HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-225 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • RESOLUTION Date December 17, 2001 Resolution 01-225 Motion By Luick Seconded By Mulvihill RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2001 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following General Fund Budget is hereby approved and amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES REVENUES General property taxes $ 5,937,660 $ - $ 5,937,660 Licenses and permits 1,752,604 - 1,752,604 Intergovernmental revenue 2,891,970 53,174 2,945,144 Charges for services 1,340,561 25,284 1,365,845 -Court fines 194,161 - 194,161 • Miscellaneous 449,877 = 449,877 Lnterfund transfers 368,162 368,162 Total Revenues 12,934,995 78,458 13,013,453 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council 111,209 5,741 116,950 Public Communications 135,287 3,137 138,424 City Administration 224,941 40,668 265,609 City Clerk 91,331 2,838 94,169 Legal 82,485 - 82,485 Committees/Commissions 75,521 (3,845) 71,676 Community. Development 567,607 10,580 578,187 Inspection 684,381 25,856 710,237 General Government Building 333,972 (5,181) 328,791 Finance 551,859 192,663 744,522 Human Resources 170,595 14,452 185,047. Insurance 165,983 - 165,983: Police 4,422,884 539,406 4,962,290 .Fire 774,630 35,662 810,292 Ambulance 22,407 - 22,407 Engineering 691,399 (1,536) 689,863 Streets 1,794,750 56,512 1,851,262 (continued) (continued) RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2001 i GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES EXPENDITURES (continued) Parks $ 1,304,722 $ 63,481 $ 1,368,203. Recreation 362,016 20,952 382,968 Arts Center 157,212 29,890 187,102 Other 454,546 (454,546) - Total Expenditures 13,179,737 576,730 13,756,467 ..Net Increase/(Decrease) (244,742) (498,272) (743,014) Fund Balance, January 1 6,527,304.. (14,198) .6,513,106 (10) Transfer to Employee Benefit Fund (45,000) (45,000) Transfer to Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (25,000) (25,000) (13) Transfer to Public Works Reserve Fund (275,651) - (275,651) Fund Balance, December 31 $ 5,961,911 $ (537,470) $ 5,424,441 APPROVED AND AMENDED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 17th day of December, 2001. CITY OF L K VI'PLLE BY: /V Robert Johnson, Mayor EST: Charlene Friedge ,City Cle GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED .BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES TAXES Property taxes -current $ 5,095,732 $ .5,095,732 Property taxes -delinquent 51,172 51,172 Fiscal disparities. 721,441 721,441 Mobile home tax 30,827 30,827 Gravel tax 38,488 - 38,488 Total Taxes $ 5,937,660 $ - $ 5,937,660 LICENSES AND PERMITS Trash removal $ 350 $ 350 Dog 9,126 9,126 Signs 4,350 4;350 Dances (cabaret) 100 100 On-sale liquor 28,800 28,800 Club special business 1,150 1,150 Sunday liquor 1,400 1,400 Non-intoxicating liquor on 1,200 1,200 .Non-intoxicating liquor off 525. 525. Wine 1,500 1,500 Tree. removal 500 500 Tattoo/piercing 300 300 Arcade (amusement device) 1,500 1,500 Miscellaneous 675 - 675 Total Licenses 51,476 - 51,476 Plan review fees 561,444 561,444 Building 935,189 935,189 Plumbing 77,994 77,994... Water and sewer 51,486 51,486 Mechanical 63,965 63,965 Street cutting 4,450 4,450 Grading/Filling 900 900 Gravel 4,775 4,775 Driveway 750 750 Fire burning 25 25 Miscellaneous. 150 - 150 Total Permits. 1,701,128 - 1,701,128 Total Licenses and Permits- $ 1,752,604 $ - $ 1,752,604 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE . HACA $ 1, 749,190 $ 1, 749,190 Mobile home credit 59,025 59,025. Local .government aid 495,721. 495,721 State-aid police 258,000 258,000 State-aid fire 118,580 32,374 150,954 (14) State-aid streets 68,070 68,070 State-aid pensions 21,123 21,123 Police grant -POST 14,835 14,835 Police grant -COPS FAST 50,000 50,000 Police grant - CPSO 28,732 28,732 Police grant -SRO 20,800 20,800. (6) Safe and Sober grant 15,000 15,000 Police protective vests grant 3,600 3,600 Recreation -Meals on wheels grant 10,094 - 10,094 Total Intergovernmental $ 2,891,970 $ 53,174 $ 2,945,144 CHARGES FOR SERVICES General Government Rezoning. fees $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Platting fees 17,000 17,000 Variance fees 1,000 1,000 PUD application fees 2,500 2,500 CUP fees 3,800 3,800 Home occupation fees 900 900 Planner fees 43,409 43,409 Inspection fees 10,560 10,560. General government service charge 965 965 Tree escrow fund administration 33,000 33,000 Lodging tax fee 6,058 6,058 Investment management fees 20,996 20,996 Sale of maps/copies 1,106 1,106 Sale of history books/resident guidebook fees 30 30 Sale of printed material 600 600 Finance charges 1,059 - 1,059 Total General Government 144,983 - 144,983 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE Of REVENUES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Public Safety Police department charges $ 12,930 $ 5,640 $ 18,570 (9) Police dispatching 100,886. 100,886 DARE - ISD 194/196 contributions 63,113 63,113 DARE -Donations 3,500 3,500 SRO - iSD 194 contribution 32,900 4,387 37,287 (6) Animal pickup. 3,301 3,301. Animal storage 4,978 .4,978 Animal rabies 1,908 1,908 Restitution 800 800 Forfeiture -sale of assets 25,724 .25,724 Fire contracts 20,878 - 20,878 Total Public Safety 270,918 10,027 280,945 Public Works Engineering platting -preliminary 22,000 22,000 Engineering platting -final 5,000 5,000 Engineering plan review fees 1,500 1,500 Engineering drawinglbase maps 24,500. 24,500 Engineering developer inspection fees 20,000. 20,000 Engineering developer contract administration 189,000 189,000 Engineering improvement project design variable 48,000 48,000 Engineering improvement project construction inspec 54,000 54,000 Special assessment admin charge 119,838 119,838 Special assessment searches 450 450 Document/map sales 1,940 1,940 Bid plans/specs deposits 910 910 Street department charges 500 500 Street lights 287,892' 287,892 Credit River -Judicial road maintenance 2,595 2,595 Developer street signs install 20,633 - .20,633 Total Public Works 798,758 - .798,758 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Parks and Recreation ..Recreation activities Youth activities $ 22,872 $ 22,872 Youth activities donations 500 .500 Youth special events 9,664 3,318 12,982 (15) Youth special events donations 75 75 Adult activities 40,032 40,032 Adult activities donations 500 500 Puppet wagon donations 3,800 3,800 Safety Camp 1,429 1,429 Safety Camp donations 2,250 2,250 Senior Center donations 400 5,952 6,352 (8) Manufactured homeprogram 386 386 Ritter Farm Park ELC 7,215 7,215 Excursions 7,429 7,429 .Tennis lessons 1,597 1,597 Meals on Wheels fees 9,633 9,633 Meals on Wheels donations 3,000 3,000 Lifeguard training 420 - 420 Total Recreation .activities 111,202 9,270 120,472 Park rental/maintenance/tournament fees... 14,000 14,000 Park rental Senior Center 700 - 700 Total Parks and Recreation 125,902 9,270 ..135,172 Arts Center Program Fees - 5,987 5,987 (7) Total Charges for Services $ .1,340,561 $ 25,284 $ 1,365,845 GENERA L. FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES COURT FINES Court fines $ 191,754 $ 191,754 Court fines -DARE 2,407 - 2,407 Total Fines $ 194,161 $ - $ 194,161 MISCELLANEOUS Interest on investments $ 329,286 $ 329,286 Sale of assets 67,003 67,003 Donations 3,200 3,200 Park rental farming - Berres 250 250 Rentals Dakota Heights water tower 50,138 - 50,138 Total Miscellaneous $ 449,877 $ - $ 449,877 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Cable TV Fund $ 8,436 $ 8,436 G.LS. Fund (IT support) 6,680 6,680 Surface Water Management Fund 23,785 23,785 E-911 Fund 21,929 21,929 Municipal Reserves Fund (Administration charge} 30,165 30,165 Liquor Fund (Police Patrol) 30,569 30,569 Liquor Fund (MIS) 31,319 31,319 Liquor Fund (DARE Program) 37,600 37.,600 Liquor Fund (HR) 27,053 27,053 Liquor Fund (Copier) 18,430 18,430 Utility Fund 105,899 105,899 Utility Fund (MIS) 17,279 17,279 Utility Fund (HR) 9,018 - .9,018 Total Interfund Transfers $ 368,162 $ - $ 368,162 Total General Fund $ 12,934,995 $ 78,458 $ 13,013,453 .GENERAL FUND SCHEf)ULE OF EXPENDITURES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Mayor and Council Personnel services $ 51,341 $ 51,341 Commodities 150. 150 Other charges and services 58,108 5,741 63,849 (5) Capital outlay 1,610. - 1,610 Total 111,209 5,741 116,950 Public Communications Personnel services 91,301 $ 3,137 $ 94,438 (2)(4) Commodities 890 890 Other charges and services 41,786 41,786 Capital outlay 1,310 - 1,310 Total 135,287 3,.137. 138,424 City Administration Personnel services 210,232 40,668 .250,900 (1)(2)(3)(4) Commodities 1,065 1,065 (5) Other charges and services 13,644 - 13,644 Total 224,941 40,668 265,609 City Clerk Personnel services 68,876 2,838 71,714 (2)(4) Commodities 420 420 Other charges and services 1.6,060 16,060 Capital outlay 5,975 - 5,975 Total 91, 331 2, 838 94,169 Legal 82,485 - 82,485 Committees/Commissions Personnel services 37,256 (4,658) 32,598 (1) Commodities 1,850 1,850 Other charges and services 36,415 813 37,228 (5) Total 75,521 (3,845) 71,676 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Community Development Personnel services $ .443,161 $ 10,580 $ :453,741 (1)(3)(4) Commodities 2,945 2,945 Other charges and services 120,872 120,872 Capital outlay 629 - 629. Total 567,607 10,580 578,187 Inspection Personnel services 614,464 25,377 639,841 (1)(2)(3)(4) Commodities 15,615 479 16,094. (5) Other charges and services 48,957 48,957 Capital outlay 5,345. - 5,345 Total 684,381 25,856 710,237 General Government Building Personnel services 94,320 {7,820) 86,500 (1)(2) Commodities 37,283 37,283 Other charges and services 202,369 2,639 205,008 (5) Total 333,972 (5,1.81) 328,791 Finance Personnel services .427,075 21,748 448,823 (3)(4) Commodities 9,863 9,863 Other charges and services 92,960 92,960 Capital outlay 21,961 .170,915. 192,876 (11) Total 551,859 192,663 744,522 Human Resources Personnel services. 131,686 14,452 146,138 (2)(3)(4) Commodities 2,405. 2,405 Othercharges and services 36,504 - 36,504 Total 170,595 14,452 185,047 Insurance 165,983 - 165,983 . Police (6)(9) Personnel services 3,789,126 189,180 3,978,306 .(1)(2)(3)(4) Commodities 166,807 16,440 183,247 (5)(6) Other charges and services 466,951 3,521 470,472 (5)(6) Capital outlay - 330,265. 330,265 .(6)(12) Total 4,422,884 539,406 4,962,290 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPfNDIT.URES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Fire Personnel services $ 512,326 $ 34,488 $ 546,814 (1)(2)(14) Commodities 108,853 1,174 110,027 (5) Other charges and services 153,451 - 153,451 Total 774,630 35,662 810,292 Ambulance Other charges and-services 22,407 - 22,407 Engineering Personnel services 572,584 (3,221) 569,363.. (1)(3)(4) Commodities 15,540 1,685 17,225. (5) Other charges and services 68,375 68,375 Capital outlay 34,900 - 34,900 Total 691,399 (1,536) 689,863 Streets Personnel services. 808,898 52,364 861,262 (1)(2)(3)(4) Commodities 371,013 4,.148 375,181 (5) Other charges and services 614,839 - 614,839 To#al 1,794,750 56,512 1,851;262 Parks Personnel services 966,.196 57,597 1,023,793 (1)(2)(3)(4) Commodities 124,925 5,884 130,809 (5) Other charges and services 208,676. 208,676 Capital outlay 4,925 - 4,925 Total 1,304,722 63,481 1,368,203 Recreation Personnel services 213,109 11,682 224,791 (2)(3)(4) Commodities 21,996 3,318 25,314 (15) Other charges and services 118,813 118,813 Capital outlay 8,098 5,952 14,050 (8) Total 362,016 20,952 382,968 GENERAL. FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 2001 2001 ADOPTED AMENDED .BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTES Arts Center Personnel services $ 70,831 $ 3,911 $ 74,742 (2)(3)(4) ..Commodities 4,150 1,544 5,694 (7) Other charges and services 61,935 24,435 86,370 (5)(7) Capital outlay 20,296 - 20,296 Total 157,212 29,890 187,102 Other 454,546 (454,546) - (2)(3)(4)(5) Total General Fund $ 13,179,737 $ 576,730 $ 13,756,467 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE . 2001 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT -NOTES ADJUSTMENT (1) Adjust salary appropriations between various departments as to more accurately reflect actual interdepartmental time spent. Administration 7,732 Committees and Commissions (4,658) Community Development (7,732) General Government Building (8,492) Police 1,658 Fire 800 Engineering (23,325) Streets 10,259 Parks 23,758 Net - (2) Transfer appropriations from Contingency and apply to the following Departments employee health and dental insurance. Public Communications 632 City Administration 1,770 City Clerk 507 . Inspection 3, 757 General Government Building 672 Human Resources.. 1,029 Police 37,411 Fire 1,314 Streets 8,849 Parks 8,063 Recreation 4,079 Arts Center 627 Reduce 200.1 Contingency (68,710) {3) Transfer appropriations from Contingency. and apply to the following Departments for 2001 Market Study including applicable benefits. City Administration 10,419 Community Development 6,212 Inspection 5,401 Finance 6,407 Human Resources 9,434 Police 11,616 Engineering 10,098 Streets - 2,948 Parks 5,322 Recreation 1,690 Arts Center 1,191 Reduce 2001 Contingency. (70,738) CITY OF LAKEVILLE 2001 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES • ADJUSTMENT (4) Transfer appropriations from Contingency and apply to the following Departments for non-union employee cost of living adjustments and union employee contract settlements including applicable benefits. Public. Communications 2,505 City Administration 20,747 City Clerk 2,331 Community Development 12,100 Inspection 16,219 Finance 15,341 Human Resources 3,989 Police 115,137 Engineering 10,006 Streets 30,308 Parks 20,454 Recreation 5,913 Arts Center 2,093 Reduce 2001 Contingency (257,143) • (5) Transfer appropriations from Contingency and apply to the following Departments. Mayor and Council (Council retreat) 2,692 Mayor and CounciF (survey) 3,049 Arts Center (Grand Opening) 19,992 Motor Fuels Inspections 479 Police. 12,979 Fire 1,174 Engineering 1,685 Streets 4,148 Parks 5,884 Building Natural Gas. Committees and Commissions (Historical Society Building) 813 General Government Building (City Hall) 2,639 Police 2,421 Reduce 2001 Contingency (57,955) CITY OF LAKEVILLE • 2001 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES ADJUSTMENT (6) Increase Intergovernmental revenue for a Federal. School Resource Officer grant with an offsetting appropriation to the Police Department for personnel costs,. initial issuance for clothing and equipment. Revenue: Federal COPS MORE grant -SRO (20,800) Revenue: ISD #194 -SRO (4,387) Expenditure: Police Personnel Services 17,718 Expenditure: Police Commodities.(clothing/equipment) 3,461 Expenditure: Police Professional Services (hiring) 1,100 Expenditure: Police Capitaf outlay (vehicle conversion) 2,908 Nef (7) Increase Charges for Services for Arts Center program fees for Art Camp with an offsetting. appropriation. to the Arts Center #or supplies and contractual costs. Revenue: Charges for Services -Art Camp (5,987) Expenditure: Arts Center -Commodities 1,544 Expenditure: Arts .Center -Other Contractual 4,443 Net - • (8) Increase Miscellaneous revenue for donations received during 200.1 with an offsetting appropriation to the Recreation Department. Revenue: Miscellaneous -.Donations (5,952) Expenditure: Recreation Capital Outlay -Senior Center 5,952 Net - (9) Increase Charges for Services revenue for the MN Ironman Tour and an offsetting increase in appropriations as reimbursement for Police Department Personnel services. Revenue: Police Security Charges (5,640) Expenditure: Police Overtime 5,640 Net - (10) Adjust the budgeted January 1, 2001 Fund Balance to reflect the actual December 31, 2000 Fund Balance carryforward. Actual Fund Balance January 1, 2001 6,513,106 Budgeted Fund Balance January 1, 2001 6.527,304 Reduce Fund Balance January 1, 2001 (14,198) 'CITY OF LAKEVILLE 2001 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES ADJUSTMENT (11) The 2001 budget estimate includes the replacement of certain computer hardware and software capital outlay, (a file server, router and switches, upgrades from Windows NT to Windows 2000 upgrades from MS Office 97 to MS Office 2000, Exabyte tape library and various other software packages). Finance -Capital Outlay -computer hardware and software 170,915 Reduce Fund Balance December 31, 2001 (170,.915) (12) The 2001 budget estimate includes the purchase of certain LOGIS computer software upgrades for police development (Dispatch CAD, Records Management and Patrol Mobile Data Computers - MDC's). In addition, the upgrade of the Dakota Heights and McStop radio system. Police -Capital Outlay - LOGIS software upgrades (dispatch/patrol) 307,407 Police -Capital Outlay -Dispatch system radio upgrade 19,950 Reduce Fund Balance December 31,2001 (327,357) (13} The Economic Development Revolving Loan Special Revenue Fund Acquired the Downtown Lakeville Cleaners/Car Wash property in 2001. The General Fund will transfer $25,000 to the Economic Development Loan Fund in 2001 and . the Economic Development Loan Fund will repay the General Fund $15,000 in 2002 and $10,000 in 2003. Transfer to Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund 25,000 Reduce. Fund Balance December 31, 2001 (25,000) (14) Increase Intergovernmental revenue appropriations for State Aid Relief with with an offsetting increase in the fire relief contribution. Revenue: State aid Fire Relief (32,374) Expenditure: State aid Fire Relief contribution 32,374 Net (15) Increase Charges for Services Recreation for Santa's Secret Store revenues with an offsetting appropriation. to Recreation Youth SpeciaF Events for cost of goods sold. Revenue: Charges for Services -Recreation Youth Special Events (3,318) Expenditure: Recreation -Commodities 3,318 Net - 3