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MARCH 10, 1988
The meeting was ..called to order by Diane MacGbbon, Chairperson
at 7:10 p.m. in the Lakeville High School cafeteria.
Roll call of members was taken. Present; Whitehouse,
Whittingham, MacGibbon, Sizer, Miller, Walters. Absent:
Langhorst. -
Also-present was Alan'-Brixius,°City Planner, .Roger Knutson, City
Attorney, Jim Robinette, Community Development Director, Mira
Holliday, Recording Secretary and Pat Goff of Goff Homes, Inc.
.There .were 86 residents of the. Valley Park area present.
The .public hearing to. consider the application of Goff Homes,
.Inc. for 42, 6 unit condominium buildings to be known as
Lakeview Manor was continued from the March 3, 1988 .Planning...
Commission meeting..
..Chairperson MacGibbon gave a brief overview of the meeting
schedule.. Jim Robinette explained application and processing
requirements 'and .procedures. Roger; Knutsongavea presentation
on, legal requirements., explaining Planning .Commission"responsi
blities. Alan Brixius: gave a detaledreview,of the Lakeview.
Manor project. He explained the zonng_of the area, using
..visual aids and stated that the property in question had been
zoned for. multiple dwellings in 1972. He also: reviewed
landscaping and the park land dedication,`statng that the Park
and Recreation Committee had recommended a cash contributian.
Mr. Pat Goff gave a presentation on his proposed project,'
discussing the price- of the units which will be around $55,000.
He addressed concerns of the neighboring property owners which
had been expressed at the last meeting. These_includedsafety,
devaluation of the property, homeowners association by-laws,
floor plans, number of children expected to reside in the units
and the projection that 75% of the 'residents would be single
Mr. Jeff Bry, representing the group from Valley Park presented
a peti ion to the Planning Commission that had 621 signatures
from:Valley Park residents expressing their disapproval of the
proposed project. He proceeded with a detailed presentation of
the objections of the group to the project including:
- A letter from the princpal'of Parkview Elementary School
stating; the school: is .one classroom, short at this time.
- Their concern is not-over the appearance of the buildings,;
but the density. -
MARCH 10, 1988
- Their concern is not over the type of people that would
purchase. the units, .but he quantity of. people ghat ,would
reside there.
.Information received .from the DNR indicated that ..the area had
protected wetland.
- E.A.W. indicates that there are currently.3 acres of wooded
area and after the project is built there would. be none:
Concern over police protection in such'`high density area.
- Property values -loss of .equity. in the neighboring single
family homes.
Mr. Darwin Ray of Coldwell Banker discussed market data he had
.accumulated concerning.. this .area. He opinion. was that the Goff
development would be adetriment to the future sale of homes in
that area.
Mr. Bry continued with his presentation, ,discussing the benefit
to the Gty concerning taxes if the .area. in question was
Mr: Lonnie Cole a forme resident of Shannon Townhomes dis-
• cussed the problems in that area including vandalism, :the
devaluation of his-property and difficulty in resale.
Joyce Whittman distributed to the :Commission. copies` o£ relative
sections of the Comprehensive Plana She questioned the R-7
zoning.. of .the area. Alan Brixius responded. She also discussed-
various issues outlined in-the E,A.W. She provided pictures of
.drainage along .:County Road 46. She had questions concerning
-the requested conditional use permit.. Alan Brixius°explained
>the reason for ;the permit being .the design of the buildings.
He also explained the planned ,unit .development.
Thee Commission members then addressed concerns and questions to
the City staff such as-;
- .Parking.
-_Outside storage.
- Lack of'storm shelter (basements)
Water runoff into Valley Lake
- Snow storage;
- Traffis issue on County Road 46
-Homeowners Association by-laws
- Units remaining owner occupied
- One child rule for condominiums
Electrical-wiring for central air conditioning on side
of buildings
1 r
MARCH 10, 1988
- Possibility of protected wetlands in-the area
- Less density
Jim Robinette stated that the E.A.W. is in the hands of
numerous state agencies and they will respond with the 30 day
comment period. Theseresponses'will then be reported to the
Commission and City.. Council. He stated that the other concerns
of the Commission will have. to be worked out:. between the City
.staff and.. the developer.
The floor was then opened for public comment. and questions.
Several citizens voiced their concerns which included: "
- The holding-pond and runoff
- Drainage ditches
- Fire protection in regard to the street layout
- Protection of Valley Lake
- Parking
- Storage
- Possibility of upgrading the property
- Possibility_of the units.. becoming rental units
- Screening
- County Road 46
-Overcrowding of schools
-..Possibility of area being protected wetlands
• Roger Knutson was asked to ex lain what .the ublic could do to
have the property rezoned for-single farm y units. He ex-
planed that the City Councilwould have to .direct the .Planning
Commission to review.. the matter and make a recommendation.
Several. citizens stated they .would like.. to formallg request the
City Council to take that action.
88.49 Motion was made by Sizer, secondedby Miller to continue the
public hearing to March 31, 1988 ,to allow further meetings
:between. `the City staff and the develope°r in an effort to
Roll`:. call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous
The Commission directed staff to address the following ssuesr
- Wetlands
_ Storm shelter.
- Screening
- Access to Cedar Ave.
..More parking space
- Storm swale relocation
- Green space
- A comment from the Fire .Marshall
- 9 comment from the Police Chief
-,Response from the E.A.W.
MARCH 10-,_ 1988
r -Outside storage
-Obtain report from:Gty Engineer
- Larger scale drawings of project
8.50 Motion was made. by Sizer, seconded by Miller to adjourn the
Voice vote was taken. on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous.
Respectfully submitted:
ira Holliday, Recording Se etary
lane MacGibbon, Chairperson