HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-141 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date September 1J, 2001 Resolution 01-141 Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By Luick RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2002. GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by, the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following. , General Fund Budget is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002. 2002 REVENUES General propertytaxes $ 5,762,11? Licenses and permits 2,280,838 Intergovernmental revenue 1,031,904 Charges for services 1,530;243. Court fines 184,755. Miscellaneous 390,750: Interfund transfers 380,943 Total. Revenues 14,561,550 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council 92,670 Public Communications 141,774 City Administration 260,152 City Clerk 125,621 Legal 84,960 Committees/Commissions. 73,236 Community Development. 605,882 Inspection 726, 370 General Government Building 342,559 Finance 586,661 Human Resources 218,077 Insurance 206,002 Police 5,.024, 003 Fire 777,048 (continued) r RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2002 EXPENDITURES (continued) Ambulance $ 2.1,564 Engineering 719,826. Streets 1,995,521 Parks 1,478,232 Recreation 359,484 Arts Center 2.13,686 Other 331,592 Total Expenditures '(4,384,920 Net Increase/(Decrease) 176,630 Fund Balance, January 1 5,914,135 Transfer to Employee Benefit Fund. (50,000) Fund Balance, December 31 $ 6,040.,765 APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, #his 17th day of September, 2001. CITY ?OF KEVILL BYY~ Robert D ohnson, Mayor TTEST: ~ , CharleneFriedges, City C k GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 2002 TAXES Property taxes -current $ 7,408,955 Property taxes -delinquent 50,957 Fiscal disparities 1,230,345 Mobile home tax- 31,851 Gravel tax 40,009 Total Taxes.. $ 8,762,117 LICENSES AND PERMITS Trash removal $ 450 ..Dog 14,025 Signs 4,350 Dances (cabaret) 100 On-sale liquor 25,200 .Sunday .liquor 1,600 Club special business 1,150 Non-intoxicating liquor on 1,500 Non-intoxicating. liquor off 600 y{ Wine 1,500 Tree removal 450 Tattoo/piercing 600 Arcade (amusement device) 1,470 Miscellaneous 1,085 Total Licenses 54,080 Plan review fees 753,638 Building 1,254,227 Plumbing 83,612 Water and sewer 51,486 Mechanical 65,465 Fence ' 5,480 Moving ' 300 Street cutting. 4,450 Grading/Filling 900 Gravel 6,2:75 Driveway 750 Fire burning 25 Miscellaneous 150 Total Permits 2,226,758 Total Licenses and Permits $ 2,280,838 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES • 2002 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Local government aid $ 499,096 State-aid police 224,312 State-aid fire relief: 123,323 State-aid streets. 64,395 State-aid pensions 29,137 Police grant -.POST 19,008 Police grant -COPS FAST 9,500 Police grant -.SRO 41,700 Police grant - CPSO 7,183 Police grant -Drug Task Force 14,050 Snowmobile trail maintenance grant 200 .Total intergovernmental $ 1,Q31,904 CHARGES FOR SERVICES General Government Rezoning fees $ 2,000 Platting fees 13,005' Variance fees 1,000 PUD application fees 1,000 CUP fees 3,800 Home occupation fees 900 Planner fees 37,941 - Inspection fees 11,750 Generai government service charge 965 Tree escrow fund administration 28,738 Lodging tax fee 6,133 Investment management fees 21,626 Sale of maps/copies 2,055 Sale of`history bookslresident guidebook fees 30 Sale of printed material 700 Finance charges 500 Totaf General Government. ; 132,143 ,GENERAL FUND - SCHEDULE OF REVENUES • 2002 Public Safety Police department charges $ 35,706 Police dispatching 136,108 DARE - ISD 194/196 contributions 49,265 DARE -Donations 1,250 SRO - ISD 194 contribution 39,928 Animal pickup 3,045 Animal storage 5,765 Animal rabies 2,920 Restitution 400 Forfeiture -sale of assets 9,200 Fire contracts 23,509 ALF Ambulance -Administrative 33,020 Total Public Safety 340,116 Public Works Engineering platting -.preliminary 48,000 Engineering platting -final 7,500 ...Engineering plane review fees 8,000 Engineering drawing/base maps 23,040 Engineering developer inspection fees 10,225 Engineering developer contract administration 214,170 Engineering improvement project design. variable 70,000 Engineering improvement project construction inspection: 78,750 Special assessment admin charge 107,971 Special assessment searches 250. Document/map sales 2,.300 Bid plans/specs deposits 1,100 Street. department charges 500 Street lights 306,952 Credit River -Judicial road maintenance 3,610 .Developer street signs install 16,997 Total Public Works 899,365 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES • 2002 Parks and Recreation Recreation activities Youth. activities $ 13,621 Youth activities donations 325 Youth special events 11,375. . Youth special eventsdonations 75 Adult activities 40,260 Adult activities donations 500 Puppet wagon donations 3,600.' Safety Camp -2,000 Safety Camp donations 2,250 Senior Center donations 400 Manufactured homeprogram 720 Ritter Farm Park ELC 5,645 Excursions 8,400 Tennis lessons 4,400 Total Recreation activities 93,571 Park rental/maintenance/tournament fees 13,000 Senior Center 2,113 Total Parks and Recreation 108,684 Arts Center Program fees 26,355 Facility rental 23,580 Total Arts Center 49,935 Total Charges for Services $ 9,530,243 GENERAL FUND SCHEDU-LE O-F REVENUES • 2002 COURT FINES Court fines $ 181,808 Court fines -DARE 2,947 Total Fines. $ 184,755 MISCELLANEOUS Interest on investments $ 250,007 Sale of assets 86,720 Park rental farming - Berres 250 Donations 2,800 Rentals Dakota Heights water. tower 50,973 Total Miscellaneous $ 390,750 • INTERFUND TRANSFERS Cable TV Fund $ 10,781 G.LS. Fund 4,077 Surface Water Management Fund 31,740 E-911 Fund ' 20,680 Municipal Reserves Fund 32,988 Liquor Fund (Police Patrol) 33,914 .Liquor Fund (MIS) 22,014 Liquor Fund (DARE Program) 38,728 Liquor Fund (HR) 38,626 Utility fund 121,474 Utility Fund (M1S} 13,045 Utility Fund (HR) ` 12,876' Total lnterfund Transfers $ 380,943 Total. General .Fund $ .14,561,550 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES • 2002 Mayor and Council Personnel services $ 51,354 Commodities 500 Other charges and services 40,816 Total 92,670 Public Communications Personnel services 108,377 Commodities 840 Other charges and services 31,280 - Capital outlay 1,277 Total 141.,774 City Administration Personnel services 241,313 Commodities 1,065 Other charges and services 16,608 Capital outlay 1,166 Total 260,152 Cit Clerk Y ,Personnel services 74,340 Commodities 4,125 Other charges and services 40,865 Capital outlay 6,291 Total 125,621 Legal... 84,960 Committees/Commissions Personnel services 37,398 Commodities 1,450 Other charges and services 34,388 Total 73,236 Community Development Personnel services 467,040 Commodities 4,090 Other charges and services 933,424 Capital outlay. 1,328 Total 605, 882 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDJTIJRES 2002 Inspection Personnel services $ 644,851 Commodities 17,215 Other charges and services 46,696 ..:Capital outlay 17,608 Total 726,370 General Government Building Personnel services. 91,900 Commodities 44,820 Other charges and services 205,839 Total 342,559 Finance Personnel services 454,185 Commodities 12,146. Other charges and services 109,574 Capital outlay 10,756 Total 586,661 Human Resources Personnel services 165,156 Commodities 2,763 Other charges and services 49,892 Capital outlay 266 Total 218,077 Insurance 206,002 Police Personnel services 4,281,811 Commodities 175,478 Other charges and services 566,714 .Total 5,024,003.. Fire Personnel services 536,033 Commodities' 75,690 Other charges and services 165,325 Total 777,048 • Ambulance Other chargesand services 21,564 GENERAL FUND. SGHEbULE OF-EXPENDITURES 2002 Engineering Personne4 services $ 576,484 Commodities 17,860 Other charges and ervices 73,130 Capital outlay 52,352 Total 719,826 Streets Personnel services 886,757 Commodities 438,924 Other charges and services 667,561 Capital outlay 2,279 Total 1,995,521 Parks Personnel services 1,045,868 Commodities 156,492 Other charges and services 273,268 Capital outlay 2,604 Total... 1,478,232 Recreation Personnel services 234,569 Commodities. 21,164 Other charges and services 97,834 Capital outlay.... 5,917 Total 359,.484 Arts Center Personnel. services 112,793 Commodities 11,426 Other charges and services 75,894 Capitaloutlay 13,573 Total 213,686 Contingency Salaries. and benefits -Union 67,1:64. Salaries and benefits -Non-union 145,533 Health insurance increase 43,895. Unallocated expenditures (e.g., emergencies) 75,000 Total 331,592 Total Generaf Fund $ 14,384,920.