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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Marion Conference Room, City Hall
Members Present: Comms. Matasosky, Brantly, Longie, Tushie, Vlasak, Emond,
Smith, Ex- officio member Mayor Mark Bellows, Ex- officio member Chamber of
Commerce Executive Director Todd Bornhauser, Ex- officio member City Administrator
Steve Mielke.
Members Absent: Comms. Schubert, Starfield.
Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Adam
Kienberger, Economic Development Specialist; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Dennis
Feller, Finance Director.
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. in the Marion Conference
Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota.
2. Approve November 23, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Motion 11.01 Comms. Emond /Smith
November 23, 2010
moved to approve the minutes of the
meeting as presented. Motion carried
3. Election of Officers
Chair Matasosky solicited nominations for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and
Secretary of the EDC.
Motion 11.02 Comms. Smith / Emond moved to renew the existing officers of the
EDC for 2011 as follows: Chair, Jack Matasosky, Vice Chair, Gary
Tushie, Secretary, Bob Brantly. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Mielke noted that the City Council is proposing to shift the appointment of
nominees to the various boards and commissions to the first quarter of the year
instead of the end of the calendar year.
4. Discussion of Office Park (OP) Zoning District Uses
David Olson introduced the EDC memo outlining the Office Park (OP) zoning district.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Daryl Morey reviewed the EDC memo and gave a history of the evolution of the
allowed uses within OP zoning district formerly the Corporate Campus (CC) and
Commercial Warehousing (C -W) zoning district.
New Morning Windows, which is located in the Fairfield Business Campus, was
recently listed for sale. An issue has been raised that the zoning of the Fairfield
Business Campus no longer allows manufacturing as a conditional use. Fairfield
Business Campus is zoned OP, Office Park District.
Chair Matasosky indicated that the EDC wasn't aware that the manufacturing use
was removed when the CC district was converted to the newly created OP district.
He added that it was important to make the affected businesses aware of the
Mr. Morey stated that manufacturing was previously allowed as a conditional use
(CUP) in the CC district. CUP's run with the property and are not tied to individual
Comm. Emond asked if a new business occupied the New Morning Windows
property that was not a manufacturing business, would a business somewhere down
the road be able to go back to utilize the existing CUP for the property to begin
manufacturing again.
Mr. Morey responded that he would follow up with the City Attorney to address that
question. [Lakeville City Attorney Roger Knutson has responded with his opinion
that under section 11 -15 -3D of Lakeville City Code the CUP on the property would
expire if it was not utilized for more than a year.]
Mr. Mielke mentioned that one approach to providing for manufacturing in the OP
district would be to try to differentiate between "smokestacks" and "clean"
manufacturing types of businesses.
Ex- officio member Bornhauser asked if the former CC district was the only area of
Lakeville affected by this change.
Mr. Mielke responded that the area just south of the Fairfield Business Campus was
previously zoned CW and is now a part of the new OP district.
Comm. Tushie stated that heavy manufacturing doesn't belong in an office park
setting. Some cities have used the presence of loading docks or a calculation
related to floor space dedicated to manufacturing to separate types of manufacturing
that is allowed in office parks.
Mr. Olson reviewed a handout outlining the changes in the OP zoning district that
was used throughout the zoning ordinance amendment process last year.
Mr. Mielke concluded the discussion by stating that the issue will be discussed by
the Planning Commission at a future meeting and all businesses and property
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
owners potentially impacted by these changes will be notified so that they can be
included in the public review process.
5. Presentation of a Summary of Existing and Previous Tax Increment Financing
(TIF) Districts in the City of Lakeville
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo outlining the historical use of TIF in Lakeville.
Dennis Feller reviewed each of the existing TIF districts along with their original
intentions and then outlined the outcomes and impacts of each district.
Chair Matasosky commented that the report reflected a good demonstration on the
City's return on investment of this economic development tool.
6. Update on Marketing Plan Initiative
Adam Kienberger reviewed EDC memo and recapped the meeting of the Marketing
Mr. Kienberger noted that the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
program is being utilized to fund the initial marketing plan development. It is
proposed that an RFP for a marketing consultant be developed by the
Subcommittee. It was also the recommendation of the Subcommittee to have the
EDC appoint Clinton Kennedy as the fourth member of the Subcommittee.
Several Commissioners complimented a short video City staff had produced the past
spring for the Google Fiber application. It was requested that a link to the video be
shared with the rest of the EDC as an example of a method the City can use to
market itself.
Motion 11.03 Comms. Tushie /Emond moved to appoint Lakeville resident Clinton
Kennedy to the EDC's Marketing Subcommittee and move forward
with the marketing initiative as outlined at the meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
7. Presentation on Proposal from WebQA
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo outlining a proposal the City has received from a
company called to WebQA to partner with the City to produce a value -added
business directory as part of the City's website. The directory would offer Lakeville
businesses an opportunity to have a presence on the City's website while allowing
them to create a "micro- site" to offer coupons, business links, and other value -added
features. The proposal would be part of a three -year contract with the City for no fee
in exchange for the company to solicit web - advertisements from local businesses to
be included on the WebQA portion of the business directory website. Ten percent of
the revenues of the advertisement sales would be shared with the City of Lakeville.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Daryl Morey reviewed the EDC memo and gave a history of the evolution of the
allowed uses within OP zoning district formerly the Corporate Campus (CC) and
Commercial Warehousing (C -W) zoning district.
New Morning Windows, which is located in the Fairfield Business Campus, was
recently listed for sale. An issue has been raised that the zoning of the Fairfield
Business Campus no longer allows manufacturing as a conditional use. Fairfield
Business Campus is zoned OP, Office Park District.
Chair Matasosky indicated that the EDC wasn't aware that the manufacturing use
was removed when the CC district was converted to the newly created OP district.
He added that it was important to make the affected businesses aware of the
Mr. Morey stated that manufacturing was previously allowed as a conditional use
(CUP) in the CC district. CUP's run with the property and are not tied to individual
Comm. Emond asked if a new business occupied the New Morning Windows
property that was not a manufacturing business, would a business somewhere down
the road be able to go back to utilize the existing CUP for the property to begin
manufacturing again.
Mr. Morey responded that he would follow up with the City Attorney to address that
question. [Lakeville City Attorney Roger Knutson has responded with his opinion
that under section 11 -15 -3D of Lakeville City Code the CUP on the property would
expire if it was not utilized for more than a year.]
Mr. Mielke mentioned that one approach to providing for manufacturing in the OP
district would be to try to differentiate between "smokestacks" and "clean"
manufacturing types of businesses.
Ex- officio member Bornhauser asked if the former CC district was the only area of
Lakeville affected by this change.
Mr. Mielke responded that the area just south of the Fairfield Business Campus was
previously zoned CW and is now a part of the new OP district.
Comm. Tushie stated that heavy manufacturing doesn't belong in an office park
setting. Some cities have used the presence of loading docks or a calculation
related to floor space dedicated to manufacturing to separate types of manufacturing
that is allowed in office parks.
Mr. Olson reviewed a handout outlining the changes in the OP zoning district that
was used throughout the zoning ordinance amendment process last year.
Mr. Mielke concluded the discussion by stating that the issue will be discussed by
the Planning Commission at a future meeting and all businesses potentially
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
impacted by these changes will be notified so that they can be included in the public
review process.
5. Presentation of a Summary of Existing and Previous Tax Increment Financing
(TIF) Districts in the City of Lakeville
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo outlining the historical use of TIF in Lakeville.
Dennis Feller reviewed each of the existing TIF districts along with their original
intentions and then outlined the outcomes and impacts of each district.
Chair Matasosky commented that the report reflected a good demonstration on the
City's return on investment of this economic development tool.
6. Update on Marketing Plan Initiative
Adam Kienberger reviewed EDC memo and recapped the meeting of the Marketing
Mr. Kienberger noted that the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
program is being utilized to fund the initial marketing plan development. It is
proposed that an RFP for a marketing consultant be developed by the
Subcommittee. It was also the recommendation of the Subcommittee to have the
EDC appoint Clinton Kennedy as the fourth member of the Subcommittee.
Several Commissioners complimented a short video City staff had produced the past
spring for the Google Fiber application. It was requested that a link to the video be
shared with the rest of the EDC as an example of a method the City can use to
market itself.
Motion 11.03 Comms. Tushie /Emond moved to appoint Lakeville resident Clinton
Kennedy to the EDC's Marketing Subcommittee and move forward
with the marketing initiative as outlined at the meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
7. Presentation on Proposal from WebQA
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo outlining a proposal the City has received from a
company called to WebQA to partner with the City to produce a value -added
business directory as part of the City's website. The directory would offer Lakeville
businesses an opportunity to have a presence on the City's website while allowing
them to create a "micro- site" to offer coupons, business links, and other value -added
features. The proposal would be part of a three -year contract with the City for no fee
in exchange for the company to solicit web - advertisements from local businesses to
be included on the WebQA portion of the business directory website. Ten percent of
the revenues of the advertisement sales would be shared with the City of Lakeville.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Comm. Longie expressed concern over the proposal and inquired as how the
service would be able to pay for itself.
Ex- officio member Bornhauser stated that while it looks like great software, it's not
cheap software, and also wondered how the company would be able to make any
money. It was also discussed how the City should partner more with the Lakeville
Area Chamber of Commerce and include an easier to find link on the City website
linking to the Chamber.
Ex- officio member Bornhauser further stated that the Chamber could work with the
City to do something similar to what WebQA is proposing. However, it would likely
be limited to including only Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce members. It
would also be a burden to the business community to have another company like
WebQA soliciting them for advertisement dollars.
Comm. Longie expressed support of additional Chamber partnership and analyzing
this type of venture as a component of the newly developing marketing plan.
Mr. Olson noted that this no -fee offer may not be available in the future if the EDC
decides to pursue this proposal in several months as part of the new marketing plan.
Comm. Brantly asked if the Chamber were to do a similar type of directory, would it
be used to solicit new Chamber members?
Ex- officio member Bornhauser stated that yes it would be a tool to help increase
Chamber membership.
Vice chair Tushie stated that the proposal sounded like a good idea and should be a
part of the City's marketing plan. It should also be something that includes all
Lakeville businesses and not just Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce members.
Concluding the discussion, the EDC decided to not move forward with the WebQA
proposal at this time, but rather assess how it would fit into the City's overall
marketing plan.
8. Discussion of Spotlight on Business and Other Business Retention Efforts
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo regarding the Community and Economic
Development Department's business retention and expansion programs and efforts.
Mr. Olson sought input as to if staff should re- feature businesses that have been
been Spotlighted in the past as a part of the Spotlight on Business program. Should
the program be shifted to include smaller or more commercial /retail types of
Comm. Longie asked if there was existing criteria as to how businesses are chosen
for the Spotlight program
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Mr. Olson responded that it has been past practice to feature businesses that are
major employers. The original goal of the Spotlight on Business program was to
communicate to the community the benefits of having a strong business community.
Comm. Smith noted that it is often challenging to select a business to feature for the
program as many have already been included in the past.
Mayor Bellows noted that he would like to open up to the businesses and provide
them an opportunity at City Council meetings to have the Council listen to how they
be more business - friendly.
Comm. Smith noted that the program has traditionally featured successful
businesses and would caution shifting the program to become more negatively
focused on business's complaints or issues with the City.
Vice Chair Tushie added that this would be a different type of forum traditionally
offered by the Spotlight on Business program. The Spotlight on Business program
has historically focused on highlighting good stories from the Lakeville business
community and celebrating those successes.
Vice Chair Tushie suggested making the Spotlight on Business program more
geographically based for a period of time. For example, in 2011 Downtown
businesses could be the main focus; maybe work with the Downtown Lakeville
Business Association (DLBA) on this.
Chair Matasosky suggested engaging EDC members for more suggestions for the
program so that staff doesn't have to arbitrarily choose a business to feature each
Comm. Longie suggested working with the Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce on
partnering with them on their business visits.
It was noted that each type of business retention program the City utilizes tends to
have a slightly different focus (Spotlight on Business, Business Retention visits, Out
& About cable TV segment).
Mr. Olson concluded the discussion by stating that staff will begin to develop some
criteria for each program and bring it back to the EDC at a future meeting.
9. Director's Report
Mr. Olson reviewed the Director's Report.
Mayor Bellows stated that the City Council is considering formulating a Financial
Advisory Task Force or Committee to review City budget documents and provide
input on the City budget process.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
Mayor Bellows continued by asking the EDC for suggestions on people who might
be willing to be a part of this "research team" to advise the City Council on budget
Mayor Bellows concluded by stating that as a part of the budget reduction efforts,
$5,000 has been eliminated for a City Council facilitator to guide a strategic planning
process. He asked the EDC if they had any suggestions on someone within the
community who may be able to facilitate a City Council strategic planning process at
no cost.
Several EDC members noted that when Bob Vogel was on the EDC, he served as
the EDC's facilitator for their strategic planning process several times.
Chair Matasosky adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Adam Kienberg ,
Economic D elopment Specialist
Attested to:
R. T. Brantly, Secrefary