Ave. & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Fairgreen Ave. & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Farcry Way & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Finch & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Finesse Way & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Flagstaff Ave. & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Flagstaff at Farmington line
5 Ton Axle Weight Flagstaff Ave. & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Flagstaff Ave. south of Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight Foliage Ave. & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Foliage Ave. & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Franchise Way south of Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight. Garrett Path & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Gerdine Path & Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Glacier Ave. & 160tH
5 Ton Axle Weight Glacier Way east of Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight Glacier Way west of Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight Glacier Way west of Cedar Ave
5 Ton Axle Weight. Griffon Trail west of Cedar Ave.
5 Ton Axle Weight Grove Trail south of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Hamburg Ave., from 202"d St. to C.R. 50
• 5 Ton Axle Weight Harmony Path south of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Hawthorn south of C. R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Heritage Dr. west of Holyoke
5 Ton Axle Weight Highview Ave. from C. R. 46 to Dodd Blvd.
5 Ton Axle Weight Highview Ave. so. of Dodd Blvd. & by City Hall
5 Ton Axle Weight Huntsville east of Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Hyland Ave. from C. R. 46 to 165t" St.
5 Ton Axle Weight Iberia north of C. R. 50
5 Ton Axle Weight Impatiens Way west of Dodd
5 Ton Axle Weight Interlachen Blvd. from C. R. 46 to 165t" St.
5 Ton Axle Weight Ipava Ave: from C. R. 46 to 185t" St.
5 Ton Axle Weight Ipava north & south of C.R. 50
5 Ton Axle Weight Ipava south of 185th
5 Ton Axle Weight ~ Jaeger Path north of 185th
5 Ton Axle Weight Jaguar Ave. south of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Jaguar Path off of C.R. 50
5 Ton Axle. Weight .Jasmine Way at 185th St. W.
5 Ton Axle Weight Jasmine Way south of 185th
5 Ton Axle Weight Jasper Path north of 185th St
5 Ton Axle Weight Jamaica Avenue north of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Jamaica Path north of 185th St
5 Ton Axle Weight Java Lane south of C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Judicial Road 185th to north City boundary
5 Ton Axle Weight Kenrick Ave. north of 185th St.
5 Ton Axle Weight Kenyon Avenue north of 185th Street
5 Ton Axle Weight Klamath Trail west of C.R. 5
5 Ton Axle Weight Klamath Trail & C.R. 46
5 Ton Axle Weight Kabera Trail from 185th St. to C.R. 50
5 Ton Axle Weight Orchard Trail south of 185t"
5 Ton Axle Weight Upper 167th St. west of Cedar Ave.
7 Ton Axle. Weight Keokuk from C.R. 70 to 205th
7 Ton Axle Weight 205t" St. from west Lakeville border to Kenrick
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 2otn
day of February , 2001.
BY: ~'L/
Robert D. Jo son, Mayor
hariene Frie es, C' Clerk