HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.iMarch 16, 2011
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the proposal from Barr
Engineering Company to prepare Amendments to Parts 1 and 2 of the Wellhead and Source
Water Protection Plan (WHPP).
Kei h H. Nelson
City Engineer
Item No.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) notified the City that, in accordance with the
Wellhead Protection Rules, the City must amend its WHPP eight years after the date the plan was
last approved, which was April 30, 2004. The City must begin the amendment process by
April 30, 2011, and complete the process by April 30, 2014. Since the last plan approval, Wells
17, 18, and 19 have been added to the public water supply.
Attached is a proposal from Barr Engineering Company providing the scope of the work and cost
estimate to complete the amendments to Parts 1 and 2 of the WHPP. Estimated cost for Part 1
of the WHPP is $11,970, with the possibility of additional project costs in the range of $500 to
$4,000. Estimated cost for completion of Part 2 of the WHPP is up to $15,000 to $23,000.
Included in the proposal is a Work Plan with projected completion dates. Two years seems like a
long time, but this is a lengthy process with several agency review and comment periods.
$50,000 was budgeted from the Water Operating Fund.
Primary Issues to Consider
Supporting Information
e Letter from Karen S. Voz, Department of Health, dated November 1, 2010
• Barr Ea. leering Company Proposal, dated February 22, 2011
Financial Impact: approx. $40,000 Budgeted: Y Source: Water Operating Fund
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
November 1, 2010
Mr. Keith Nelson, Engineer
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, Minnesota 55044
Dear Mr. Nelson:
Karen S. Voz, Planner
Source Water Protection Unit
Environmental Health Division
3333 West Division Street, Suite 212
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans
cc: Mr. foe Richter, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Mr. Bassani Banat, Engineer, Community Public Water Supply Unit, Metro Office
According to our records, th.e city of Lakeville's public water supply is currently implementing
a wellhead protection (WHP) plan, which is in effect until April 30, 2014. The WI1.P rule states
(Minnesota Rules, part 4720.5570, subpart 3) that a public water supplier must begin the process of
reviewing and amending a WI P plan eight years after the date of the last approval of a plan by the-.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), which was April 30, 2004. Because the city of Lakeville
has added three new wells to their public water supply since the last approval of your plan, the city
will begin amending their WHP plan by April 30, 2011, and completing it by April 30, 2014. Starting
one year earlier - will give the city sufficient time to incorporate their new wells into the plan and com-
plete their amendment.
Because the city of Lakeville has completed and submitted to MDH copies of their evaluations on a
yearly basis, the city has already met the rule requirement of submitting an evaluation at the Scoping 1
meeting for the plan amendment (Minnesota Rules, part 4720.5270, subpart 5).
MDH is committed to providing you with a high level of assistance and technical support m this
endeavor. 1 have been assigned as a primary contact and look forward to working with you to
amend your WHP plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at (320) 223 -7322.
General Information: 651- 201 -5000 ® Toll-free: 888-345-0823 m TTY: 651-201-5797 www.health.state.mn.us
An equal opportunity employer
Barr Engineering Company
4700 West 77` Street • Minneapolis, MN 55435 -4803
Phone: 952 - 832 -2600 • Fax: 952 - 832 -2601 • www.barr.com An EEO Employer
February 11, 2011
Mr. Keith Nelson, PE
City Engineer
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
Dear Mr. Nelson:
Minneapolis, MN • Hibbing, MN • Duluth, MN • Ann Arbor, MI • Jefferson City, MO • Bismarck, ND
FEB 1 7,1111
Re: Proposal for Lakeville Wellhead and Source Water Protection Plan Parts 1 & 2
Barr Engineering Company appreciates the opportunity to assist you with preparing amendments to
Parts 1 and 2 of the City of Lakeville's Wellhead and Source Water Protection Plan (WHPP). As you
know, Part 1 of the WHPP includes delineations of the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) and the
Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA), well and aquifer vulnerability assessments,
and associated reporting requirements. In Part 2 of the WHPP, potential contaminant sources within
the DWSMA are identified and management strategies are developed for protecting the aquifer from
which the City obtains its drinking water (i.e., the Source Water Aquifer) from contaminants
associated with these potential contaminant sources. Accordingly, the objective of the work is to
complete Parts 1 and 2 of the WHPP in a manner that meets the requirements of the Minnesota
Wellhead Protection Rules.
We are committed to providing the City of Lakeville with a high level of service and value in wellhead
protection. Our approach is designed to help you protect your drinking water supply and meet the State
requirements for wellhead protection plans in a cost - effective manner.
The following proposal is based on our review of the November 1, 2010 letter you received from the
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), a telephone discussion John Greer of Barr had with Steve
Robertson of the MDH regarding amendment of Part 1 of the City's W1IPP, and our experience with
developing WHPPs and amendments to WHPPs.
Project Scope and Assumptions
We have reviewed the November 1, 2010 letter to you from Karen Voz of the Minnesota Depart-
ment of Health (MDI1) notifying the City that the City's existing WIIPP must be amended. Per the
November 1, 2010 Letter from MDH, the City must begin the process of amending the WHPP by
April 30, 2011 . and complete the process by April 30, 2014.
Mr. Keith Nelson, PE
February 11, 2011
Page 2
The delineation of WHPAs must be done according to the requirements of Minnesota Rules (MR)
4720.5100 to 4720.5590 (the Wellhead Protection Rules). The first step in amending Part 1 of the
City's WHPP is Scoping Meeting No. 1, which is run by MDH staff. Based on the November 1,
2010 letter from M.D.H and our phone conversation with you on January 21, 2011, it is our
understanding that the MDH has not yet scheduled Scoping Meeting No. 1. At the Scoping Meeting,
MDH staff will discuss the criteria required to be used to delineate a WHPA and DWSMA, the data
elements that must be addressed, and the administrative and procedural steps in the process. Because
this meeting has not yet occurred the total scope of services required to meet MD.II requirements is
not defined. Our proposal will provide you with a base cost to perform those tasks that are required
in all plans but will not include costs for some of any project - specific items identified at the Scoping
Meeting that will be required for your plan.
Following Scoping Meeting No. 1, additional milestones for the Part 1 amendment process include:
• Notice of Intent to Amend to Local Units of Government. The City is required to notify
surrounding local units of government of its intent to amend the WHPP, This notification
should go to cities, townships, and watershed districts whose jurisdictions are in the vicinity
of Lakeville as well as Dakota County, and Metropolitan Council. Attached to this proposal
is a Notice of Intent to Amend that you could use to meet this requirement.
• Pre- Delineation Meeting. The MDH technical reviewer will meet with the City's technical
consultant to discuss the planned approach for delineating the WHPA and DWSMA. The
MDI -I technical reviewer fir Part I of Lakevi.11e's WHPP will be Steve Robertson.
• Review of the draft Part 1 Amendment by MDH. Typically, the MDH technical reviewer will
review a draft version of the Part 1 Amendment and provide comments regarding
modifications they want made to the Amendment before it is submitted for final approvaL
Our experience has been that this approach streamlines the review and approval process.
• Submittal of the final Part 1 Amendment to MDH for° approval.
• Copy of approved areas to Local Units of Government. Within 30 days of receiving approval
of the Part 1 Amendment, the City must submit a copy of the delineated WHPA, DWSMA,
and vulnerability assessments to local units of government whose jurisdictions are wholly or
partially within the delineated areas.
• Public Information Meeting. Within 60 days of receiving approval of the Part 1 Amendment,
the City must hold a public information meeting for the general public at which the approved
WHPA, DWSMA, and the vulnerability assessments are available for review by the public.
Our attached cost estimate for amending Part 1 of the WHPP is based on the following assumptions:
• Barr staff will attend. Scoping Meeting No. I. Within 30 days of the Scoping Meeting, the
MDH will send the City of Lakeville a Scoping .Decision Notice that summarizes discussions
at the meeting and identifies requirements for the Part 1 WHPP. The requirements specified
in the Scoping Decision Notice will fully clarify the scope of work needed to meet MDH
requirements. Following the meeting we will submit to the City of Lakeville a modified
Mr. Keith Nelson, P1',
February 1 1 , 2 0 1 1
Page 3
scope and budget document that accounts for any additional tasks identified by the MDH
that will be required for plan approval.
A The City of Lakeville will send the required Notification of .Intent to prepare a WHPP to
surrounding local units of government. We have attached a draft Notification of Intent for
your use, if you so choose.
A The Wellhead Protection Rules require that data from aquifer tests be used to determine
aquifer transmissivity for use in developing Part 1 of the WHPP. Since this project is to
amend an existing WHPP, we have assumed that no pumping test will need to be performed
as part of this work. Rather existing data from tests previously conducted in one or more of
the City's wells can be used to meet this requirement.
A The MDH requires that WHPA delineations include both porous media and fractured media
groundwater flow evaluations in settings where groundwater flow through factures may be
important. For example, groundwater flow through fractures is the main flow path in the
Prairie du Chien aquifer (composed of limestone/dolomite) while groundwater flow through
pore spaces between sand grains is the main flow path in the Jordan Sandstone. Based on
1) our telephone discussion with you, 2) the fact that Lakeville wells pump from the Prairie
du Chien aquifer, and 3) our experience with WHPA delineations for other cities with wells
open to the Prairie du Chien aquifer, we have assumed that both porous media and fractured
media groundwater flow evaluations will be required. Please note that a fractured media flow
evaluation was not required for the original Part 1 WI -1PP. You should be aware that this will
likely significantly increase the size of your WHPA and DWSMA.
A Techniques described in the MDH document "Guidance for Delineating Wellhead Protection
Areas in Fractured and Solution- Weathered Bedrock in Minnesota" will be used to perform
the fractured media groundwater flow evaluations.
A The MPCA's Metropolitan Area Groundwater Model (Metro .Model 1) was used to do
the original Lakeville WHPA delineations. During the preparation of this proposal we
discussed the amendment of Part 1 of Lakeville's WHPP with Steve .Robertson of the MDH,
Mr. Robertson stated that the MDI-I considers Metro Model 1 to no lon1er be appropriate for
use in WHPA delineations because of the way the Prairie du Chien and. Jordan aquifers are
simulated in that model. As a result, significant work would be required to modify Metro
Model 1 so that it would be acceptable to the MDH for WHPA delineations,
Barr Engineering constructed a new groundwater model for the Twin Cities metropolitan area
(Metro Model 2) for Metropolitan Council Environmental services in 2008. We have used
Metro Model 2 as the starting point for several recent Part 1 WHPPs. During our discussion
with Steve Robertson, he stated that Metro Model 2 would be an appropriate model for
performing the porous media groundwater flow portion of the WHPA delineation. We have
assumed that it will not be necessary to modify Metro Model 2 to more accurately represent
geologic details in the vicinity of Lakeville or to adjust hydraulic conductivity of the Prairie
du Chien Group and Jordan Sandstone aquifers in the vicinity of Lakeville. We have assumed
that MDI-1 will require that the model grid be refined in the vicinity of the Lakeville wells.
This grid refinement may require some adjustment of hydraulic conductivity zone boundaries
so that aquifer extents are accurately represented in the model. After completing the grid
Mr. Keith Nelson, PE
February 11, 2011
Page 4
refinement, the updated model will be used for the porous media groundwater flow
evaluation. Based on our experience with using groundwater models based on Metro
Model 2 for WHPA delineations, we have also assumed that the model we propose to use is
sufficiently calibrated for the purposes of this project and that no further calibration will be
y' Based on our experience with preparing Part 1 W.HPPs, we have assumed that model
sensitivity (a.k.a., uncertainty) analysis will be required by MDH. This requirement will be
verified at the Pre - Delineation Meeting.
• In order to eliminate costs associated with travel time we are assuming that the required Pre -
Delineation meeting with MDH staff will be held in Barr's office and will last one hour.
• The MDH will provide well vulnerability assessments for the Lakeville water supply wells.
➢ After completing the WHPA delineations, we will delineate the DWSMA. In order to save
costs we have assumed that the DWSMA delineation will be done using transportation
corridors, political boundaries, and public land survey section/subsection (e.g., quarter -
section) boundaries. Property parcels could be used to delineate the DWSMA and could
result in a somewhat smaller management area. If you prefer to use parcel boundaries for
DWSMA delineation we will assess the additional amount of work involved and provide you
with a revision to our costs.
• Aquifer vulnerability will be assessed for the DWSMA using existing geologic information
such as the county geologic atlas and /or well logs stored in the Minnesota Geological
Survey's County Well Index (CWI). Steve Robertson of the M. DH indicated that while the
Dakota County Geologic Atlas includes a pollution sensitivity map for the Prairie du
Chien /Jordan the fact that the Atlas is nearly 20 years old will require that it be evaluated
against newer information to determine if it is still accurate. Our costs assume that the county
atlas information will be of acceptable accuracy. If it is determined to be necessary to use
other information for the aquifer vulnerability assessment we will provide you with a revions
to our costs.
The 2002 Lakeville Part 1 WHPP indicates that areas of high aquifer vulnerability exist
within the current Lakeville DWSMA. Since the original Lakeville Part 1 WHPP was
completed, MDH has begun requiring that surface water contribution areas for high aquifer
vulnerability zones be included in DWSMA delineations. Therefore, we have assumed that
mapping of a surface water contribution area will be required.
The MDH requires that Part 1 of a WHPP include a listing of property parcels within the
DWSMA (even if parcel boundaries are not used to delineate the DWSMA). We have
assumed that the City will provide or be able to obtain a GIS shapefile of property parcels
that can be used to prepare the parcel listing for the DWSMA.
y The following criteria will be used in the WHPA delineation:
o Time of travel: A 10 -year groundwater time of travel will be used to delineate the
WHPAs for the Lakeville wells. In addition, the one-year groundwater time -of- travel
zone and the inner Wellhead Management Zone around each Lakeville well will also be
delineated, as required by the Wellhead Protection Rules.
Mr. Keith Nelson, PE
February 11, 2011
Page 5
o Flow boundaries: Groundwater flow boundaries such as lakes, rivers, and high capacity
wells will be included in the porous media groundwater flow model used for the WHPA
delineations. As indicated above, we have assumed that no modifications will be
necessary to far field boundary conditions in the groundwater flow model that will be
o Aquifer transrnissivity: As noted above, we have assumed that MDH will not require an
aquifer test as part of this project. Furthermore, we have assumed that the hydraulic
conductivitiesltransmissivities in the groundwater flow model to be used for this project
will not be modified
o Daily volume of water pumped: The daily volume of water pumped by Lakeville's
wells used in the groundwater flow model will be determined by comparisons of annual
water -use totals from the previous five years with projections of annual water use over
the next five years. We have assumed that this water use data will be supplied to Barr by
the City in electronic format such as an Excel spreadsheet.
o Method used to delineate WHPAs: As noted above, we have assumed that the MDH
will require both porous media and fracture flow evaluations.
o Well and aquifer vulnerability: An assessment of well and aquifer vulnerability will be
conducted using available geologic information. We have assumed that the MDH -
supplied well vulnerability assessments for the Lakeville water supply wells will not
require revisions. As noted above, well logs for up to 40 wells will be used in assessing
the aquifer vulnerability within the DWSMA The vulnerability assessment will also
include the preparation of to two geologic cross sections.
Upon completion of the delineations and vulnerability assessments, we will prepare a report
to satisfy the MDH reporting requirements for Part 1 of the WHPP. Our base cost assumes
that the report and associated modeling and GIS files will be delivered in electronic format
on compact disks, per MDH requirements for similar projects on which we have worked.
Printed paper copies of the report can be provided to you at your request for an additional
➢ The Wellhead Protection Rules require that the results of Part I of the WHPP be presented to
the public at a public information meeting. This can be done by City staff. Our base cost
estimate assumes that the City will make this presentation. At your request, John Greer of
Barr can attend and present the results of this work at the public information meeting for an
additional cost.
▪ Schedule: We have assumed that the amendment of Part 1 of the WHPP will be completed
within 120 days (not .including .M.D review period) of notice to proceed.
Our proposed schedule and cost estimate are based on the assumptions discussed above. As
shown on the attached table, our estimated cost for this work is $11,970. It is possible that at
Scoping Meeting No. 1 or the Pre- Delineation Meeting MDH may specify requirements such as
additional geologic detail in the groundwater model, changes to hydraulic conductivity
distribution in the groundwater model, or additional model calibration. Depending upon the scope
of any additional requirements, the additional project cost would likely be in the range of $500 to
$4,000. Based on our extensive experience with preparing Part I WHPPs we don't believe it
M.r. Keith Nelson, PE
February I,1, 2011
Page 6
likely that MDH will require significant work beyond what we have approved but we cannot
completely rule it out at this time. If at Scoping Meeting No. 1 or the Pre - Delineation Meeting
MDH identifies additional requirements that differ from the assumptions outlined above, we will
notify you and provide you with an estimated cost for completing the modifications prior to
WHPP Part 2
Generally within a few months of the public information meeting for Part I of the WHPP, the MDH
will schedule Scoping Meeting No 2 to discuss the amendment of Part 2 of the WHPP. At this
Scoping Meeting, MDH staff will discuss the required inventory of potential contaminant sources,
the data elements that must be must be included in Part 2, and administrative elements related to the
Part 2 WHPP.
One of the main tasks performed during preparation of a Part 2 WHPP is the Potential Contaminant
Source Inventory (PCSI). The types of potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA that must
be inventoried may include wells, storage tanks, hazardous waste generators, chemical
storage /handling facilities, Class V wells, septic systems, dump sites, known spill sites and depends
upon the aquifer vulnerability classifications within the DWSMA. The PCSI process includes
obtaining available information from public {i.e., State, County, or City) databases and verifying
locations. The location verification is very important because the locations of potential contaminant
sources stored in the public databases are not always correct.
Local units of government within the DWSMA must be provided a copy of the draft Part 2 WHPP for
review. The Wellhead Protection Rules require that local units of government be given 60 days to
review the draft Part 2 and provide comments. The City must document comments received from
local units of government and how the comment is addressed in the Part 2 WHPP.
After the Local Unit of Government review period, the City is required to hold a public hearing on
the Part 2 WHPP. This public hearing must be held before the Part 2 WHPP is submitted to MDH for
final review and approval. The Part 2 WHPP must be submitted to MDH for final review no later
than April 30, 2014. Typically, a Part 2 WHPP amendment can be completed (not including final
MDH review) in six to nine months.
The cost to develop Part 2 of the Wellhead Protection Plan will depend on many factors including,
but not limited to, size of the DWSMA, aquifer vulnerability, number and type of potential
contaminant sources within the DWSMA, and project- specific requirements specified by MDH at the
Part 2 Scoping Meeting, For your planning purposes, a typical cost range for Barr to complete Part 2
of a Wellhead Protection .Plan is up to S15,000 to $23,000 depending upon the level of city staff
involvement in Plan development.
Barr Engineering has assisted a number of communities with development of their Wellhead
Protection Plans. A list of completed projects and references is available upon request.
Mr. Keith Nelson, PE
February 11, 2011
Page 7
Project Leadership
Brian LeMon, PE, will be Barr Engineering Company's Principal -In- Charge for this project. As
Principal -in- Charge, Brian will have ultimate responsibility to ensure that you receive quality work
and that the project is completed on schedule and within the project budget. John Greer, PG, will be
Barr Engineering Company's Project Manager for this project. As Project Manager, John will be
responsible for day -to -day management of the project, technical tasks, and coordinating with you and
your staff. Our resumes are available upon request.
We look forward to working on this project with you. if you have any questions please call Brian
LeMon at 952 -832 -2774 or John Greer at 952- 832 -2691
Brian LeM.on, P.E.
Vice President Sr. Hydrogeologist
W:\Business Units "MR \Proposals,2011 `■P013.11 City of Lakeville WPP Amendncnt\Lakeville WHPP proposal.docx
John Greer, P.G.
1 0015
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1 081'2$
091 "E5
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Estimated labor( Hours)
Personnel & 2011 Rates l$ /hr)
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Y.1 '
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Ot tototoctt
'I' 04
John Greer
Sr. Hydrogeologist/
3 7,1
_ .. _ 0015 ` .... _ .
Table 1
Well Head Protection Plan Part 1 Cost Estimate
City of Lakeville
Obtain and review aquifer parameters data
, Pre - Delineation Meeting
lapoW mold hatempuno.19 atepdrt
:moms L lseE
Model modifications
Sensitivity analysis
Task 2 Subtotal
Delineate WHPA and DWSMA, Conduct Vulnerability Assessment
Surface water contribution area mapping
Delineate DWSMA
Conduct aquifer vulnerability assessment
Task 3 Subtotal
I_Jociav Ile.i0
uogngl.itslp etep lapow pue 119 apdwoD
taoday 1
Task 4 Subtotal
Project Administration
1 F 3°.L siefaid
I.-- •
Date: (Insert Date — send: notice (after Scoprng Meeting No. I)
To •
Joe Harris, Chairperson, Dakota County Administra t ion Bldg,
1590 Highway 55, Hastings, MN 55033
Tom Wolf, Chairperson, Scott Count Government Center,
200 Fourth Ave. W., Shakopee, MN 55379
Al Singer, Dakota County Land Conservation Mgr.
14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Keith Buttlernan, Asst. Gen. Mgr., Env. Quality Assurance, Metropolitan Council
390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101 -1805
Chair Leroy Schommer, Credit River Township
18985 Meadow View Blvd., Prior Lake, MN 55372
Chair George Silverness, New Market Township
8950 230 St., Lakeville, MN 55044
Mayor William Droste, City of Rosemount
2875 1.45`'' Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997
Mayor Mary Hamann - Roland, City of Apple Valley
7100 West 147"' St., Apple Valley, MN 55124
Mayor Janet Williams, City of Savage
6000 McColl Drive, Savage, MN 55378
Katherine Carlson, Dakota County Water Resources Dept
14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124 -8579
Lisa Ring, Dakota County Water Planner
14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Robyn Hoerr, MN Rural Water Association
217 12` Avenue SE, Elbow Lake, MN 56531
Chair Terry Holmes, Empire Township
3390 197"' Street West, Faimin.gton, MN 55024
Jill Trescott, Dakota County Water Resources Dept
14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124 -8579
Rick Hanson, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District
4100 220"' Street West, Suite 102, Farmington, MN 55024
Joe Harris, Dakota County, Vermillion Watershed District
1431 Erickson Drive Hastings, MN 55033
Brian Watson, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Manager
4100 220 Street West, Suite 102, Farmington, MN 55024
Chair Jeff Otto, Eureka Township
25580 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN 55044
Mayor Todd Larson, City of Farmington
430 3r Street, Farmington, MN 55024
From: Keith Nelson, City Engineer, City of Lakeville
Re: City of Lakeville Wellhead Protection Program
The City of Lakeville is notifying neighboring and overlying units of government of its intent to
amend our state - approved wellhead protection plan. The purpose of the amendment is to include
new wells that are now part of the public water supply system. The goal of a wellhead protection
plan is to prevent human caused contaminants from entering our water supply wells and to
protect all who use our water supply from adverse health effects associated with groundwater
contamination. This notice is required by the Minnesota Wellhead Protection Rule 4720, part
The entire project will take three years to complete. Public informational meetings will be held
later this year and in 2012.
In accordance with the wellhead protection rule, the following information must be included in
this notice:
1. Wellhead protection manager: Keith Nelson, PE, City Engineer
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
(952) 985 -4500
2. Unique well numbers: 207725, 207708, 207727, 212650, 241440, 161409, 161439, 433296,
554192, 554193, 554215, 562991, 596650, 603073, 651737, 655907, 694913, 745558, 686288
3. Date wellhead protection plan must be completed: April 30, 2014
4. General prof ect work plan See attached work plan
5. Missing data elements needed for wellhead protection plan: The City of Lakeville is
compiling existing subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic information, water use information,
well use and location information, and water quality information that will be used, as necessary,
to prepare the City's wellhead protection plan. If you have information related to any of these
data elements please provide a copy to me.
Also, if available, please provide us with: 1) any existing water and related land resource plans
and official controls; and 2) a description of conflicts, problems, or opportunities that you feel
are pertinent to the development of our wellhead protection plan.
If you have any questions, please contact Keith Nelson at (952) 985 -4500. Thank you for your
assistance in our wellhead protection efforts.
Any existing information (plans, controls, policies) related to water resources and land -use
issues, concerns or opportunities that you feel are pertinent to the development of the wellhead
protection plan, please contact (Nanxe of the wellhead protection coordinator), Wellhead
Protection Coordinator. Also, if you have any questions, please contact (wellhead protection
coordinator) at (phone number). Thank you for your assistance in our wellhead protection
cc: Trudi Witkowski, Minnesota Department of Health -SWP Unit
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, MN. 55164 -0975
*Letter From MD11 Initiating Plan Development
Scoping 1 Meeting Held
WHP Manager Appointed
Notice of Plan Development Sent to Local Units of Government (LUGs)
*MDH Scoping Decision (Letter)
Prepare Aquifer Test Plan and Submit to MDH
*MDH Approval of Test Plan
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) Delineation
Drinking Water Supply Management Area ( DWSMA) Delineation
Conduct Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability and DWSMA Submitted to MDH
*MDH Approval of DWSMA, WHPA and Vulnerability Assessments
Vulnerability, WHPA and DWSMA Submitted to LUGs
Public Meeting Held
Scoping 2 Meeting Held
Wellhead Protection Team Appointed
*MOH Scoping Decision (Letter)
Inventory of Potential Source Contamination
Management Portion of Plan'
Submit Plan to LUGs
Consider Comments Received by LUGs
Public Hearing Held
Submit Plan to MDH
*MDH Revie
*MDH Approval
Provide Notice to LUGs About Plan Approval
Begin Plan Implementation
Highlighted text denotes steps completed by MDH
tlne;�t person Co�xpletingfihtsor
City of Lakeville WORK PLAIN
Projected Completion
Date (Month /Year)
November 1, 2010 .
April 2011
April 2011
May 2011
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
May — July 2011
July 2011
July 2011
August 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
February 2012
February 2012
March 2012 .
April -- July 2012
May -- July 2012
August 2012
September — October 2012
November 2012
November, 2012
November 2012 - February
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
Prepare response to impact of changes on PWS well; issues, problems and opportunities; WHP goals; objectives
and plan of action; evaluation program; alternate water supply; contingency strategy.
Incorporate response to comments in plan.