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Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2011
Marion Conference Room, City Hall
Members Present: Comms. Matasosky, Brantly, Longie, Tushie, Vlasak, Emond,
Schubert, Ex- officio member Mayor Mark Bellows, Ex- officio member Chamber of
Commerce Executive Director Todd Bornhauser, Ex- officio member City Administrator
Steve Mielke.
Members Absent: Comms. Smith, Starfield.
Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Penny
Brevig, Recording Secretary.
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. in the Marion Conference
Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota.
2. Approve January 25, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Chair Matasosky suggested the following change to the January 25, 2011 meeting
minutes on page 2, the last paragraph:
"Mr. Mielke concluded the discussion by stating that the issue will be discussed
by the Planning Commission at a future meeting and all business and property
owners potentially..."
Motion 11.04 Comms. Tushie /Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the
January 25, 2011 meeting as amended. Motion carried
3. Presentation of 2010 Annual Report
Mr. Olson presented the 2010 Annual Report. Chair Matasosky asked about the
occupancy in the Meadowlark Townhomes, which are workforce housing units. Mr.
Olson indicated that they are fully occupied with a waiting list.
Mayor Bellows asked if Dakota County asks the potential residents of Meadowlark
Townhomes how long they have been a resident in Lakeville. Mr. Olson did not
know if this was a consideration or not.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2011
Mr. Olson commented that the numbers can be skewed for some of the metro city's
housing unit numbers in years when they have one or more multi family projects
being built.
4. Update on Marketing Plan Subcommittee
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo which provided an update on the activities of the
Marketing Subcommittee. He indicated that the newly appointed Subcommittee
member was Clinton Kennedy. Mr. Olson stated that they will continue to meet
approximately twice per month and update the entire EDC at regular intervals to
inform them of their progress and see input as needed. Mr. Olson indicated that due
to Mr. Kienberger's absence, he would like to reschedule Thursday's meeting.
Chair Matasosky and Comm. Brantly thought the Subcomittee had made a good
start and are overall excited about this.
Mr. Mielke asked how much funding will be anticipated for this project. Mr. Olson
indicated that it will be a two -phase approach; strategy and then implementation.
Mr. Mielke asked the Subcommittee to come up with how much money would need
to be secured for the 2012 budget.
5. Continued Discussion of Tax Increment Financing Policy
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo and requested comments and feedback
regarding the proposed TIF Policy.
Chair Matasosky commented that all inquiries that APPRO Development gets these
days ask for incentives.
The Commission felt that TIF was an excellent incentive, but agreed that everything
that the City can offer as incentives should be put together into one tool box to offer
prospects. Other ideas, which may not all be financial incentives, would be targeting
for medical providers and business schools, promoting the amount of land available,
developing regional stormwater ponding. A suggestion was made that there may be
more value in having regional stormwater ponding rather than small ponds
everywhere, and that way, the City would take care of that rather than individual
Mr. Olson indicated that staff will bring this back to the next EDC meeting with a
more comprehensive approach.
6. Continued Discussion of Business Retention Program Guidelines
Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo, which indicates a couple options for the
Spotlight on Business program and staff's recommendation regarding the Business
Visit program. He asked for input on the suggested business retention program
guidelines which were outlined in the memo.
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2011
The Commission decided that geographic location would be the best option for
spotlighting businesses. Mr. Olson indicated that he will concentrate on the
Downtown area in the next six months then. The suggestion was made that perhaps
Todd Bornhauser from the Chamber of Commerce could come to the City Council
meetings and promote the new businesses. Mr. Bornhauser agreed that highlighting
the new businesses would be good, whether it's on television, press releases, or on
the Chambers, City of Lakeville's, or the new www.lakeville,patch.com websites.
Chair Matasosky excused himself from the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
7. Director's Report
Mr. Olson reviewed the Director's Report. He commented on the Malt -O -Meal
expansion that was on the February 17, 2011 Planning Commission agenda. Mr.
Olson stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of a consent
resolution by the City to allow Malt -O -Meal to expand their parking lot as well as
possibly construct a second building on property they acquired form New Morning
Windows that contains a conservation easement. He indicated that Malt -O -Meal has
agreed to provide an increased landscaped buffer to the north, which will include 20
foot tall White Pines. Malt -O -Meal has also agreed to limit the height of any future
buildings to two stories. Mr. Olson stated that the City Council is scheduled to
consider this at their March 21, 2011 meeting.
8. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
Attested to:
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R. T. raptly, Secretary