HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-002 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
DATE: January 2, 2001 RESOLUTION NO.: 01-02
Resolution Rejecting Certain Bid Packages,. Awarding Bid Packages,
and Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Orders for
Improvement Project 00-19, Lakeville Area Arts Center
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville executed an Architectural Services Agreement with
Grooters, Leapaldt, Tideman Architects and a Construction Management Services Agreement with
Greystone Construction Company on May 15, 2000 for Improvement Project 00-19, Lakeville Area
Arts Center; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville approved plans and specifications and authorized the
taking of bids for Improvement Project 00-19 on October 20, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville hereby acknowledges receipt of bids received and
opened on November 28 and December 20, 2000 as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto.
WHEREAS, the specifications for interlocking pavers called for only a portion of the front
entry plaza to be constructed with pavers as part of the construction project. The remainder of the
approximately three-quarters of area was proposed to be completed at a future time. At this time,
staff is proposing to reject this bid and install the pavers all at one time in association with a "Buy-A-
Paver" fundraising program which is proposed to occur in 2002. On a side note, the "Buy-a-Chair"
campaign will occur in 2001.
WHEREAS, Minuti-Ogle, Inc. submitted the only bid for the stucco bid package but
proceeded to request that their bid be rejected. Greystone will solicit stucco quotes after demolition
is complete.
WHEREAS, Carver Heating and Air Conditioning, requests their bid be rejected due to an
error in their proposal for the HVAC bid package and staff therefore recommends awarding the
contract to the next lowest qualified bidder, Sun-Aire Systems.
1. The City Council rejects the following bids:
Bid Packa a Descri tion Contractor Amount
#2 Interlockin Pavers Glacial Rid e, Inc. $ 4,850
#10 Stucco Minuti-O le, Inc. 6,390
• #19 HVAC Carver Heatin & Air Conditionin 136,400
2. The City Council hereby awards the following contracts to the lowest responsible
bidders that meet bid specifications as listed below:
Bid Description Contractor Amount
Packa e
#6 Structural Steel Erection Dann 's Construction 30,30Q
#7 Light gauge metal framing, gypsum Friedges Drywall 88,174
drywall, plaster patchin
#8 General carpentry J.S. Cates Construction 117,000
#9 Glass and glazin Gatewa A.C.G., Inc. 27,599
#11 Ceramic Tile Jerr 's Floor 17,778
#12 Acoustical treatment Twin Ci Acoustics 4,420
#13 Floorin Jer 's Floor 29,208
#14 Paintin and Wall coverin Pro Touch Paintin 29,490
#15 Food Service Equipment St. Cloud Restaurant Supply 18,725
#16 Elevator La erquist Elevator 59,800
#16 Chair Lift Aero Lift Accessibility 9,130
#17 Fire Protection Brothers Fire Protection 25,240
#18 Plumbin McCarth Plumbin & Heatin 54,900
#19 HVAC Sun-Aire Systems 213,900
#20 Electrical Schammel Electric 222,900
3. The City Council hereby authorizes issuance of purchase orders for the following:
Descri tion Vendor Amount
Site utilities Kusske Construction 12,895
Interior Masonr (Bid Packa e #4) Wachholz Mason 21,460
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council, City of Lakeville, Minnesota this 2"d day
of January, 2001.
Robert D. John n, Mayor
harlene Friedges, City Cler